If one believes oneself to be an animal one becomes bestial; if one believes oneself spiritual one becomes Divine.
But I don't see that it's going to help them to make oneself miserable about it.
Any attempt to describe impressions of the performance has to be preceded by a shaking of oneself free from that hypnotic influence which Wagner's art in its latest phase exercises.
One may go over all the orchestral composers from Haydn to Wagner and Brahms, asking oneself whether that theme could be by any one of them.
But to let oneself be so driven about,' cried Albinia.
It is a duty not to run from one's word, and debase oneself for one's own advantage.
Even the moral law itself in its solemn majesty is exposed to this endeavour to save oneself from yielding it respect.
The least attention to oneself proves that this idea really serves as the model for the determinations of our will.
To invent new words where the language has no lack of expressions for given notions is a childish effort to distinguish oneself from the crowd, if not by new and true thoughts, yet by new patches on the old garment.
Running away fromoneself was plainly a futile experiment.
He retained the notion that a priest cannot, must not, weaken; the idea that when one has dedicated oneself to God one cannot take possession of oneself again.
How can one do otherwise than place oneself in God's hands, on seeing so much suffering cured or consoled?
But I ask, for the love of God, that he who does not believe me will make the trial for himself--when he will see by experience the great good that results from commending oneself to this glorious patriarch, and being devout to him.
What use is there in governing oneself by oneself, when the whole will has been given up to God?
He was a good fellow and I loved him, but I never sympathised with the desire to shut oneself up on one's own farm.
Of course it is but an elementary pleasure to enjoy pleasing those whom we regard with some passion of affection, wife or child or friend, because, after all, one gains something oneself by that.
By this time I felt very drowsy, and suddenly dropped off into a sleep--such a deep and dreamless sleep, to descend into which was like flinging oneself into a river-pool by a bubbling weir on a hot and dusty day of summer.
It is mixed with pleasure, and then it is not a sacrifice; one gives as much of oneself as one chooses; one is known just so far as one wishes to be known.
How often in the old days one came in contact with some gracious and beautiful personality, and flung oneself into close relations; and then one began to see this and that flaw.
It has its effectiveness, no doubt, but it also has its dangers; and, whatever happens, one ought never to be able to accuse oneself justly of any disloyalty.
One sometimes feels oneself like a carcase in the midst of vultures.
How often in the various amusements of the world is one tempted to pause a moment and ask oneself whether one really likes it!
Both the mother and daughter affected to despise the Connop Greens;--but it is so hard to restrain oneself from confidences when difficulties arise!
Easy enough to declare that the most criminal blunders had been perpetrated, easy enough to explain how one would oneself have conducted this or that, manoeuvred hither or thither some pawn in the game.
Do as one knows best for oneselfand not in order to prove something.
But if there were only these data to go upon, one would have to resign oneself to inevitable blanks and omissions.
If anyone is to drown oneself it is not she but I.
Things that one has doneoneself are so poor, so unsatisfying; but the big things last.
Therefore it is well to ask oneself seriously at the beginning--Is it worth while?
To accept presents from the Savages is to bind oneself to return an equivalent.
Is it then possible to describe oneself at once faithfully and fully?
But this sounds like the lunacy of fancying oneself everybody else and being unable to play one's own part decently--another form of the disloyal attempt to be independent of the common lot, and to live without a sharing of pain.
One will at least escape the bother of having to ask oneself what one had better do.
One is leading a delightful life; one is young and free, and one hates restraint, and yet one cannot give oneself another master too soon.
Especially if one thinks of the women one loved oneself when in the early twenties.
Man is born to trouble, and it is not bad philosophy to get oneself accustomed to the feeling.
I have experienced different manners of living, and I think the best is to give oneself to study, to look on peacefully at the vicissitudes of men, and to prolong, by the spectacle of centuries and empires, the brevity of our days.
Judging others is an idle labour; usually one is erring, often sinning, by so doing, but by examining and judging oneself your labour will always be fruit-bearing.
You'll discover there the most beautiful secrets if you have cleared them of the interpolations which dishonour them; one scorns the literal and coarse sense, to attach oneself to the most subtle.
It is difficult to put oneself in the place of the Stonechat or of the Whinchat.
There is no difficulty in assuring oneself that this is so.
Is it possible to renounce oneself entirely at the age of two-and-twenty?
Gradually they spread out a little from the heap, half-a-dozen greenfinches are amongst the straw that one has oneself pulled out from the stack, and one of them is feeding positively within three feet.
In these grey desolate islands there is no sort of cover, no tree or bush with the branches of which one can make oneself a shelter, and watch unobserved.
Even when one walks up to the stack in broad daylight, they only fly round to another side of it, and one has scarcely settled oneself before they begin to come again.
One feels so small, so weak, so very lonely, all by oneself between the water and the sky.
It must make a difference, I think, in oneself whether they were soldiers or slaves.
As for London, she dominated one whole season, and not to be able to bow to her, when she rode on her grey gelding of a morning, was to argue oneselfunbowed to!
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "oneself" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.