He will begin to experiment with other objects, by and by to classify his knowledge, and finally, he will see and remember that like causes produce like effects, and in progressing thus far will have made a tremendous stride.
The child, if he were taught as Froebel intended, would make his first acquaintance with numbers in the nursery, beginning in a very small way and progressing slowly.
It still waits for its final recognition, towards which it isprogressing more rapidly and surely every day it lives.
At the end of the second month she had been gained over; she stationed herself before his pictures to judge whether they were progressing or not.
He was the first to speak, and said: 'You know matters aren't progressing very well over yonder with those brutes.
Matters were not progressing as he could have wished.
Though it was kept a profound secret, the truth was that the Earl was not progressing as well as had been expected.
Sir Evered remained at Bracondale a whole week, and then, finding that his patient was progressing favourably, returned to London, leaving the case in the hands of Dr.
Suffice it to say, that everything is progressing favorably, though recent heavy rains have greatly incommoded such of the land forces as are not supplied with umbrellas.
But the third category has no real existence; since there are things that have already attained the acme of perfection, and there are others still progressing towards perfection.
Dolores looks up from her book to ask how the abbey is progressing under Blondine's skilled fingers; but Dolores may save herself the trouble of speaking, for Miss Blondine is asleep.
But the sketching is not progressing very rapidly; Blondine loses herself in a day dream.
This state of affairs has no doubt been considerably altered during the great war; the political education of Germany, a painful but salutary process, is progressing rapidly.
It is in respect of the continued welfare of the whole and of its perpetuation as an evolving and progressing organism that the effects seem likely to be decidedly bad.
No," said he; "that isprogressing admirably, but many things are necessary before we can experiment with it.
DUMB SHOW Moving figures and vehicles dot the surface of the road, all progressing in one direction, away from the coast.
He goes to larboard to see what is progressing on that side between his ship and the "Santisima Trinidad.
The steadily progressing increase in the seriousness of the motor trouble, paralleled by progressing mental deterioration, is one of the most significant factors in the differential diagnosis.
Such was the state of my mind--progressing from a morbid to a healthy condition--when you proposed certain speculations to me.
We represent the time-sequence through a line progressing to infinity in which the manifold constitutes a series of only one dimension.
They know that no matter what may be the vicissitudes they pass through they are still progressing to an ever fuller freedom.
There was a seat, however, just under the captain’s lookout, and there was nothing before me but the progressing prow and the silver expanse of the river.
In our neighboring States, Illinois and Iowa, grape-growing is progressing rapidly.
This school has given rise to the great geological surveys made orprogressing in several of the States.
These combined observations, progressing throughout the world, are of the highest importance.
They could understand that the work must be progressing favorably, since hearty cheers often followed the discharge.
When the next station gave the pleasing information that it had all been correctly received and sent along the line, Hugh felt that things were certainly progressing splendidly.
Their bodies are distended by progressing dissolution.
It was not progressing rapidly enough, and I was to see to what extent the Entente economists were right.
Was not this indeed the evolution, the object of the labour progressing everywhere, the finish reserved to History?
But the disorder was progressing with such lightning-like rapidity that all succour was becoming futile.
He was much moved by her charitable thought, for he realised, by the faint quiver of her voice, that she desired to appear a docile pupil, progressing in affection for the lowly and the wretched.
It seemed as though the night in progressing had increased the gloom, and imparted a remote visionary aspect to the Grotto.
And a whole year had then gone by; he had lived for a whole year imprisoned in his arm-chair, with that poignant drama progressing beneath him in those luxurious rooms whence no sound even reached his ears.
I have interests over here as you may know, a big building enterprise which is unfortunately not progressing very well.