The establishment of the identity perception on the short regressive road within the apparatus does not in another respect carry with it the result which inevitably follows the revival of the same perception from without.
The dream, which in fulfilling its wishes follows the short regressive path, thereby preserves for us only an example of the primary form of the psychic apparatus which has been abandoned as inexpedient.
We do not ask ourselves whether but how they are possible, what they imply, and what they suppose; a regressive analysis attempts by critical reflection to discern in them their principles and requisites.
Dream symbols are the most easily demonstrable, and after them, certain peculiarities of regressive dream representations.
Analytic observation, too, shows that the dream-work never limits itself to translating these thoughts in the archaic or regressive mode of expression known to you.
These condensations, displacements, regressive translations of thoughts into pictures, are new discoveries which richly repay our efforts in the field of psychoanalysis.
This term is preferable, as inherited regressive modifications (degeneration, retrograde metamorphisis, etc.
Logically his theory proves, as Ray Lankester pointed out, that the struggle for existence may have as its outcome degeneration as well as amelioration: evolution may be regressive as well as progressive.
In the strongly regressive phantasies of the invalid, fragments of all sorts of things are cooked or roasted and the ashes can become men.
In order not to be conscious of his desire for incest (his regressive impulse toward animal nature) the son lays the entire blame on the mother, whence results the image of the ‘dreaded mother.
The victory over the dragon is equivalent to the sacrificing of the regressive (incestuous) tendency.
Erotic experiences are connected very easily with them because, going over into the regressive phase, they show their “titanic” countenances.
Introversion is an excellent road to lazy phantasying in the regressive direction.
The regressive phase, however, appears as soon as one indulges in the gratification of the Siddhi.
A special study of regressive structures and of the laws and principles which lead to them would have extreme interest, both for biology and for philosophy.
With the loss of his patron, the substitute for his father, and with the increasing difficulties in his life, the regressive displacement extended in dimension.
And thus we do not rise to the divine existence by any 'regressive inference,' as the Kantian argument reaches it; we find God in conscience.
For why should we ever pause in the regressive study of the phenomena of the universe, of which we only observe the slow evolution through immeasurable time?
If the velocity is changed suddenly the progressive differential coefficient measures the velocity just after the change, and the regressive differential coefficient measures the velocity just before the change.
To find the connection between God and nature we must remount by a process of regressive thought to the first, and, indeed, the last act of creation--the primal origination of matter and motion.
It is the main product of the regressive metamorphosis (katabolism) of proteid matter in the body, and is excreted daily to the amount of about 500 grains by a man of average weight.
Both points are illustrated by the argument of Professor Huxley, who uses the moral ideals as a test whereby to judge the process of evolution, and decides that evolution has been progressive in the past and will be regressive in the future.
Strange to say, the reason why Professor Huxley maintains that evolution will be regressiveis exactly the same reason that leads Mr. Herbert Spencer to maintain that it will be progressive.
Such reversion or regressive metamorphosis is as much a part of the organism's evolution as its previous progressive metamorphosis; and progress and regress both are equally the result of adaptation to environment.
But considered from the point of view of Paedogenesis, they all assume quite a different aspect, and seem rather to represent very highly evolved species, and to be, not primitive forms, but conservative and regressive forms.
The regressive mode of knowledge has its highest value in preparing for the progressive.
It is evident that the regressive type occurs only as an abnormality, or as a result of artificial cultivation.
As such, Wolff had made certain observations which caused him to ascribe to the plant features quite similar to those which Goethe had grasped under the conception of progressive andregressive metamorphosis.
Secondly, Reason in its logical use seeks the universal condition of its judgment; and when such is not found in the major premiss proceeds to its discovery through a regressive series of prosyllogisms.
It is in this form alone, as conceived in a regressive series of possible perceptions, and not as having existed in itself, that even the immemorial past course of the world can be represented as real; ".
Note: It is the main product of the regressive metamorphosis (katabolism) of proteid matter in the body, and is excreted daily to the amount of about 500 grains by a man of average weight.
In the progressive form the subject of the conclusion is the same in all the syllogisms; in the regressive form the predicate is the same.
It is apparent from the figure that in the progressive form we work from within outwards, in the regressive form from without inwards.
In the regressive sorites the proposition which stands first is the only one which appears as a major premiss in the expanded form.
The Regressive Sorites is a train of reasoning in which the major premiss of each epi-syllogism is supported by a pro-syllogism, while the minor is taken for granted.
The regressive sorites, it will be observed, consists of the same propositions as the progressive one, only written in reverse order.
A man has a definite idea of "a year ago" which the child wants, just because he has had so frequently to execute that vague regressive movement by which the idea arises.
Similar effects of regression are to be found in cases where there are no troubles in the function of nutrition, and here we readily find a regressive revival of reminiscences of a time long past.
In these cases the regressive libido, turning away from its application to the work of adaptation, holds sway over the function of nutrition and provokes considerable disturbance.
In the same way I shall call "regressive introversion," the opposite pathological phenomenon which we find in dementia præcox, where the subject himself suffers these phantastical transfigurations.
Kant bases each of his famous four antinomies on the demand of pure reason for unconditioned totality in a regressive series of conditions.
He had conquered his regressive tendencies and his speech was improving.
The conflict, however, played itself off in his dreams, offering a solution of a regressive type.
This term is preferable, as inherited regressive modifications (degeneration, retrograde metamorphosis, etc.
Its internal conditions are its parts, and the parts of parts its remote conditions; so that in this case we find a regressive synthesis, the absolute totality of which is a demand of reason.
The cosmological ideas are therefore occupied with the totality of the regressive synthesis, and proceed in antecedentia, not in consequentia.
The series of conditions is discoverable only in the regressive synthesis itself, and not in the phenomenon considered as a thing in itself--given prior to all regress.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "regressive" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.