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Example sentences for "regulations"

Lexicographically close words:
regulate; regulated; regulates; regulating; regulation; regulative; regulator; regulators; regulatory; reguli
  1. Yet in the conditions of everyday life it is simply impossible that theoretical regulations should be reduced to practice.

  2. In 1892, when the new observatory was being occupied, the superintendent promulgated regulations for its work.

  3. Tens of thousands of laws, decrees and regulations will become just so much waste-paper; their only value will be an historical one.

  4. These regulations having been complied with, she could enter into wedlock.

  5. This was to be done under such rules and regulations as the President, through the Commissioner, might prescribe.

  6. The Advocates objected to an article fixing their fees in the Regulations for the Court of Session, drawn up by a Commission and ratified by the king.

  7. In further presenting this inquiry, the Patriarchal and Mosaic systems will be considered together, as each reflects light upon the other, and as many regulations of the latter are mere legal forms of Divine institutions previously existing.

  8. But, we have just seen that Paul was in favor of abolishing the relation of master and slave; which, as you insist, is a relation for which regulations are provided in the New Testament.

  9. But, the Bible has prescribed regulations for the relations in both these cases.

  10. Here then, we have another instance, in addition to that of the Roman despot and his subjects, in which the Holy Spirit prescribed regulations for wicked relations.

  11. State, because several States had already made some regulations on this subject.

  12. Abolish any of the relations for which regulations are provided "in the New Testament, and, in effect, you abolish some of the laws of Christ.

  13. The regulations complained of was one result of the spirit of accommodation, which governed the Convention; and without this indulgence, no union could possibly have been formed.

  14. We find nothing of it in the regulations of the Mosaic system.

  15. The regulations relating to the scholars provide that they "shall not be set by the master for the time being to do any office or service, but shall be compelled continually to devote their time to learning and study.

  16. The code of rules here enunciated constituted the law of monasticism in Gaul till it gave place to the regulations of Benedict.

  17. With the development of gilds, regulations specifying the conditions of such apprenticeship began to be issued, e.

  18. The question next arises, to what extent did the parish priests in this country comply with the regulations of the Church.

  19. After Lanfranc became Archbishop of Canterbury he issued his "Constitutiones," a series of regulations for the control of the monastery of Christ Church, Canterbury.

  20. Had these regulations been literally carried out, it is obvious that whole towns might have been devastated and remained waste.

  21. In such cavalier fashion could rules and regulations be treated.

  22. And the eyes of that Argus brightened, although he was by way of shutting them as far as the regulations were concerned.

  23. Regulations concerning light and smoking on deck after dark were rigidly enforced.

  24. These and similar regulations were well conceived; they were admirably suited to that vast social system, which, because it was based on despotism, could only be upheld by cruelty.

  25. Another example will show the rigid regulations that custom imposes in the matter of omens.

  26. Regulations governing domestic relations and property; customary procedure in settlements of disputes.

  27. There is no word for law in the whole ManĂ³bo dialect, but the word for custom[1] is used invariably to express the regulations that govern dealings between man and man.

  28. For this reason, a law requiring a uniform dress, is obviously more beneficial in such institutions as prescribe a particular course and term of study, than where no such regulations exist.

  29. Such regulations are favourable only to diffusion of studies over three subjects; the evil remains--of permitting the student to employ his own unassisted judgment in the choice.

  30. The regulations of the house demand that.

  31. Those curious in regard to these new regulations will find an account of them, at greater length, in Ferland and Faillon.

  32. Each State will soon enter into all the necessary regulations with the consul and this is the whole that is necessary.

  33. To dispose of and make all needful rules and regulations concerning the territory of the United States; consequently, to appropriate money for public improvements in them.

  34. However, at the time, there seemed small prospect that the National Government would ever be required to make regulations for any territory south of the Ohio.

  35. Madison called it the "collective" bill, and wrote to a friend that it had cost much trouble to adjust its regulations to the varied geographical and other circumstances of the States.

  36. Their marriage disobeyed Church regulations concerning consanguinity and a canonical atonement was required.

  37. Here were held annual fairs to which flocked the merchants of Europe, and the sensible counts of Champagne encouraged their visitors by wise regulations and strictest justice.

  38. Their niece Jeanne married the king of France, and the prosperous days of Champagne ended when it merged its independence in the royal domain, for new regulations soon impaired the popularity of its famous fairs.

  39. If we want a striking picture of them we have only to read Lichtenberg's extract from a code of regulations in case of fire.

  40. Where regulations of the service, as a kind of second nature, prescribe for the masses, reflection must be the guide of the General, and in his case individual boldness in action may easily become a fault.

  41. The whole body of instructions for formations, drill, and field service are regulations and methods: in the drill instructions the first predominate, in the field service instructions the latter.

  42. These masters were responsible to the civil authorities for the proper quality of the work done and for the observance of all the regulations which were promulgated by the intendant or the council from time to time.

  43. In their own country regulations safeguard the tourist fairly effectively.

  44. The Imperial Parliament was stirred to examine the Labour trade in the Pacific and regulations were enforced which put an end to the abuse.

  45. A fresh set of special regulations had been prepared in Spain, creating an elaborate hierarchy of executives.

  46. Nevertheless, against these outrageously unreasonable regulations the colonists for centuries made no armed protest.

  47. Subsequently, it has liberalized regulations to allow more foreign investment.

  48. This testimony, as showing the regulations in one of the largest girls' schools in Germany, seems to me valuable, as the course pursued by any large school is the index of the public demand.

  49. As to the regulations of the school concerning the pupils during the time to which you refer, there was only one general rule, that of being excused from the daily walk which we took from one to two hours every day.

  50. At all formations members of the guard or reliefs will execute inspection arms as prescribed in the drill regulations of their arm.

  51. Enlisted men should be very careful to observe all the sanitary regulations of the camp.

  52. The Drill Regulations are furnished as a guide.

  53. Field Service Regulations govern all arms of the Army of the United States.

  54. They are used in time of war to guard prisoners, to arrest stragglers and deserters, and to maintain order and enforce police regulations in the rear of armies, along lines of communication, and in the vicinity of large camps.

  55. The basic principles of the combat tactics of the different arms are set forth in the Drill Regulations of those arms for units as high as brigades," (Preface,FieldServiceRegulations.

  56. It will be held as prescribed in the drill regulations of the arm of the service to which the guard belongs.

  57. Footnote 8: Whenever in these regulations the word "pistol" appears the regulation applies with equal force to the revolver, if applicable to that weapon.

  58. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "regulations" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.