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Example sentences for "revisionist"

Lexicographically close words:
revisers; revises; revising; revision; revisionary; revisions; revisit; revisited; revisiting; revisits
  1. Against the respectability and personal worth of any member of the Revisionist body, let me not be supposed to breathe a syllable.

  2. Inasmuch however as it is the production of the Chairman of the Revisionist body, and professes to be a reply to my first two Articles, I have bestowed upon it an elaborate and particular rejoinder extending to an hundred-and-fifty pages.

  3. It has been the ruin of the present undertaking--as far as the Sacred Text is concerned--that the majority of the Revisionist body have been misled throughout by the oracular decrees and impetuous advocacy of Drs.

  4. If doctrinal prepossession had no share in the production under review,--why is no protest publicly put forth against such language as the foregoing, when employed by a conspicuous Member of the Revisionist body?

  5. Concerning the value of the last-named authority, it is a satisfaction to enjoy the deliberate testimony of the Chairman of the Revisionist body.

  6. It was at Dresden, 1903, that the revisionist tempest reached its height in the party teapot.

  7. This controversy is known as the "revisionist movement.

  8. There was absolutely nothing in the newspapers with reference to any great success achieved at that moment by the Revisionist party; but possibly the message might refer to one or another of M.

  9. Going backward, too, he confided to me some curious particulars of the genesis of the Revisionist campaign.

  10. Zola was more than once struck by the heterogeneous nature of the Revisionist army.

  11. Paty de Clam, which the Revisionist papers were then demanding.

  12. True he added that it had been given him by a well-known Revisionist leader to whom Maitre Labori, in a moment of emergency, having nobody of his own whom he could send abroad, had handed it.

  13. Colonel du Paty de Clam, for whose arrest the Revisionist journals had clamoured so long and so pertinaciously, had at last been cast into prison.

  14. This kind of revisionist remorse didn't sound like the Grant she knew.

  15. He then became an adherent of the revisionist policy of General Boulanger and a member of the League of Patriots.

  16. He entered the Chamber of Deputies for Apt in 1883 as a representative of the extreme revisionist programme, and was one of the leaders of the Boulangist agitation.

  17. Hence, the Council sponsors historical works which give the socialist-internationalist version of historical events prior to and during World War II, while ignoring, or debunking, revisionist studies which attempt to tell the truth.

  18. The CFR's stated purpose in bringing out this work was to head off the revisionist historians like Charles Callan Tansill, Harry Elmer Barnes, Frederic R.

  19. Khrushchev then became the object of violent attacks in the Albanian press, being castigated as more of a revisionist than Tito.

  20. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "revisionist" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    corrective; extremist; heretic; heretical; progressive; radical; reformer; revisionist; revolutionary