I have become an old fogy whilst you still remain a blooming child, there seems no further good reason.
I am beginning to be old fogy eno' to like even an old shackly wooden pump-handle, if the water it fetches only carries all the sweetness of the mountain-side.
Our term of old fogy describes them imperfectly, as it does not allow for their many excellent qualities.
Wagner, with keen satire, seems to want to show how a beautiful melody may become absurd through old-fogy methods.
Camusot's conduct was sanctioned by the presence of his father-in-law, a little old fogy with powdered hair and leering eyes, highly respected nevertheless.
Would you have thought the old fogy capable of acting like this?
No man can make a greater mistake than to adopt these old-fogy ideas.
Fogy replied, with the dignity of his race, extending his hand.
Well," I reflected, "it is perhaps good to be an old fogy with scanty hair and the beginning of crow's feet.
He must have somebody with him that's stronger and gayer and better able to amuse him than a rheumatic old fogy like me.
A generous fellow plays for the play, a sordid one for the stake; an oldfogy sits by and smokes the pipe of tranquillity, while Jack and Tom are pummelling each other in the ring.
Letsh join the ladies, as that old fogy of a Doctor said.
I mean to say that since you never lived in that dear old-fogy Ohio River village of New Geneva, and since, consequently, you never knew our Priscilla, no words of mine can make you exactly understand her.
And you--you only graduated at Yale, an old fogy mediæval institution!
No one will ever dispute these dates, as was the case with Chopin, for Old Fogy will be soon forgotten.
Yes, the truth must out, I went to Bayreuth at the express suggestion of my grandson, Old Fogy 3d, a rip-roaring young blade who writes for a daily paper in your city.
Nourished by the romantic writers of the past century, especially by Hoffmann and his fantastic Kreisleriana, their influence upon the writing of Old Fogy is not difficult to detect.
Old Fogy played all the concertos, sonatas, studies and minor pieces worth while.
Even if Old Fogy did study with Hummel, is that any reason why we should be bored by the fact?
We Virginians and Kentuckians may be shelled up yet in our old-fogy notions; it's likely, as you say.
As the old-fogy element of the town will probably rally to his support, it is very important that you bring out the entire strength of Young Foxden.
Was this the "old fogy back number" Shultz had so often sneered about and derided?
Not a soul suspected that the trim little old fogy was smitten with Antonia; and so prudent was the elderly lover, that no rival could have guessed anything from his behavior in the reading-room.
You mean it's old fogy for girls to let boys jam everything else out of their heads.
A generous fellow plays for the play, a sordid one for the stake; an old fogy sits by and smokes the pipe of tranquillity, while Jack and Tom are pommeling each other in the ring.