Neither a capitalist nor a merchant, he combined in some degree the functions of both, added to them the greater function of industrial manager, and received from great business concerns a high premium for his talent and foresight.
Laws, machinery, credits, courts, and constabulary are indirect methods whereby the capitalist keeps possession of his property.
This method sets itself in opposition to the methods of the capitalist in retaining control of industry, which is spoken of as indirect action.
Our activity as Socialist agitators is a necessary result of the development of capitalist industry just as much as the Trust is.
No one disputes that the Capitalist system is breaking down.
What we may anticipate," says Engels, "about the adjustment of sexual relations after the impending downfall of capitalist production is mainly of a negative nature and mostly confined to elements that will disappear.
The modern representative State is the tool of the capitalist exploiters of wage labor.
This was clearly pointed out by a capitalist writer in an essay in a recent number of the Atlantic Monthly, who warned the capitalist opponents of McKinley, Destiny & Co.
This fact has been skilfully hidden from the eyes of the workers in the past, but the modern socialist movement, aided by the growing brutality of the capitalist class, is making it impossible to fool them in this way much longer.
The Middle Class, even down to those who are just a round above the proletarians on the social ladder, love to ape the very rich and the capitalist magnates.
While the capitalist is accumulating money, the foresight and self-restraint of the workmen enables them to accumulate votes, which in the long run are worth even more.
It was men of this class, thecapitalist employers, the merchants and traders who were the mayors and aldermen, who ruled the city.
There were a few capitalist merchants, many traders, and thousands of employed workpeople, skilled and unskilled.
Eighty or a hundred years ago, moreover, the professor, with his salary of a thousand dollars yearly was a nabob of wealth in a city where there were not ten merchants and not one retired capitalist who could boast an equal income.
The disappearance of these bodies does not mean the disappearance of 'controls,' but the controls will now be exercised in considerable part through vast private Capitalist Trusts dealing with oil, meat, and shipping.
In other words we shall get a form of internationalism in which the international capitalist Trust will control the Government instead of the Government's controlling the Trust.
There is no reason whatever to doubt the genuineness of the internationalism that we associate with the Manchester School of Capitalist Economics.
If you had said that to those capitalist economists, there would not have been one who would have admitted the possibility of the thing, or regarded the forecast as anything but rubbish.
Incidentally we see nations not yet brought under capitalist organisation (e.
Even so, it is the unseeing popular passion that furnishes the capitalist with his arm, and is the factor of greatest danger.
Suppose before the War you had collected into one room all the great capitalist economists in England, and had said to them: 'During the next few years you will withdraw from normal production five or six millions of the best workers.
The modern growth of monopolies in the shape of trusts, cartels, federations of employers and so on has greatly increased the power of the capitalistto levy toll on the community.
I think there is danger in the attempt to use the machinery of the present capitalist state for socialistic purposes.
But the line of demarcation between capitalist and wage-earner is not sharp, like the line between Turk and Armenian, or between an Englishman and a native of India.
The evils which they produce at home, and the devastation that they spread among the races whom they exploit, are part of the price which the world has to pay for its acquiescence in the capitalist régime.
This tendency will not cease of itself, but only through definite action on the part of those who do not profit by the capitalist régime.
Unfortunately the distinction between the proletariat and the capitalist is not so sharp as it was in the minds of socialist theorizers.
Despite political democracy, there is still an extraordinary degree of difference in the power of self-direction belonging to a capitalist and to a man who has to earn his living.
Tell me rather about this new acquaintance of yours, this bubbling capitalist whom you have invented and set up in your midst during my unsuspecting absence," said Etheridge.
This was the opportunity vouchsafed the capitalist class.
Debs says: "So far as this struggle is concerned, there is no good capitalist and no bad working-man.
The capitalist class has managed society, and its management has failed.
Few members of the capitalistclass see the revolution.
Parasites themselves on thecapitalist class, serving the capitalist class by moulding public opinion, they, too, cluster drunkenly about the honey vats.
The capitalist class offers nothing that is clean, noble, and alive.
War was declared upon the capitalist masters of the nation.
The capitalist class had an opportunity such as was vouchsafed no previous ruling class in the history of the world.
The capitalist class, blind and greedy, grasping madly, has not only not made the best of its management, but made the worst of it.
No overthrown ruler or class in the past ever considered the revolution that overthrew it, and so with the capitalist class of to-day.
This wealth was never created because the capitalist class managed too wastefully and irrationally.
The capitalist class has mismanaged, is to-day mismanaging.
The capitalist class is as blind to-day to the menace of the revolution as it was blind in the past to its own God-given opportunity.
The keen-eyed capitalist liked the General, and in a way honored him greatly.
