For conspicuous in the white daylight of St. Jason's were three antique columns, which, with other sculptured fragments set in the walls, had been taken from an earlier pagan temple to build this later church.
Fragments of the inscription it once bore have been found on stones built into the houses of the present village.
The canal, r, by Swammerdam denominated the root of the penis, breaks in copulation; and we have seen its fragments at the place where it unites to the end of the lentil, l.
Ample fragments of their flesh were either roasting or preparing for cookery.
Fragments of his clothes, and traces of blood were found on the opposite side of the swamp.
It was then he created a sensation by his passionate address, fragments of which are preserved to us in the biblical book which bears his name.
Two other fragments were found, and then the Telegraph, probably thinking it had been sufficiently advertised, decided that its venture had succeeded, and Smith was recalled.
These fragments have been of much service to students of Egyptology.
Fires had been lit on the shore as night came on; but except fragments of the wreck and a number of bales of cotton nothing was recovered.
Fragments of the stone work flew outwards and upwards.
Some were lying together in quaint, grotesque shapes; others stood out alone against the sky, and broken fragments of all sizes covered the ground, choking and destroying all vegetation.
Fragments of the rock and stone fell hissing into the water scarcely a hundred feet away.
When you are putting one together, you suddenly come upon some awkward piece that will not fit in anywhere, but you do not in disgust and despair break your piece into fragments or throw it away.
It is now only known by somefragments of narrative in Josephus's treatise Against Apion, and by tables of dynasties and kings with lengths of reigns, divided into three books, in the works of Christian chronographers.
There are also indications of another series of faults roughly parallel to the south-east coast, which point to the islands being fragments of a former extensive plateau.
There have been found a certain number of inscribed leaves and fragments of vellum of early date which without doubt originally formed part of codices or MSS.
And certainly Manning does betray in these autobiographical fragments an unheroic sensitiveness to the verdict of posterity on his career.
Fabricius has collected the "Greek Fragmentsof Manichaean Epistles" in his Bibliotheca Graeca (vii.
The fragments are 800 in number, both on paper and vellum, written and adorned with the pious care and good taste which the Manichaeans are known to have bestowed on their manuscripts.
Originally furnished from fragments of various religions, it could increase or diminish this possession without rupturing its own elastic framework.
There are earth entrenchments, seemingly of the earliest period; fragments of stone circles and alignments; burial cairns with stone cists of several successive periods; urn mounds and crannoges or lake dwellings.
The fragments of narrative give a very confused idea of Egyptian history in the time of the Hyksos and the XVIIIth Dynasty.
Notwithstanding all their defects, the fragments of Manetho have provided the accepted scheme of Egyptian dynasties and have been of great service to scholars ever since the first months of Champollion's decipherment.
With the exception of a fewfragments written in a Pehlevi dialect, all this recovered Manichaean literature is in the Ouigour or Vigur dialect of Tatar.
I could not see them and caught onlyfragments of their strange, whispered talk of love.
Madame Lemercier's little girl, with a careful hand on the banister, was coming upstairs, her neck thrust forward like a bird, and I compared her little footsteps to fragments of passing seconds.
On reaching a field which belongs to a neighbouring village they lay down the figure, cudgel it soundly, and scatter the fragments over the field.
We have already seen that in modern Europe the figure of "Death" is sometimes torn in pieces, and that the fragments are then buried in the fields to make the crops grow well.
We have fragments of poems on Tristan by the Anglo-Norman poets Beroul and Thomas, who were contemporaries of Chretien.
It then, in my presence, constructed a new ceiling with the fragments of the former one.
And when the seven among four thousand, how many baskets full of fragments took ye up?
When I brake the five loaves among five thousand, how many baskets full of fragments took ye up?
The court-yard was strewn with fragmentsof masonry, and the pages were ordered to keep under shelter of the wall of the castle unless summoned on duty.
Mahmud having entered the temple, broke the stone Somnath with a heavy mace; some of the fragments he ordered to be conveyed to Ghizni, and they were placed at the threshold of the great Mosque.
Two more fragments he reserved to be sent to Mecca and Medina.
