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Example sentences for "relational"

Lexicographically close words:
relatif; relatifs; relating; relatio; relation; relatione; relations; relationship; relationships; relative
  1. One of the chief advantages of this new method is the possibility of obtaining curves of learning for the solution or attempted solution of relational problems of varying difficultness.

  2. It is possible to present such relational problems by means of relatively simple reaction-mechanisms.

  3. We might be tempted to take these two nations for relational stems.

  4. The word speaks is less clearly a relational word; at first thought it would seem to have only the office of picturing an activity.

  5. All words have, therefore, a naming office, and some have in addition a connecting or relational office.

  6. Verbs that not only are relational but have descriptive power, such as sings, plays, runs, etc.

  7. This means, so far as practical working out is concerned, that we adopt the relational theory; for in practice the refusal to assume points and instants has the same effect as the denial of them.

  8. This irrelevance of absolute motion (if there be such a thing) to science has led to the general adoption of the relational theory by modern men of science.

  9. According to the relational theory of space, of which the chief exponent was Leibnitz,[19] space is nothing but a certain assemblage of the relations between the various particular bodies in space.

  10. First, there is the controversy respecting the absolute and relational theories of space.

  11. This is our first result as to the relational structure of the realm of pure logic, that is, the realm of classes, of statements, or of decisions.

  12. Series and levels are relational structures that, sharply as they are contrasted, can be derived from a single root.

  13. Hence, so far as mere relational form is concerned, the illative relation itself may be wholly reduced to the symmetrical relation of opposition.

  14. When we proceed to consider the relational structure of such a world, taken merely in the abstract as such a structure, a relation comes into sight which at once appears to be peculiarly general in its nature.

  15. In the order system of the logician's world, the relational structure is thus, in any case, a highly general and fundamental one.

  16. We have seen already that our form is purely relational and infinitely divisible, and that positions (points) are the self-contradictory outcome of the search for something other than relations.

  17. Space is at once relational and more than relational.

  18. The same reference to matter, then, by which the antinomy of the Point was solved, solves also the antinomy as to the relational nature of space.

  19. Even in the very act of insisting upon the relational character of the categories, he still continues to speak of the concept as if it must necessarily conform to the generic type.

  20. As we shall find,[163] it is with the relational categories, and consequently with the various types of relational judgment to which they give rise, that the Critique is alone directly concerned.

  21. Kant thus teaches that experience in all its embodiments and in each of its momentary states can be analysed into an endlessly variable material and a fixed set of relational elements.

  22. I do not, of course, wish to imply that this view of relational knowledge is in all cases and in all respects illegitimate.

  23. In other words, all judgments will, on this view, be of the relational type.

  24. Its revolutionary character first appears when Kant further argues, in extension of the teaching of Hume, that the formal, relational elements are of a synthetic nature.

  25. Upon the use which Kant thus makes of the traditional doctrine of the concept, and upon its lack of consistency with his recognition of relational categories, we have already dwelt.

  26. Its problems are formulated exclusively in terms of the attributive judgment; the other forms of relational judgment are ignored.

  27. In the Analytic, judgment in all its possible forms is shown to be a synthetic combination of a given manifold in terms of relational categories.

  28. As empty relational forms they have meaning only in reference to a given matter; and as instruments for the reduction of variety to the unity of apperception their validity has been proved only for conscious and sensuous experience.

  29. Its contribution is of a uniform and constant nature; it consists, as already noted, of certain relational factors whose presence can be detected in each and every act of awareness.

  30. Indeed, cognition is only part of the underlying basis implied by the richer forms of distinctively human relational life.

  31. It is imperative to remember that not only the rate of change but the kind of change differs in different relational fields--a fact of which Spencer took too little cognizance, so bent was he on some sort of unification at all hazards.

  32. It must be remembered that A, B, C stand for relationships and that the related things are progressively more complex within more complex relational wholes.

  33. But what one asks, and asks of him in vain, is just how, within a connected scheme, the several relational fields in the domain of nature are themselves related, and how they were themselves differentiated.

  34. The locus of awareness is just a specialized portion of the whole relational web.

  35. For what is here suggested is nothing more than a generalized statement of the truth that the relational constitution of the system being what it is, the changes are what they are!

  36. Of course he did exceptionally fine work in elucidating the modes of differentiation and integration within certain relational fields--though he sometimes uses the latter word for mere shrinkage in size.

  37. Personally I agree that temporal and spatial qualities are quite as much given in experience as are particulars--in fact, as I have been trying to show, particulars can be identified as particulars only in a relational complex.

