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Example sentences for "originality"

Lexicographically close words:
oriflamme; origanum; origin; original; originale; originall; originally; originals; originate; originated
  1. Nay, we are inclined to say something higher--the modesty and moral courage to reject originality is displayed.

  2. That "B flat" is power; in short, all that originality includes and implies.

  3. We have no reluctance to admitting that originality is not particularly studied here.

  4. Josiah Wedgwood, by his marked originality and force of character, succeeded in turning the current of national taste, and creating among us a new and distinctly higher type of artistic workmanship.

  5. Though he gained for them both a far wider and more general acceptance than they had ever before popularly received, he laid no sort of claim himself to originality or proprietorship in either theory.

  6. We are concerned with originality of attitude which is equivalent to the unforced response of one's own individuality, not with originality as measured by product.

  7. Only silly folk identify creative originality with the extraordinary and fanciful; others recognize that its measure lies in putting everyday things to uses which had not occurred to others.

  8. If we act upon this conviction, we shall secure more originality even by the conventional standard than now develops.

  9. His originality lay in the use to which these familiar acquaintances were put by introduction into an unfamiliar context.

  10. Mind, individual method, originality (these are convertible terms) signify the quality of purposive or directed action.

  11. The measure of difference between the average student and the genius is a measure of the absence of originality in the former.

  12. And measuring originality by deviation from the mass breeds eccentricity in them.

  13. Originality is gradually destroyed, confidence in one's own quality of mental operation is undermined, and a docile subjection to the opinion of others is inculcated, or else ideas run wild.

  14. Originality cannot be claimed for it, as it is the conventional Don Juan Tenorio type.

  15. Much harm has been done Espronceda's reputation for originality by those critics who fastened upon him the name of "the Spanish Byron.

  16. The young Cadorine studied carefully the minute drawings of Gentile Bellini, but, with an originality peculiar to himself, sketched boldly and rapidly.

  17. But of course the question of originality becomes more serious when the imported numbers are not the composer's own.

  18. His numerous editions of classical authors, deficient in originality and critical judgment, although valuable at the time as giving the student the results of the labours of earlier scholars, are now entirely superseded.

  19. The mere fact that these arts express themselves by representing things that have some previous independent existence, helps us to look for originality rather in the things that make for perfection of treatment than in novelty of subject.

  20. The originality of the composer resides, in 16th-century music as in all art, in his whole work; but naturally his conception of property and ideas will not extend to themes or isolated passages.

  21. They were all rather singular persons, and had a vein of originality which made them unlike the people one met in common society.

  22. There was great originality in all she said, and her manner was strikingly energetic for so old a woman.

  23. With his wife Elspeth, a woman of much originality and force of character, combined with deep religious feeling of the old-fashioned Puritan type, the case was different.

  24. Alike in the originality of its conception and the power with which it is wrought out, it stands on a level that is almost entirely its own.

  25. The reader of to-day who has the curiosity to inquire into the correctness of this opinion will, if he is familiar with the romances of the eighteenth century, find little originality in Brown's stories, and nothing distinctively American.

  26. It has been said, and I think the statement can be maintained, that for any parallel to those treatises on the nature of government, in respect to originality and vigor, we must go back to classic times.

  27. The praise of originality must also be accorded to his economical theories, in which he advocated those principles of free trade, which politicians began to adopt many years after his death.

  28. While we thus discuss the lack of originality and the tendency to over-refinement among the Arabian medical writers, it must not be thought that we would make little of what they accomplished.

  29. We see that people value ease and security, more than they admire originality and fantastic contradiction.

  30. We lay no claim to originality in the mode of treatment--we will endeavor to cull the choicest flowers from the garden, and if others can make a brighter or better bouquet, we shall be glad to have their assistance.

  31. In originality of thought, grace of style, and logical ability, he distanced all rival writers on religion in his time, and what is of no small importance, his life was as blameless as his intellect was unapproachable.

  32. The originality of style, and the eloquence of expression, cannot fail to interest all who read it.

  33. Holland makes considerable pretensions as to originality of style in a curiously incongruous creation at the north of the Fine Arts Palace.

  34. It must seem strange that the three northern countries named first should excel in originality of architecture, as well as in the allied arts.

  35. It presents the astounding spectacle of a building which violates the architectural conventions on more than one occasion, and in spite of it, or possibly for that very reason, it has a note of originality that is most conspicuous.

  36. On the occasion of this second essay in originality the whole form decided to interest itself in Miller's welfare.

  37. However, the portrait statues and bas-reliefs show originality and illustrate the tendency of the Romans toward realism in art.

  38. All opponents dreaded him in his originality of idea, condensation, definition, and force of expression, and wo be to the man who hugged to his bosom a secret error if Mr. Lincoln got on the chase of it.

  39. This is remarkable, because Herndon was a man with a powerful originality and a strong will.

  40. He possessed originality and power of thought in an eminent degree.

  41. Great originality belongs to the mystical unity of the Supreme Intelligence.

  42. This is a cleverly contrived story, possessing marked originality and interest.

  43. The characters, relative to the soil, are very clearly drawn, and there is a great deal of originality in the plot and treatment of the story.

  44. This school has one great drawback: it considers all things natural beautiful, and looks upon an imitation of that which was as better than an exertion of the self-creative originality of the artist.

  45. Reinhart was an artist of directness and force, in a style based upon modern French and German examples; while of greater originality as a whole, though derivative in detail, is the fanciful penmanship of Alfred Brennan.

  46. But far greater originality and force belonged to the work of a group, known for a time as the neo-Pre-Raphaelites, which joined to an earnest study of the past a scrupulously open mind towards more modern influences.

  47. Pinwell had a more delicate fancy, but less freedom in his technique--less ease, but more originality of composition.

  48. But as regards originality of thought Bloch was far surpassed by his contemporary, B.

  49. Upon the whole, their buildings are remarkable mainly in the perpetuation of Oriental architecture rather than in the development of any originality except in skill of decoration and combination.

  50. The Priestly Code itself offers a remarkable testimony to the superior originality of the Jehovist genealogy, by ascribing to Lamech, here the ninth in order, the age of 777 years.

  51. When it is argued for the originality of the passover ritual in the Priestly Code that it alone fits in with the conditions of the sojourn in Egypt, the position is not to be disputed.

  52. Granted that this is a correct description of it, such an age is peculiarly fitted for an artificial systematising of given materials, and this is what the originality of the Priestly Code in substance amounts to.

  53. All the rest belongs to the later period, and it includes not merely the feeble after-growths of a failing vegetation, but also productions of the vigour and originality of Isa.

  54. Delta" had not equal power and originality of genius with his friend; but his vein was more varied, clearer, smoother, and more popular.

  55. On the contrary, every one declares that originality constitutes the most remarkable feature of my writings; the man has some faults, they say, but want of originality is certainly not one of them.

  56. But there is one circumstance to which I cannot help alluding here, as it serves to show what miseries this love of originality must needs bring upon an author.

  57. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "originality" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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    artifice; authenticity; contrariety; creativity; deviation; disaccord; disagreement; dissent; fantasy; fertility; genius; greenness; heresy; immaturity; incongruity; inconsistency; ingenuity; innovation; invention; inventiveness; lateness; newness; novelty; originality; productivity; protest; strangeness; unfamiliarity; unorthodoxy; virginity