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Example sentences for "responsible"

Lexicographically close words:
responds; response; responses; responsibilities; responsibility; responsibly; responsive; responsively; responsiveness; responsory
  1. And now tell me, William, is not your salary very small, considering the responsible situation which you have so long held in the firm of Stevenson & Co.

  2. Then I shall hold you responsible for the scandal--for the base lies you have circulated.

  3. Oh, I have heard it from several mouths but I can't say exactly who is responsible for the rumour.

  4. The Committee of the Corporation that was responsible for the same met daily.

  5. I found that our class is responsible alike for the sins and the wrongs; that gentility is a thing to move virtuous burglars, comic green grocers and other honest men and women to a passion of righteous indignation.

  6. However, a responsible man can afford to be irresponsible, and an industrious man to be extravagant.

  7. For the present, suffice it to say that Miss Bates' witticism was founded on a whimsical view of facts, and that the modern stock company is exclusively responsible for the existence of that amazing anomaly, a hard-working actor.

  8. He could only ram iron into her and dress her and try to get her well so that she might travel back around the vicious circle to the conditions that had been responsible for her illness.

  9. Here he performed his proper function as dresser, being, under the house-surgeon, responsible for the after-treatment of the patients on whom L.

  10. They have their civil chief who is responsible for the peace and good order of the camp; and, before him, are tried, by the lawyers of the tribe, all cases worthy of notice.

  11. This gentleman, although he had much important business which called his attention elsewhere, immediately expressed his willingness to accept the responsible position which, without solicitation, had been conferred upon him.

  12. The appointment of civilians to the responsible duties of a command in the United States army has, of late years, become, in many instances, very unfortunate.

  13. For some time, strong inducements of high wages had been held out to him by the occupants of the Fort, in order to prevail upon him to accept the responsible and arduous office of Hunter to the Fort.

  14. In time they will be able to gain a maintenance independent of the General Government; and, to a certain extent, they will become responsible for their acts.

  15. Thus it happened that he was responsible for the destruction of the Vendome column.

  16. The sheriff then ceased to be a judge in criminal cases, but remained and still is in law responsible for the peace of his county, and is the officer for the execution of the law.

  17. In the National Lifeboat Institution of Great Britain the "coxswain" is a paid permanent official on each station, who has charge of the lifeboat and house, is responsible for its care, and steers and takes command when afloat.

  18. The councillors, who are nominated and dismissed by the high commissioner, are responsible to the chamber, which may impeach them before a special tribunal for any illegal act or neglect of duty.

  19. Count Khuen-Hedervary was responsible for several administrative improvements, but the prosperity of the country declined from year to year.

  20. Conscientious objections were probably responsible for his non-restoration to the see of Exeter, and his refusal of that of Llandaff in 1563.

  21. Each township was responsible for crimes within its boundaries, a responsibility made effective by the "view of frankpledge," now obsolete, and the guilt or innocence of every man had to be determined by his neighbours.

  22. The popular strategy for once coincided with the views of the responsible leaders.

  23. In this work he was assisted by a large staff of clerks and bailiffs who were directly responsible to him and not to the king.

  24. They, he and she, were its parents, they were responsible for it, its life had begun when they took it, and they vouched for its future.

  25. This coming home so late at night, this responsible control--no, it would not do for Käte to worry herself to death.

  26. You should understand that if you choose to continue your spiritual education with me, it will be your resistance to the Light--not my level of evolution--that is responsible for impeding your progress.

  27. Humans in their early incarnations are responsible for many of the world's problems.

  28. I saw a row of sneakers by the elevator door and wondered if they had been responsible for the incense.

  29. I pray that you may be happy and useful in the interesting and responsible station assigned you by the providence of God and the Government of your country.

  30. Ryerson received a letter on this subject from a well-known advocate of the principle of responsible government in Nova Scotia--Hon.

  31. Robert Baldwin and the Government, by the extremes to which he is pushing his cry for responsible government, and his opposition to Hon.

  32. Head's administration is enough to make the veriest bigot a convert to "Responsible Government.

  33. Lafontaine and Baldwin to resume their places--as the French people believe that they cannot enjoy responsible government without them.

  34. I afterwards aided Lord Sydenham in every way in my power to allay the party passions and animosities of the past, and to establish responsible government upon liberal principles, irrespective of past party distinctions, comprehending Hon.

  35. It has been alleged again and again, that Sir Charles Metcalfe was opposed to responsible government and that I supported him in it.

  36. Ryerson to discuss, in a practical and intelligent manner, the then unsettled question of responsible government as against the prerogative--a question which had arisen between Sir Charles Metcalfe and his late Councillors.

  37. And yet I am not altogether responsible for these sins, which in truth in the first place were forced upon me by shame and want and afterwards by the necessities of my ambition.

  38. You are responsible for this bloodshed, this misery!

  39. What would they think, Eric, if I insisted on holding the Bishop of London responsible for every utterance of every Christian in the diocese?