Something in Keith's assurance went further with the shrewd-eyed capitalistthan his politeness had done.
Then plate glass for coaches, mirrors, and windows became manufactured in England; this new industry was organized on capitalist lines.
In this system, the worker usually owned his own machinery and the capitalist owned the material, which he put out to the worker at home.
The first major capitalist industries were coal mining, iron mining, and foreign trade because they all needed large investments, and thus joint-stock company organization.
These industries for manufacturing were organized on capitalist lines rather than being subject to guilds.
The capitalist organization of the mining, glass manufacture, salt, soap, wire and other monopolized industries was made possible only by government support.
But it is equally true that the capitalist system, presented in an ideal and moralized form in the Utopias of St. Simon and Comte, is not generally accepted now as an ideal for industry.
The capitalist has no country, and he knows, if he be of the modern type, that arms and conquests and jugglery with frontiers serve no ends of his, and may very well defeat them.
The Argentine merchant and the British capitalist alike regard the Trade Union as a possible enemy--whether British or Argentine matters to them less than nothing.
Let it be retarded, then; for why should the capitalist have two chances to the trader's one?
A capitalist might lend on bottomry or on personal security; but, if he did so, he ran a great risk of losing interest and principal.
But the care taken by the capitalist to shield her from imposture indicated a person of wealth.
It was a Sabbath morning in early spring that he was returning from an ineffectual attempt to enlist a capitalist at the county town to redeem the fortunes of Blazing Star.
I'm sure that if any capitalist were disposed to undertake the commercial part of it, there would be very little difficulty about the concession.
I believe he thinks that there is scope for the capitalist here.
It would mean every Capitalist being prosecuted for saying that Socialism is robbery and every Socialist for saying property is theft.
The change is partly the disillusion produced by the unveiling of capitalist civilization, but partly also Dickens's discovery of the gulf between himself as a man of genius and the public.
There was nothing strange in the South American capitalist selecting a private office in so popular a locality.
But what could the scheming capitalist want with the land, equally useless--as his uncle had proved--for mining purposes?
One imagines that if he chose to sell his services to a capitalist organization or state he could easily become a “big man.
On the ruins of the demolished capitalist system, the proletariat of Russia has taken upon itself the task of building up a new, Socialist Russia.
Depict the horrors of the capitalist galleys, call upon the workers to revolt, fling into the face of the black Duma the name of ‘scoundrels and exploiters.
If wages signify value, no plunder of the working class by the capitalist is possible.
The budding capitalist buys on the contrary what he does not want himself, he buys to sell, and to sell for a higher money value than he put into the business, he makes a money profit, and this profit Marx calls surplus value.
Our budding capitalist who buys labor force for his business, that is hires a laborer, pays this laborer the full daily value of his labor force, if he pays him a sum of money which represents six hours of labor.
But it is the capitalist system which first brings about the economic crisis.
The entire capitalist class of a country cannot overreach itself.
If the laborer has only expended six hours in the service of the capitalist he has got the full return of his expenditure, the day's value of his labor-force has been paid.
According to Marx, the surplus product does not have any cost of production, it is the part of the product which costs the capitalist nothing.
The underconsumption of the masses is a necessary condition of all forms of society in which robbers and robbed exist, and therefore of the capitalist system.
We have here then the three classes of bourgeois society, and the income which each receives--the private landlord in the form of ground-rent, the capitalist in that of profit and the laborer in the form of wages.
Now let us consider that the capitalist who employs this worker takes a profit on this product and sells it for four marks.
By 1875 the capitalist nations were in a mad race to determine which one should dominate the capitalist world and have first choice among the undeveloped portions of the earth.
Hawaii The new capitalist interests began to feel the need of additional territory toward the end of the nineteenth century.
Here were countries with the amplest, richest resources; countries open for capitalist development.
Capitalist imperialism has not benefited the British workers.
Bolshevism threatened the very existence of capitalism and as such its destruction became the first task of the capitalist world.
With vast stores of all the necessary resources, amply equipped with capital, the country has entered the field as the most dangerous rival that the other capitalist nations must face.
After Versailles it is the United States versus Great Britain for the control of the capitalist earth.
Unless the power of labor is strong enough to turn the blow, or unless the capitalists decide that the safety of the capitalist world depends upon their getting together and dividing the plunder, the result is inevitable.
Capitalism makes these demands upon the rulers of capitalist society.
Great Britain is the foremost exponent and practitioner of capitalist imperialism.
Great Britain is the most successful of the capitalist states.
France and Britain, as well as Germany and Austria, werecapitalist Empires.
The Peace embodies the essential economic morality of capitalist imperialism, the morality of "Eat or be eaten.