After tat his dad ben ik to sina folgar keren, and tha-k fiftich jer talde kas men mij to vrste grevetman.
Vmbe that folk nw wis to makjande that hja alsa dedon, alsa beradon hja armode overa streta and vmb forth to biwisane that hja al hjara tochta dad hede, namon hja nene wiwa.
After mam and brother-is dad send tha fromesta fon-ut-a landum to ekkorum kvmen, hja havon en band sloten Adelband heten.
Hi kapade him fry, and to ther dad send hja frjunda bilewen.
Nimth er than nach nen enga, sa mot man hin dad sega, til thju hi ut of lande brude and hir nen argenese neva ne mei.
It was at Peck's that Lon was foreman, and he used to come over to North Bend to see my sister whenever dad would let 'im, but things were never very smooth for 'em.
I tell you, Ross, I've made dad no end of trouble both at home and in school.
I guess dad is--is more all right than--than I used to think.
How dare he carry my sister's picture around with him after doing dad such a dirty trick.
You see, Ross, dad is a sheep owner, and North Bend is on the edge of the range between sheep and cattle, and that always means war.
I presume he thinks that dad has been on his track these two years.
I don't want to part with it; dad gave it me just before I came here.
I can buy things again, you know, after dad sends me his next allowance.
But I don't want dad to know, and I don't want Miss Eccleston to know, for perhaps she would write to him.
The Martians seemed to catch on pretty soon; in a few days Dadwas receiving pictures of the same sort.
By the end of the third year they had showed Dad how to make one of those metal things--" "Like that one that jumped at me?
In a month Dad had received instructions for building a small machine like that big one on the hill.
And on the fourth night poor Dad came out of the observatory, shouting that he had seen four flashes.
In a few days Dadand the Martians were communicating by a sort of television process.
And in the next three years Dad learned no end of things from the people on Mars.
I wondered how long it had been since dad had been kissed like that.
It seemed to me it might be a good idea to hunt up the gentleman named Perry Potter, whom dadcalled his foreman.
So after awhile we commenced talking about a new bunch of horses that dad had bought through an agent, and that had to be saddle-broke that summer, and I kept my eyes away from White Divide and my mind from all it meant to me.
Rankin, I may say, did not go with me, though I did as dad had suggested and offered to take him along and get him a job herding sheep.
I used to tell Barney MacTague, when he thought it queer that I knew so little about dad's affairs, that dad was a fireproof safe, and Crawford was the combination lock.
When dad took such heroic measures to instil some sense into my head, he interrupted the game for ten days or so--and then I went back to my play, satisfied with new toys.
If I wanted more money inside a year or two, I would have to work for it just as if I were an orphan without a dad who writes checks on demand.
I had a feeling that dad had told him to keep an eye on me and report any incipient growth of horse-sense.
The second message was a laconic statement that dad was still alive; I folded it hurriedly and put it out of sight, for somehow it seemed to say a good many nasty things between the words.
But dad had dared go that way, and to fight at the far end; and what dad had not been afraid to tackle, it did not behoove his son to back down from.
There, too, I saw the hand of Crawford; it was not likedad or him to borrow anything unless the necessity was absolute.
I never could get used to that watch-Willie-grow way he had, or rid myself of the notion that he was sending dad a daily report of my behavior.
Story of Wali Dad the Simple-Hearted Once upon a time there lived a poor old man whose name was Wali Dad Gunjay, or Wali Dad the Bald.
When he was shown into his presence he produced the beautiful gift of silks that Wali Dad had sent, and begged the young man to accept them as a humble tribute to his worth and greatness.
Then Wali Dad told the merchant all that had happened.
The merchant at first objected to these remarks, and pointed out to Wali Dad that he was beginning to feel these embassies a little awkward.
Here a great encampment was made, and the merchant was sent on to tell Wali Dad that the King and Princess of Khaistan had arrived and were seeking an interview.
Some months later he got home again from his journeyings, and proceeded to take Wali Dad the princess's present.
Wali Dad was lucky enough to find him at home, so he sat down, and after a little talk he asked the merchant who was the most virtuous and beautiful lady he had ever met with.
As soon as the merchant was gone Wali Dad made up his mind that there was only one honourable way out of the shame and distress that he had created by his foolishness, and that was--to kill himself.
If mother had lived she'd have kept dad straight, but when she died dad just seemed to go to the dogs.
I overheard dad and Pete planning what they were going to do if you came, and--and I hoped you would come, although I knew you would never leave the house until you were taken away as dad's prisoner.
Lin Slone, I'll never forgive you if you ask Dad that," declared Lucy, with startling force.
What will Dad say, and Farlane, and Holley, and Van?
Well, Dad and Holley and Farlane argue much about me.
Farlane, Dad says I'm to take out Sage King," announced Lucy.
And when you take the King away from him to ransom me--then my life will be hell, for if Dad sacrifices Sage King, afterward he'll hate me as the cause of his loss.
Macomber, I often tell Dad all you horse-traders get your deserts now and then.
But Dad says I'm never in any danger if I watch out.
Then in a year or two I shall get to be a butty, that ull be better pay; then I shall help dad in his stall, and at last I shall be on full wages.
I have spent some in books, but second-hand books are very cheap--as dad will find when he tries to sell them.
Now the first thing, mother, is to prevent dad from going out to-night.
But I can read at home after work, when dad goes out.
In times like these, with the Texas rangers enforcin' the law, your Dad would have been driven to the river.
An' they all shut up when Bland told who an' what your Dad was.
I wonder whatDad would say to me to-day if he were alive and here," said Duane.
Pears to me I once seen your Dad in a gunscrape over at Santone, years ago.
I'll take dad off on a cruise about the lake," he decided.
I'll make a week's tour of Lake Carlopa and take dad and Ned Newton with me.
I think I'll telephone dad that everything is all right," decided Tom.
If I don't find my boat to-morrow, I'll sail to Sandport, bring home dad and Ned and we three will go all over the lake.
But dad won't worry then, and, when I see him, I can explain.
I hope I shan't see any more of those men and that dad hasn't been bothered by them.
I don't like to leavedad alone if those scoundrels are around.
But then, I suppose, dadis naturally nervous about some of his valuable machinery and inventions.
In the week of waiting Charles sought permission {83} to visit Philip privately in return for the interview in the Prado on Sunday night, and he and Buckingham gave the following account of the meeting to their "Dear Dad and Gossip.
It seemed like putting her before my mother, then Dad explained that I could hardly share mother!
Well, Dad collects Colonial dresses and everything else from that period.
If Dad hadn't added that last line about saving the estate, I wouldn't feel so badly about it.
But my mother had said she would like to have it for her reception hall and after that, Dadinsisted on having it.
But, mother, I do often wish dad was dead, and I might as well say it as think it," said Nancy.
I know he has not been permitted to go to the old man's; though I heard dad say he has been seen several times hanging around there, but he never goes near except he is drunk, which now is pretty nearly all the time.
So Dad worked up the organ business and got one, and then locked it up when the Baptists held their services.
Does Dadpay you to stand an' look at me an' say pretty things t' the cook?
Bob, you go tell y'r dad if he wants the rest o' them cows milked he's got 'o do it himself.