The reformer must give him up; but why should one wish to reform a person so much better than oneself?
The unselfishness that is demanded by the life of a reformer they have already in large abundance.
But for the few people here and there who have now the passion of the reformer it is not impossible that another generation may see many thousands.
The German princes who befriended and sustained the Reformer occupy conspicuous places, and the immense group presents a most impressive scene, associated with lofty character and commanding talent.
He was required to denounce the English reformer as one of the souls of the lost.
Lastly, he came with a "message," like the Apostle of the Gentiles; and in those times a preaching reformer was a novelty.
He is therefore a reformer only by accident; it is not his love of art, but his passion for Eva, which really brings about through his prize song a great musical reform.
He was, indeed, a reformer of the lyric stage whose influence long will be potent "all along the line.
T‘ă-jong had been a radical reformer and worked a revolution in Korean life similar to that which Cromwell effected in England.
This same reformer Ch’oe Chung-heun, though himself a man of perfect uprightness, had a brother who now took advantage of his position to force the king to take his daughter as queen.
This all happened in 1196, and two years later the reformer continued the good work by deposing the old and indolent king, banishing the crown prince to Kang-wha and putting the king’s brother Mun on the throne.
Nowhere else can the reformer count so surely on seeing the completion of his reform followed so instantly by the triumph of its adversaries.
He had not learnt to look away from both classes, professional and aristocratic alike, to that third estate where the voice of the reformer has always found the first response.
Thus far Burke, who has small sympathy to bestow on Wat Tyler, albeit that reformer was murdered in a cowardly way, whether it were Walworth or Cavendish who struck the blow.
Sergius Tychicus, converted in earlier years by a Paulician woman, who directed him to the Bible, made his appearance as a reformer and second founder of the sect.
Montanus appeared as a prophet and church reformer at Pepuza in Phrygia.
He comes forward also as a reformer of the liturgy.
In the time of Louis the Pious, Agobard appears as a reformer of the liturgy, in connection with which he passionately contended against Amalarius, against whom also Florus Magister entered the lists.
He was, in his philosophy, the leader of his age, the reformer of old abuses, the friend of progress.
He opposed priestly assumptions, taught the equality and brotherhood of man, sent out disciples to teach his doctrine, was a reformer who relied on the power of truth and love.
The ardent reformer often hardens into the stiff conservative.
Voltaire was incapable of becoming a radical reformer of the Christian Church, because he had in himself no faculty by which he could appreciate the central forces of Christianity.
The first work of a reformer is to discover the truth and the good latent amid the abuses he wishes to reform, and for the sake of which men endure the evil.
When he entered his carriage in Berlin, he is said to have remarked that he was now going to Augsburg as the Reformer of Germany, and everywhere praised this performance exceedingly.
Oh, but don't asperse the intelligence of the flock," deprecated the reformer quickly.
Nor is ours in employing it, to my thinking; informer and reformer sound perilously near alike.
The German reformer wished to remain united to the Church of the preceding ages, and was content to purify it of all that was opposed to the Word of God.
These words were no mere idle boasting; for while the pope was complimenting Zwingle on his eminent virtues, and the special confidence he placed in him, the enemies of the reformer were increasing in number throughout Switzerland.
While Rome was pursuing Luther with her anathemas, she endeavoured to win over the reformer of Zurich by gentleness.
The reformer of Switzerland unquestionably did the same; the inability of man to save himself forms the basis of the work of all the reformers.
It was well that the future reformer of Basle should, like Luther, become acquainted with that monastic life which is the highest expression of Roman-catholicism.
The reformer was destined to advance, and carry by a fresh struggle this new position of the enemy.
The Roman hierarchy might perhaps have driven the reformer to extremes; the sects which then so boldly raised their heads brought him back to the true path of moderation.
He replied publicly in his Hyperaspistes, accusing the reformer of barbarism, lying, and blasphemy.
We ought not to feel surprise at this: it is true the reformer was there no longer; but no human power could drive out the spirit that had animated him.
Tranquillity was hardly established when the reformer turned to his dear Melancthon, and demanded his assistance in the final revision of the New Testament which he had brought with him from the Wartburg.
The mere fact that Œcolampadius had joined the reformer of Zurich excited an immense sensation, not only in Basle but in all Germany.
A multitude of writings, composed in the Wartburg, succeeded each other rapidly, and the beloved voice of the reformer was everywhere hailed with enthusiasm.
Erasmus received this communication from the reformer as the bitterest of insults; and if he had not yet determined to write against Luther, he probably did so then.
Such is the language addressed to the reformer by one of the most illustrious men of his age.
Before daybreak, the reformer and his two friends, accompanied by Bullinger and the three councillors, passed through the deserted streets leading to the gate on the road to Zurich.
The reformer immediately ascended the pulpit, and the priest prepared to celebrate the Mass.
The authority of the Church," replied Kempe and Zechenhagen, the reformer of Hamburg, "cannot be acknowledged unless the Church herself obeys her pastor Jesus Christ.
To accomplish his designs, the reformer needed even in Zurich the greatest unity.
From this period the reformer almost entirely disappears, and we see in his place the politician, the great citizen, who, beholding a formidable coalition preparing its chains for every nation, stands up energetically against it.
The Reformer withdrew, a prey to anger and to fear.
The indefatigablereformer now went forward to new conquests.
Rejoice," said the reformer with a meek look, "I am going to a place of everlasting joy.
Thus thought theReformer of Zurich; but experience was one day to teach him, that to cut such knots is required a different sword from that of Alexander and of D'Erlach.
A mendicant friar, who dared not oppose the reformer in a direct manner at Aigle, ventured into the village of Noville, situated on the low grounds deposited by the Rhone as it falls into the lake of Geneva.
Zoroaster was a reformer rather than a founder of a religion; and the sites that became fire-temples after his date (the seventh century before Christ) were probably shrines of some kind of worship for ages before that period.
I started out very hotly as a reformer when I began life.
But don't you think thereformer is right in principle?
The average reformer endorses thoroughly the theory 'that every man is as good as another, and a little better.
Thus will fall victims to the same accusation the reformer Tiberius Sempronius Gracchus, and lastly, at a later period, the great Caesar himself.
She was a reformer who, in the present day, would have been in the front rank of the workers for the advancement of women.
It may be regarded as the work of a reformeror of a destroyer.
That done, the number of ways by which the priest can become the reformer of his parish will at once disclose themselves.
Will any one deny that the young priest has here an ample field for his zeal and energy, and a splendid opportunity of proving himself the reformer and saviour of the people?
Overlooking the slight, Lorenzo tried by all means to win Savonarola's favor, but the reformer persisted in denouncing him.
In Romola George Eliot portrays the character and acts of this great reformer with a legitimate intensifying, for artistic purposes, of the certified facts of history.
Yet the reformer is not a rebel; it is indeed the peculiar distinction of his position not to be a rebel, for there has never been a real reformer (as distinguished from a revolutionist) who wished to do anything illegal.
He was a Reformer of pronounced opinions, most earnest in the advocacy of temperance, possessed of great tact and respected for his high character in all the relations of life.
He is also said to have conceived the idea of an Academy, and to have in many other ways shown himself an active and ardent reformer of letters.
Although Benezet himself did not live to see it, this volume converted to the cause of the oppressed race a man who as an author and reformer became one of the greatest champions it ever had.
Anthony Benezet, on the other hand, was a reformer of riper judgment and calmer methods than Lay.
Illustration] The last of Durer's engravings on copper is a portrait of Melancthon, dated 1526, the year in which the meek and learned reformer visited Nuremberg.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "reformer" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.