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Example sentences for "more modern"

  • It occurs frequently in Shakspeare and in more modern writers, as a verb, and is still used in common conversation as an imperative.

  • Who would be content to adopt the astrology of the ancients, in preferance to astronomy as now taught, because the latter is more modern?

  • We are well aware also of the adverse criticisms passed upon these documents; but since no one questions their Celtic origin--whether it be ancient or more modern--we are content to use them.

  • Nor is it altogether impossible that others may even now remain safe under the protection of more modern flooring, or superincumbent debris.

  • His taste is more modern in the larger altar-piece of San Domenico; whose composition rises above the monotony of the age, giving a representation of saints in great variety of attitudes and situations.

  • They are chiefly composed in the ancient manner, but on comparing some of the earlier with those that follow, a more modern air is perceptible, a circumstance attributed by Vasari to his own conversations with the artist.

  • The orchestral accompaniments sometimes consist of variations upon the theme, a form much favoured by Russian musicians of a more modern school.

  • The only philological works, which will be of use to those who may wish to study this Slavic dialect in our day, is a short grammar by Seiler,[8] and a more modern one by J.

  • Antonio, a picture of various saints, truly beautiful, and approaching to a more modern style.

  • Domenico, in a style similar to Gentile, and with a large proportion of gold; and another in a more modern style, an Annunciation, in the church of the Orfanelli.

  • It has also been shown that in proportion as the age of a tertiary deposit is more modern, so is its fauna more analogous to that now in being in the neighbouring seas.

  • All these materials have of course been transported to new regions, and have entered into the composition of more modern formations.

  • He acquired the principles of his art from Pietro Perugino, but he soon abandoned his school, to adopt a more modern style.

  • It must have astonished many readers in his own day, and would have passed for his work in more modern times, but for the accidental preservation of a single copy of a handbill Prynne published disclaiming the whole thing.

  • These, if formed in the same manner as more modern deposits of this kind, would imply the reducing and solvent action of substances produced in the decay of plants.

  • These Eocene strata are succeeded by a great number of more modern deposits, which depart gradually in the character of their fossils from the Eocene type, and approach more and more to that of the living creation.

  • The crowns worn by the Virgin and Christ are even more modern, and out of character with the rest of the painting.

  • Thus she appears in the genuine Greek and Greco-Italian productions of the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries, as well as in the two finest examples that could be cited in more modern times.

  • More modern instances, from the date of the revival of art, abound in every form.

  • It is truly astonishing how rapidly the common uses of even household furnishings and culinary utensils are forgotten when they are superseded by others of more modern type.

  • In very early times the leather work, hung upon the wall in panels, took the place of more modern wall-coverings, and it was truly lasting.

  • In 783, they landed in the extreme north of the island, and burned the town and abbey of Dere Columb-kill, the Londonderry of more modern times.

  • But let us look at the negro tribes in more modern days.

  • The first period may be emphatically called ancient Hebrew; and the latter, more modern.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "more modern" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    cared for; give myself; more advanced; more advantageous; more akin; more cards; more complicated; more equal; more general; more high; more intense; more just; more likely; more long; more numerous; more power; more real; more right; more seen; more shall; more specifically; more strictly; more than; more thorough; more years; salad bowl