Well, I went to see them break up for the holidays, and only got over my antediluvianfeelings by seeing one of the masters still on the staff who was there when I was a boy.
They gave me what they called a beefsteak pie--a tough crust and under it some blackish cubes carved out of the muscle of an antediluvian ox-and for this delicious fare and a glass of stout I paid three shillings and odd pence.
Tallyho, "were the antediluvian age restored, and we daily perambulated the streets of this immense Metropolis during a hundred years to come, I firmly believe that every hour would bring a fresh accession of incident.
Presently its outline became more defined, and it turned out to be a canoe instead of an antediluvian monster, with Big Waller and Bounce acting the part of legs to it.
At a distance it looked like one of those horrible antediluvian monsters one reads of, with a lank body, about thirty feet long.
The greater part of it was the ancient bed of a mountain torrent, whose gushing waters had, owing to some antediluvian convulsion of nature, been diverted into another channel.
But when the vast term allowed to antediluvian sinners was expired, he swept off a race who had been disobedient while long suffering mercy waited with them.
Such is said to have been the state of antediluvian sinners, when the spirit had ceased to strive with them, agreeably to the threatening.
It looks like a troop of antediluvian animals, those that were supposed to inhabit the Pole.
The doctor armed himself, and held himself in readiness to fire upon an animal which, by its dimensions, recalled the antediluvian quadrupeds.
A young Chinese seems to me anantediluvian man renewed.
Only it was a very remote flood; an antediluvian age separated from our own not by thousands, but by millions, of seasons.
Did you ever offer the workmen who found it a nominal reward--say five shillings--for the first perfectly unanswerable specimen of a genuine unadulterated antediluvian toad?
There can be very little doubt that in this conclusion he was practically correct, and that the real fine old crusted antediluvian toad-in-a-hole is really a snare and a delusion.
Every ridge was now crowned with gigantic ferns, which reminded us of the descriptions of the antediluvian world, when ferns appear to have been the chief vegetation which covered the surface of the globe.
Oliver said it looked quite like an antediluvian animal.
The human bones, therefore, in the caves which are associated with such fabricated objects, must belong not to antediluvian periods, but to a people in the same stage of civilization as those who constructed the tumuli and altars.
Namely, the secret of an Antediluvian Incarnation.
Mankind had already relapsed into the follies of their antediluvian ancestors.
This disease has not been checked; acrimonious lawsuits promoted by a few antediluvian Protestant parishioners have failed, and will continue to fail, because public opinion refuses to support the promoters.
I resembled a being of one of the antediluvian eras, when I came to land, finally, and might have been taken for a slimy Iguanodon.
Compared to the bare plain of Waterloo, Cedar Mountain was like the antediluvian world, when the surface was broken by volcanic fire into chasms and abysses.
We sit here to feed at a place called Siao-shui-tsing, a sorry antediluvian make-shift of a building, where in subsequent travel I was hung up in bitter weather and had to pass the night.
To throw more than a cursory glance at them Would lead me into interminable disquisitions of a mythological, anthropological, craniological, and antediluvian nature for which one would not find universal approval among his readers.
By this time there is, perhaps, no creature among the host of Antediluvian types better known than this reptile.
It was a bold, not to say preposterous, idea to conceive even antediluvian trees with branches strong enough to bear animals as large as elephants.
In fact, one might well think it was an immense crowd of antediluvian animals, such as might have lived near the Pole.
Shandon ran to his cabin to get a gun which he kept always loaded; the doctor seized his arms, and made ready to fire at the beast, which by its size, recalled antediluvian monsters.
You do not see the antediluvian kingdom, that of Sesostris and that of Semiramis?
Another time I suppressed a heavy and stupid criticism of his on someone who had maintained that there were no monuments still existing of the antediluvian period.
History whispers from herantediluvian lips of a race of giants; so does the earth reveal mammoths and stupendous forests.
Milk and honey was the pure food of the antediluvian patriarchs, who knew not the use of the grape, happily for them.
The Crocodile as the Prototype of the Dragon In the existing representatives of the antediluvian saurians, the crocodile and alligator, we see the prototypes of the dragons and hydras of poetic fancy.