  40. No, the trouble began with Adam, though Eve has been responsible for much of it since.

  41. The Lord can take the night-shift; for it was He who instituted the twilight, and it is He who must needs be responsible till the morning.

  42. Men who take up arms against one another in public war do not cease on this account to be moral beings, responsible to one another and to God.

  43. The hospital will be under the immediate charge of the senior Medical Officer present, who will be held responsible to the Commanding Officer for its good order and the proper treatment of the sick.

  44. Contributions must be received by an officer, who will be held responsible that they are delivered to the person for whom they are intended.

  45. It was the leaders who were responsible for the crimes of the sedition; and what of humanity could be expected from men degenerated in blood?

  46. Well, I'm afraid I'm not responsible for what he didn't say.

  47. The fact that the Government of India have drifted into a system and have never set it forth plainly is partly responsible for a widespread misunderstanding of its true character.

  48. Only under some such strong influence as this is it likely that the responsible Government will nerve itself to the task, or the business community acquiesce in it.

  49. The broker is responsible for obtaining the best possible rate of interest.

  50. He is originally responsible for every solicitation to sin, although he does not always act directly and immediately.

  51. It is thus that we become responsible for our own temptations, raise up occasions for sin, and give, by our often deliberate acts, vantage ground and footing to him from which he can drive home a deadly stroke.

  52. He does not hold us responsible for that which we do not know.

  53. He does not hold the soul responsible for so-called sins of ignorance, for there can be no real, formal sin save where there is knowledge.

  54. In any case it had its origin outside of us, and unless we have deliberately run into the occasion of sin, or in some culpable way invited it, we are in the immediate case not responsible for the suggestion.

  55. Perhaps no human faculty is responsible for so much sin, and there is a peculiar heinousness in sins of the imagination.

  56. Under such circumstances I deemed it advisable that the responsible commanders of the army should be present, and so informed them.

  57. He is responsible for results, and holds the lives and reputations of every officer and soldier under his orders as subordinate to the great end--victory.

  58. I heard afterward that some of the blooded stock of southwest Missouri made its way to Iowa in an unaccountable manner, but whether the administration of my successor was responsible for it or not I am unable to say.

  59. Somehow they seemed to have taken it into their heads that the Professor was responsible for their having been disturbed and they were opening their hoof batteries upon him.

  60. The watcher now understood why no moccasin tracks had been found about the camp, for he had no doubt that this fellow was the one who was responsible for all the mysterious occurrences in camp up to that time.

  61. It sees that the most responsible and most intelligent members of society are the less fertile; that the feeble-minded are the more fertile.

  62. It is, indeed, more than likely that the presence of this impairment in a mitigated form is responsible for no little of the defective character, the diminution of mental and moral fiber at the present day," states Dr.

  63. Hunger alone is not responsible for the bitter struggle for existence we witness to-day in our over-advertised civilization.

  64. We might more logically reply that no Socialism will ever be possible until the problem of responsible parenthood has been solved.

  65. Instead of being a blind and haphazard consequence of uncontrolled instinct, motherhood must be made the responsible and self-directed means of human expression and regeneration.

  66. The chief magistrate of a commune is known as the gobernadorcillo, or captain; the native who is responsible for the collection of the tribute of a certain group of families is the cabeca de barangay.

  67. The governor is made responsible for all the disasters that occur; the people rise against him, and his own troops seek to compel him to an immediate capitulation.

  68. He said, "there exist no longer any internal agitations; and I hold myself responsible for the submission to order and duty of the blacks, my brethren.

  69. A vigorous, responsible executive was conferred upon the country, and an incredible impulse given to all schemes of national importance.

  70. Drive them from among you, or denounce them to me, for I shall hold you responsible for their conduct.

  71. In essentially every branch, from track repairer to the man at the locomotive throttle, the railroad worker is responsible for the safety of human lives and the care of vast property.

  72. But he not only divined the new movements of poetry--he was also responsible for one side of its development.

  73. These qualities are responsible for some of the best features of the book.

  74. A gentleman of over twenty years' experience, as governor of a lunatic asylum, assured the writer that next to drink, overdrawn tea was the most responsible agent for insanity.

  75. How far quarrelling theologians and uncharitable Churches are responsible for that rejection, let the conscience of the traditionalist (if he happen to know history) decide.

  76. My wife, who is ever my best assistant in the field, was responsible for all the photographic work of the expedition and I have drawn much upon her daily "Journals" in the preparation of this book.

  77. I have said that unaccustomed luxury was responsible for the decline of the Mongol Empire, but the ruin of the race was due to the Lama Church.

  78. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "responsible" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    accountable; amenable; concerned; conscientious; conventional; debt; dependable; dutiful; fault; guilty; incorruptible; indebted; inviolable; liable; obligated; pledged; proven; reliable; responsible; sound; stable; straight; sure; tested; true; trustworthy; trusty

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    responsible authority; responsible government