Under the influence of Zhivkov's more liberal cultural policy in the 1960s, artists began to show greater variation and creativity in style while retaining the acceptable subject matter for their work.
Others within the medium wanted to have more freedom and creativity in programming.
During the period of de-Stalinization in the mid-1950s, cultural controls became less restrictive, and artistic and intellectual expression burst into new creativity and life.
Medieval creativity came to an abrupt halt with the Turkish invasion, which not only prevented new artistic expression but also destroyed and damaged much of the existing art.
Not until the National Revival of the nineteenth century did Bulgarian artists again begin to express their creativity in painting and sculpture.
The various folk arts have been free from restriction even during periods of strict cultural controls; therefore, they have afforded the best outlet for individual creativity of the serious artists as well as the folk artists.
This year, Hillary and I launched the White House Millennium Program to promote America's creativity and innovation and to preserve our heritage and culture into the 21st century.
Their education must provide the knowledge and nurture the creativity that will allow our entire nation to thrive in the new economy.
Creativity and life were, for him, veritably exhausted.
Universal education and an explosion of new fields of creativity open the way to insights that stimulate social mobility and integration, and create opportunities of which the rule of law encourages the citizen to take full advantage.
Creativity and Taoism: A Study of Chinese Philosophy, Art, and Poetry.
This invention becomes the hallmark of the later Lin-chi sect, and through the refinement of the koan technique Ch'an enjoys a renaissance of creativity in China.
Out of this fusion of technical musicianship and folk creativity emerged a new, vigorous music which became known as jazz.
Besides attracting Afro-Americans from every walk of life, it became the focal point for young intellectuals whose creativity resulted in the Negro Renaissance.
As diverse peoples learned to live together, they became a dynamo generating both creativity and conflict.
The achievement of intimacy, general and specific, leads to the development of another capacity essential to integrity; namely, the capacity for generation, whether of offspring or creativity of some other kind.
On the other hand, the person with integrity is one who can initiate creativity of his own, or consent to and participate in the creativity of others.
How can we so participate with them in living that there will be called forth in them a courage that will dare the risks ofcreativity and acquire the freedom to love?
And in return, grant schools flexibility to teach with creativity and passion, to stop teaching to the test, and to replace teachers who just aren't helping kids learn.
What we can do--what America does better than anyone else-- is spark the creativity and imagination of our people.
Creativity in virtual reality, including creativity of interaction on the Internet, invites play.
Distribution of ownership might not be new, but its motivations are no longer rooted in inheritance, rather in creativity and a selfish sense of business allegiance.
Industrial experience, a school of a new pragmatic framework, would impart awareness of creativity and productivity, as well as a new sense of confidence.
When literacy reaches the limits of its implicit capabilities, new transaction languages emerge, and new forms of freedom, tolerance, and creativity are sanctioned through the market mechanism.
As an interactive medium, virtual reality can be turned into an instrument for knowing others as they unfold their creativityin the virtual space shared.
Cross-pollination among disciplines traditionally kept in isolation will definitely enhance creativity by doing away with the obsessive channeling practiced nowadays.
These man-made conditions cannot and should not veil the fact that human creativity and inventiveness are prevented from unfolding, replaced by ready-made solutions, instead of being stimulated.
To survive as an artist, writer, or scientist meant to force creativity where almost no room for it was left.
They doubted whether there was room for creativity in its use, but never questioned its documentary quality: shorthand for descriptions difficult, but still possible, in writing.
At times it appears that humans do not compete for achieving higher levels of creativity and productivity.
It was also a time of diversified, though still limited, sexual experiences, made possible by a framework of creativity different from the framework of the Middle Ages.
We are living through an existence-proof that there are other methods of generating innovation, expression, and creativity than the proprietary, exclusionary model of sole control.
But if that is our conclusion, it merely proves that our theories of aesthetics are poorer than the creativity they seek to describe.
No one who looks at the Web can doubt the power of distributed, and frequently uncompensated, creativity in constructing remarkable reference works, operating systems, cultural conversations, even libraries of images and music.
But I also believe in the power and creativity of commercial culture and political speech carried on mass media.
The world of creativityand its methods is wider than we had thought.
It is getting harder and harder to pretend that the rules ostensibly designed to encourage creativity are actually working.
Copyright is supposed to leave "holes" in its coverage so that the genre is not covered, only the specific form of creativity within the genre.
An additional component of some definitions is that the results of the creativity must be fed back into the commons for all to use.
As the last chapter showed, for the entire history of musical creativity until the last forty years or so, the same had been true of at least a low level of musical borrowing.
For us to portray the Web--as the Internet Threat story line does--as predominantly a threat to creativity is simply perverse.
So in some areas of both music and language, we had commons- based creativity because there were no property rights over the relevant level.
The period of greatest architectural creativity is usually referred to as the feudal period, dating from the tenth century to the beginning of the nineteenth century.
The mid-and late-1960s saw an outpouring of literary creativity that had been pent up during the preceding decade.
Fear of the future should not lead us to stifle creativity with regulations.