By a lengthening of the summer there occurs therefore a retrogressive interruption of generations.
The former would thus nearly coincide with Haeckel’s progressive, and the latter with his retrogressive metagenesis.
Radlkofer,[880] when propagated asexually, do undergo a retrogressive metamorphosis.
Animals propagated asexually by buds or fission are on the other hand never known to undergo a retrogressive metamorphosis; that is, they do not first sink to a lower, before passing on to their higher and final stage of development.
After that period, though changes in the organism still continue, they are retrogressive changes, and as such might fairly be excluded from any account of development, which clearly implies progression, not retrogression.
Slip of the screw, positive and negative slip; lateral and retrogressive slip.
Europe became the battle-field of progressive and retrogressive forces, the scene of a struggle between two parties which can best be termed Liberalism and Conservatism.
At first sight we may wonder that the race which had shone with such incomparable luster from Dante to Ariosto, and which had done so much to create modern culture for Europe, should so quietly have accepted a retrogressive revolution.
The jury, then, is a retrogressive institution, as shown by history and sociology, for it represents the mediaeval and instinctive phase of criminal justice.
There has already been, amongst the same prison experts, a certainretrogressive movement in regard to isolation.
The congestion is relieved by rupture of the smallest blood vessels, and there follow other retrogressive steps which completely restore the various structures to their former state.
And this desecration of the last will and testament of the fathers, this retrogressive legislation for woman, was in the face of the earnest protests of thousands of the best educated, most refined and cultivated women of the North.
Nevertheless, as an Independent Candidate, I desire an election at this time, as a rebuke to the dominant party for its retrogressive legislation in so amending the National Constitution as to make invidious distinctions on the ground of sex.
She could not pledge herself to unconditional loyalty to the Government--certainly not if the Government took any retrogressive step.
There is abundant evidence that at the time of maturation of the egg the germinal vesicle undergoes peculiar changes, which are, in part at least, of a retrogressive character.
On this junction being effected retrogressive changes take place in the original subintestinal vessel.
The retrogressive metamorphosis of the germinal vesicle is followed in a large number of instances by the conversion of what remains into a striated spindle similar in character to a nucleus previous to division.
At the same time its terminal part becomes very much thinner than the remainder, ends in a point, and exhibits signs of a retrogressive metamorphosis.
Before the egg is quite ripe both kinds of follicle cells undergo retrogressive changes (Pl.
At the time when the egg is mature the germinal vesicle undergoes a retrogressive metamorphosis and becomes carried towards the surface of the egg by the contraction of the protoplasm.
Just beyond the edge of a large ovum the small ova have begun to undergo retrogressive changes; while at a little distance from the ovum they are quite normal.
The dirty retrogressive Boer vanished from our scheme of illusion.
The tendency of German legislation is a retrogressive one.
This is one of the retrogressive measures which are daily occurrences in Russia.
By petty, shortsighted suggestions, born ofretrogressive and philistine minds, the evils of the age cannot be cured.
Independent similar products of nature according to Darwin do not exist without heredity and his retrogressive philosophy must come to a full stop when the end of the thread of ancestry is reached, or the original vegetable form.
The retrogressive tendencies of the masses were invariably reinforced by the periodic invasions of aliens who had no respect for official deities and temple creeds.
The invaders who absorbed Sumerian civilization may have secured more settled conditions by welding together political units, but seem to have exercised a retrogressive influence on the growth of local culture.
I do not confuse this kind of retrogressive development, arising from the arrest of certain organs and systems of organs, with true reversion.
We have indeed many cases of retrogressive development, although in a somewhat different sense, as with parasites and those forms which have degenerated from free locomotion to a sedentary mode of life.
It has allowed itself to be made a cat's paw by the National Divorce League for its retrogressive policy.
The Donatus clearly shows the retrogressive tendencies of the teachers of that age.
Shows the Retrogressive Tendencies of the Teachers of the Period .
On this junction being effected retrogressive changes take place in the praeanal section of the original subintestinal vessel.
The solitary asexual Salp clearly corresponds with the Cyathozooid of Pyrosoma, though it has not, like the Cyathozooid, undergone a retrogressive metamorphosis.
The nervous system also undergoes a very rapid retrogressive metamorphosis; and the only part of it which persists would seem to be the dilated portion of the spinal cord in the trunk (Kupffer, No.
With the above changes the retrogressive metamorphosis is completed; and it only remains to notice the change in position undergone in the attainment of the adult state.
If the suggestion is correct, the division of the body into lobes in existing Vertebrata must be regarded as a step towards a retrogressive metamorphosis.
The development of the adult from the larva is, as has already been stated, in the main a retrogressive metamorphosis.
It is, in the first place, without an anus; and there are no grounds for supposing that the anus has become lost by retrogressive changes.
The doctrines of communism and of nihilism are the products of retrogressive genius and are clearly atavistic, inasmuch as they are a reversion to the mental habitudes of our savage ancestors.
Among declining nations, many of these developments take a retrogressive road.
The violent struggle between an imperious dogmatism and an unintelligent and mistaken attempt at a retrogressive movement is resolved into a higher view, which permits the union of conservatism and progress.
He is in fact a representative of retrogressive development.
Larvae and embryos show us the original types of each race; adults show us the total amount of change produced by progressive or retrogressive development.
The operation is repeated from time to time, and as a result the new growth undergoes retrogressive changes, and cicatrization takes place.