But as clouds sometimes arise which cast a gloom over the bestregulated tempers, whenever melancholy took possession of any member of this little society, the rest endeavoured to banish painful thoughts rather by sentiment than by arguments.
The Convocation, which met "four times in every Term for the purposes of conferring Degrees, such meetings being regulated by the Caput.
The price of bread was regulated by "His Majesty's Justices of the Peace," and bakers were required to mark their bread with the initials of their name.
Let it be remembered, then, as a starting point, that the press is amenable to the people; that it is controlled and regulated by them, and indebted to them for whatever measure of freedom it enjoys.
A nation, leaving its foreign trade, in all cases, to regulate itself, might soon find it regulatedby other nations into subserviency to a foreign interest.
An observation which, perhaps, that writer at least gathered from discovering some defects in the polity even of this well-regulated nation.
The length of stroke and feed are regulated by the "temper-screw" (fig.
The devising and establishing of a well regulated militia would be a genuine source of legislative honor and a perfect title to public gratitude.
By it, as I have said, the convict was compelled to pass through certain stages, five in number; and his progress was to be regulated altogether by his good conduct in each stage.
If labour's not a commodity, but to beregulated by body and soul, then wages must be regulated by body and soul too.
He was exerting a tremendous pressure, regulated and applied with skill, and he always exulted in the thought that he, at least, of all the workers performed hand labour far more perfectly than any machine.
When one is already leading a virtuous and well regulatedlife it is of far greater consequence, in order to become truly spiritual, to change the interior than the exterior.
The former consists in the confession of all the sins we can remember after a sufficient examination, the duration of which should beregulated by the actual state of the conscience.
At the same time, I passed ten years of my adult life without hurrying toward marriage, and I led what I called the well-regulated and reasonable life of a bachelor.
Pensions and the pensions of dependants shall be regulated by law.
Nationality of the Realm and of the Lands shall be acquired and lost as may be regulated by act of the Realm.
Even if the League had not succeeded in imposing respect for his "fourteen points" on the diplomats, and it might have done so, it would at least have regulated procedure.
It shall be regulatedby the legislation on education.
The training of teachers shall be uniformly regulated for the whole Realm on the general lines laid down for higher education.
Nevertheless, postal and telegraphic communication with foreign countries shall be exclusively regulated by the Realm.
In all other respects their position shall be regulated by an award of the Realm.
The sentential pauses should be observed as in prose; these are not affected by the kind of writing, being regulated entirely by the sense.
The jurisdiction of a bishop lost the name of parish, parochia, at a very erly period; but stil the subordinate divisions of the ecclesiastical state continued to be regulated by prior civil divisions.
The principle of revenge is equally activ in both cases; but its operation is regulated by certain arbitrary customs.
On commercial questions an ordinary jury are altogether unfit to decide; they are incompetent judges, because commerce iz regulated by peculiar laws, best known by merchants.
They regulated the militia, made provision for supplying the treasury, and furnishing the people with arms; and such was the enthusiasm and union of the people, that the recommendations of the provincial Congress had the force of laws.
When the province came into the possession of the English, several gentlemen of property took up large tracts of lands, which, being regulated by the English laws of descent, continued unbroken, til the late revolution.
In short, the passions of a savage are under no restraint; the passions of enlightened people are restrained and regulatedby a thousand civil laws and accidental circumstances of society.
An order in council of the 14th of September, modified so far as related to legislation by another of the 30th of November, regulated the government of the island.
It is more probable that the curiae were not purely artificial creations, but represent natural associations of families, artificially regulated and distributed to serve a political purpose.
The men who then devoted themselves to the art of copying received for the service which they rendered a remuneration regulated by the general rate of earnings.
Vulcanising in its simplest aspect consists in mixing the rubber with sulphur and heating the product under regulated conditions.
Provided that the temperature of the hot air could be soregulated as not to exceed 100 deg.
Its efficiency is of course dependent upon the length of time that the milk is retained at the high temperature, and this can be regulated by the rate of the flow of the milk through the machine.
State-regulated vivisection should be differentiated from antivivisection or from no vivisection, just as civilized and necessary war should be from the impossible abolition of all war.
His endeavour is not so much to get rid of vivisection as to prove that the problem connected with it is an ethical one; that the practice should be regulated and guided by public authority.
In a skilful and scholarly manner he treats of the historical development of the agitation in favour of restricted and regulated experimentation.
Now, I hold that in a well-regulated establishment, with an intelligent cook, it should not be necessary to order the meals more than three times a week, unless special entertaining has to be considered.
Spiritual infallibility itself cannot determine whether a halfpenny tossed into the air will come down man or woman, and the law of chances cannot be regulated by a motu proprio.
All the amusements of the Papal subjects are regulated with the strictest regard to their morals.
As we have said, it stood low--the chimneys being below the level of the sluice which regulated the custody of the great mass of water pent within the long triangular pond which was the scene of the midnight incident.
Even his well regulated system seemed to stir uneasily at the thought, and stretched upon his charpoy here at midnight in one of the wildest tracts of wilderness in the world, Helston Varne felt as if sleep would never visit him again.
The continental blockade was established and regulated in the following terms:-- "The British Isles are declared in a state of blockade.
In his opinion, mind had its place in the social state, and should be everywhere regulated as a class of that institute which he had reconstituted and completed.
The situation of the King of Sardinia was to be regulated in every way according to actual circumstances.
But by this time the empress, out of her mind from sorrow, and suddenly seized with an ill-regulated ambition, sent to announce to her son that she was resolved to take possession of the power.
I expect then that his conduct towards me shall be regulated from this point of view.
The police and civil duties of the town and district of Sydney were now regulated by civil magistrates.
It had been always imagined, that the police of the Cape-town was so well regulated as to render it next to impossible for any man to escape, after whom the fiscal's people were in pursuit.
It must however be remarked, that the ration at Norfolk Island was often uncertain, being regulated by the plenty or scarcity of the Mount Pitt birds.
By the pulpit stood an hour-glass, which, we were told, regulated the duration of the minister's admonition to his congregation.