  38. White ['83]) will show undue emphasis on the relational ideas.

  39. Green more than any one realized that knowledge about things was knowledge of their relations; but nothing could persuade him that our sensational life could contain any relational element.

  40. All the whats as well as the thats of reality, relational as well as terminal, are in the end contents of immediate concrete perception.

  41. Our vision, on the contrary, which localises the rays from various distant points of space on various distinct points of our retina at the same time, is our most relational sense, that which gives us the most vast ideas of space.

  42. This allows us to suppose that the sense of smell may be much more relational than ours, that the sensations thence derived give them ideas of space and of direction which may be qualitatively different from ours.

  43. Consequently, the things forgotten and the terms treated as mere elements of a relational complex, it is possible to state such relational complexes with the utmost freedom.

  44. The former emphasis has been primarily associated with idealistic ontology, and has often brought with it complex dialectic questions as to the identity of an individual thing in passing from one relational situation to another.

  45. And this is true even of such apparently essentially intuitional fields as projective geometry, where entities can be substituted for directional lines and the axioms be turned into relational postulates governing their configurations.

  46. Caring is living in the context of relational responsibilities.

  47. There is a formal-symbolic logic engaged with the elaboration of a relational calculus.

  48. Speaking of thought he says: “The relational form is a compromise on which thought stands and which it develops.

  49. The qualitative aspect of reality, which Bergson usually regards as the nature of reality “in itself,” depends no less than its relational or categorical aspect on the relatedness of the object.

  50. It is not clear how the qualitative or how the teleological aspect of reality is more internal to it than its relational aspect; but, at any rate, philosophy has its own interest, and that is distinct from those of art and religion.

  51. James is less rigorous concerning the validity of relational knowledge than Bergson.

  52. The two belongings are distinguished by a sui generis difference of direction or relational “sense,” which unambiguously determines the organism to be the subject of the belonging, the sky the object.

  53. How deny its relational character, then, without denying its activity--in short, without contradiction?

  54. The proof is that reflection is the substitution of a relational for a substantive object of consciousness, and relationality is nothing else than rationality.

  55. The peculiar supremacy of reason which inheres in reason’s reflectiveness is due to the inclusion of consciousness itself in the content of relational consciousness and of no other mode of consciousness.

  56. All these are relational and interdependent.

  57. Any recognition of truth must clearly embrace both the vital and material aspects of its subject in order to be adequately inclusive, that is, it should include the causative, the sustentative, the relational and the developmental factors.

  58. The word entered human experience as a relational sign.

  59. They also reflect the relational nature of the practical experience of those constituting viable groups.

  60. Writing, which takes place in many respects at a higher cognitive level than the production and utterance of the word, or than in pictographic notation, is a multi- relational device.

  61. Let us first take the assertion with regard to a particular thing A and a particular relational property P that, from the proposition that A has P it follows that nothing which has not got P is identical with A.

  62. But whichever meaning we take, it will follow from what I have said, that the dogma of internal relations does imply that every relational property which a term has is, in a perfectly precise sense, grounded in its nature.

  63. We have now got everything which is required for expressing, in a short symbolic form, the proposition, with regard to a given thing A and a given relational property P, which A in fact possesses, that P is internal to A.

  64. In both of these two senses, then, the dogma of internal relations does, I think, imply that every relational property is grounded in the nature of every term which possesses it; and in this sense that proposition is false.

  65. Let P be a relational property, and A a term to which it does in fact belong.

  66. But we still require a means of symbolising the general proposition that every relational property is internal to any term which possesses it--the proposition, namely, which was referred to on p.

  67. This is a relational property, and it is quite clear that, on our assumption, it is an internal one.

  68. As for the first, I said before that I think some relational properties really are "internal to" their terms, though by no means all are.

  69. But it seems no less clear, at first sight, that there are many other relational properties of which this is not true.

  70. I think there is no difficulty in understanding what I mean by a relational property.

  71. Another type of common-law liability without fault, the so-called liability of the carrier as an insurer and the liability of the innkeeper, is relational and depends upon a different postulate.

  72. Durations can have the two-termed relational property of extending one over the other.

  73. For instance, suppose we adopt the relational theory of space.

  74. My own view is a belief in the relational theory both of space and of time, and of disbelief in the current form of the relational theory of space which exhibits bits of matter as the relata for spatial relations.

  75. The relational theory of space is an admission that we cannot know space without matter or matter without space.

  76. My reason has been that the introduction of the relational theories only weakens the case for bifurcation, and I wished to discuss this case on its strongest grounds.

  77. The more usual way of expressing the relational theory of space would be to consider space as an abstraction from the relations between material objects.

  78. The above argument has been expressed in terms of the relational theory of space.

  79. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "relational" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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