Within less than a year maternity was again imposed upon me, with no better prospect of doing justice to my child.
I insisted on my right to say when and under what circumstances I would accept of him the office of maternity and become the mother of his child.
Beside this, the wife was suffering from a difficulty which made maternity undesirable and well-nigh impossible.
A few months after this, maternity was again forced upon me, to my grief and anguish.
There are those who contend that childbearing may be rendered practically painless, and those who desire information upon this subject would do well to read the book entitled "Maternity Without Suffering," which is worth many times its cost.
The next step must be the establishment of a system of maternity pensions free, universal, and non-contributory.
The average duration of a maternity case inside a hospital appears to be a fortnight.
Twenty-nine poor mothers have had the benefit of the maternity fund and clothing, the Report tells us.
In the maternity wards (at Alvear as at Rivadavia) we find the same care for ultra-modern comfort, combined with the strictest cleanliness.
One or two patients are in thematernity ward awaiting an interesting event before the Equator can be reached.
Eleven maternity hospitals seemed rather a large order, but we knew by experience that they all required first aid.
Any bitch that was going to have a litter was put in there, and the tent went by the name of "the maternity hospital.
So that the only way to be sure of having our maternity respected, and our offspring legally protected to us, is to have our children in the single instead of the married state!
What a blessing it would have been if this Maternity Scheme was in go then!
Before the Insurance Bill was introduced, the Guild asked for the inclusion of Maternity benefit, and when the Amending Bill was before the House in 1913, an agitation by the Guild secured the benefit as the mother’s own property.
Government grants for maternity and child welfare work are now made, and half the cost of the whole or any part of schemes, approved by the Local Government Board, is now paid.
Sometimes we think that our own life does not seem to be of any importance, and our troubles are what should be, specially before the Maternity Benefit.
I feel sure that if I had had a maternity benefit then to help me, I should not be suffering now inwardly.
The most difficult thing at the time is securing a woman who is able and willing to do housework, and look after the woman at the same time; that to me is one of the greatest problems in the Maternity Scheme to-day.
I have not had the Maternity Benefit yet, but that is only a trifle to the large expense that is incurred, when you have paid £1 1s.
I do trust that the new Maternity Scheme will soon be a fact.
Oh, for the time when the Maternity Scheme becomes law, and the Divorce Reform.
County Borough and Borough Councils, Urban and Rural District Councils--for maternity and infancy work are derived from the following Acts: 1.
We claim for these letters that for the first time are presented in them the real problems of Maternity seen through the women’s own account of their lives.
When the desire for maternity is strong upon her is the only time that the female brute animal ever becomes a mother.
Among other places, I went to the head of a maternity hospital.
It is true that the degraded status of maternity has ruled and does rule the world, in that it has been, and is, the most potent power to keep the race from lofty achievement.
We wonder how she dares face her child and know that she did not fit herself by self-development and by direct, sincere, firm and thorough qualifications for maternity before she dared to assume its responsibilities.
We wonder if the awful power with which nature clothes maternity in heredity does not strike blindly back at the race for man's artificial and cruel requirements at the hands of the producer of the race.
Here maternity was not a Sunday-sermon subject, yet it was maternity all the same.
A partial loss of capacity for maternity has, it is said, already befallen American women; and the voluntary refusal of its responsibilities is the lament of the physician and the moralist.
It is not marriage or maternity which educated women are shunning; but they are declining to view marriage as their sole vocation or to become merely child-bearing animals.
The fear that the education of woman, in connection with her growing economic independence, will prove harmful to society through her refusal of matrimony or maternity appears equally groundless.
Therein lay the royal beauty of woman, wife and mother; fruitful maternity triumphed over virginity by which life is slain.
In her estimation maternity poisoned love, aged woman, and made a horror of her in the eyes of man.
The instinct of maternity remained keen within her, though she could never be a mother.
Even of maternity 'tis not the height To produce many children, but to have Such as may be a blessing to their kind.
Where marriage andmaternity are of less supreme interest to an increasing number of women, there are various results, the chief of which are as follows: 1.
A general course in pedagogy, especially its history and ideals, another in child study, and finally a course in maternity the last year taught broadly, and not without practical details of nursing, should be comprehensive and culminating.
The elimination ofmaternity is one of the great calamities, if not diseases, of our age.
In its largest sense maternity might be the heart of all the higher training of young women.
Where highly developed, a health unit comprises at least a physician, sanitary engineer, and community nurse with the addition, in some cases, of another nurse devoted to the problems of maternity and children.
While we should avoid duplication of maternity and child health services which will be provided through the proposed general system of prepaid medical care, legislation is needed to supplement such services.
About 28 million dollars is recommended formaternity care and health services for children under existing law, mainly under the emergency provision for the wives and infants of servicemen.
The respect and protection of woman and of maternity should be raised to the position of an inalienable social duty and should become one of the principles of human morality.
Jay, look at the drunken minister coming out of the maternity hospal!
Since this was written we have ascertained that a Charity, called the "Royal Maternity Charity," has existed for a century in London.
Many are the midwives, maternity nurses and medical practitioners with whom I have discussed such matters, and from whom, often incognito, I have asked advice.
Why not take a period of rest after the great effort of maternity proportionately as long as a she-wolf or tigress takes in her cave, fed by her mate while she lies about and plays with her cubs?
Maternity tells her all the secrets of increasing, diminishing, and recreating life.
Maternity is only complete when we come to the Sea Cow, an excellent family in which the parents have not the sad courage to drive away their young.
As yet there is nothing, and in the bosom of that nothingness maternity already appears.
People had been taught from Bibles and from creeds that maternity was a kind of crime; that the woman should be purified by some ceremony in some temple built in honor of some god.
It makes maternity an offence for which a sin offering had to be made.
It was the ignorant sin of a child, and out of the days of horror and wrath that followed--her purging--she brought only the maternity that burns like a white flame in her.
The virtuous were more wroth against her in old days that she carried her maternity so proudly.
They are gone to dress the Christmas babies at a great maternity hospital.
Even the maternity in her look and feeling was impersonal--the abstract sense of motherhood with which Eve, leaning from the ramparts of her regained Paradise, might regard mankind.
Now she was all fierce and strong with maternity again.
They rested on his face with a sad depth of maternity that he could not at all fathom.