The leaders of the republican factions knew very well how to estimate the power of Mirabeau; they knew very well that Mirabeau was able to fit together the fragments of the crown which he had helped to break.
I considered my friends is so rent and broken, that scarcely any torn fragments of it remain, and I fear to bring them together again, for I know that what once is broken cannot be mended again.
The goldsmith had been discovered to whom the countess had sold the golden setting of the necklace, and Bohmer and Bassenge had recognized in the fragments which remained their own work.
But the most curious remains were the fragments of a sort of screen work, pieces of plaster covered with geometric designs upon both sides, the patterns on the two sides differing.
The architectural fragments consisted of capitals of pillars [PLATE V.
Some falling fragmentsstruck him; but fortunately the injuries that he received were slight, and had no permanent consequence.
The imminent crack and crash of the thunder ceased, and only rumblings were heard, mere memories, echoes, or as if the broken fragments of the sky were rolling to and fro in some vast sea-wash.
Near Canterbury there are some Early English fragments at Chartham, four miles west on the road to Maidstone.
The western end of the choir opens into the antechapel, which lacks its ancient glazing except for the fragments gathered together into the central western embrasure, whose original tracery glass, however, remains intact.
A nearer approach not only reveals the disordered array of fragments but also permits one to remark a few of the original figures and canopies in the upper left-hand corner.
On the way out let us stop in the north-west corner of the nave and notice in the north wall a window filled with a collection of about eighty-five roundels and heads, all helter-skelter, eked out with fragments from other embrasures.
The original fragments have been collected within coloured borders and throw into bold relief the richly toned kneeling figures of Edward IV.
The east window of the south transept contains fragments of fourteenth and fifteenth century glass from other parts of the church.
From fragments observable in some side windows, and also in the traceries of both the north and south aisles of the choir, it seems that the Fox glass was also used there.
Winchester, Nave 200 The excellent effect produced by the Fifteenth Century fragments with which this window is glazed proves that colour is more important than design in glass.
There are fragments in the two small windows of the nave's west end, but the most important remains are those in the east window above the altar.
The great west window is filled with fragments brought from the nave clerestory, and is mostly figures and canopies.
Here is collected all that the minster possesses of that epoch except a few fragments in the east and west aisles of the great south transept.
To the right and left just before we enter the Lady chapel are single windows containing fragments of ancient glass.
Note especially the plentiful and interesting fragments of the Tree of Jesse done in mosaic style which has been introduced in two parallel columns into the central lancet: the borders are contemporary.
In some places the troops were smothered in earth and dust or even spattered with blood from the hideous fragments of human bodies that went hurtling through the air.
Sometimes where new ground is broken the spade turns up the long-buried dead, ghastly relics of former fights, and on all sides the surface of the earth is ploughed and furrowed by fragments of shell and bombs and distorted by mines.
And in truth these Bad Lands are an immense ossuary where lie bleaching in the sun myriads of fragments of pachyderms, chelonians, and even, some would have us believe, fossil men, overwhelmed by unknown cataclysms ages and ages ago.
Instinctively he drew nearer to his master, but not for the world would he have dared to break in on the conversation of which the fragments reached him.
The Period: a After sentences; b But not after fragments of sentences; c After abbreviations 91.
Fragments Misused as Sentences= Rewrite the following statements in sentences each of which expresses a complete thought.
On the legitimate employment and the imperative conditions of eclecticism, see 3d Series, Fragments Philosophiques, vol.
Jacqueline Pascal, and the Fragmentsof the Cartesian Philosophy, p.
On the danger of seeking unity before all, see in the 3d Series, Fragments Philosophiques, vol.
He knew some fragments of the antique, some pictures of Raphael, and the designs that Poussin sent him.
Much of this is surmise, but a good deal was the substance of remarks made infragments of soliloquy.
Then comes the chaos of dispersal--the broken fragments of the intelligible a watchful ear may pick out.
For a wonder, there were no beggars to be seen, but instead of them there were various parties of well-dressed visitors walking about the paths, or sitting on the massive stone fragments which lay under the ruined arches.
In some places these ruins consisted of columns standing alone, or immense fragments of broken arches that had fallen down, and now lay neglected upon the ground.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "fragments" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.