A pleasanter trouble came to distract him, namely, the pregnancy of his wife.
There are no eight-hour laws to protect the mother against overwork and toil in the home; no laws to protect her against ill health and the diseases ofpregnancy and reproduction.
They are sent back without being given information as to how to prevent the dangerous pregnancy and are expected, presumably, to depend for their safety upon the husband's continence.
The chief obstacles to the normal expression of this force are undesired pregnancy and the burden of unwanted children.
The woman who employs this method finds herself in the same predicament as the one who believes that she is not in danger of pregnancy when she does not respond passionately to her husband.
Still, leaving out all the hundreds of thousands of women who die because pregnancy has complicated serious diseases, Dr.
If pregnancy occurs under these conditions, the mother not only injures her own health but that of the next child, often developing in it a weakness of constitution which it never overcomes.
Abortion often leaves the uterus in a condition to conceive easily again and unless prevention is strictly followed another pregnancy will surely occur.
What these diseases are and what dangers are involved in pregnancy are known to every practitioner of standing.
Why continue to send home women to whom pregnancy is a grave danger with the futile advice: "Now don't get this way again!
In view of the fact that the tubercular process becomes exacerbated either during pregnancy or after childbirth, most authorities recommend that abortion be induced as a matter of routine in all tubercular women," says Dr.
In cases of pregnancy she is to report herself to the medical officer.
Dramatic terror and dramatic humour both depend on contrasting the natural pregnancy of a passion with its conscious intent.
But this pregnancy and implication of thought in relation to its natural environment is purely empirical.
During pregnancy the women take the greatest care to avoid a certain kind of Javanese banana for fear of giving birth to a monster which will one day turn and torment them.
Pregnancy makes no difference to the burden of her daily tasks except for the entirely inadequate period essential to delivery.
Once pregnancy is abolished there is no natural check on the sexual passions of husband or wife, for they have learnt how sexual desire may be gratified without the pain, publicity, and responsibility of having children.
The crime rate, the welfare and food stamp rolls, the poverty rate and the teen pregnancy rate are all down.
And I think we ought to say you should have a right to keep your doctor during a period of treatment whether it's a pregnancy or a chemotherapy treatment or anything else.
Tonight, I call on parents and leaders all across this country to join together in a national campaign against teen pregnancy to make a difference.
To strengthen the family we must do everything we can to keep the teen pregnancy rate going down.
I have sent to Congress a plan to target schools all over this country with anti-pregnancy programs that work.
A curious example of the corruption and obscuration of an author's text is furnished by the ideas of Schopenhauer on the pregnancy of women.
He declares that every woman, if surprised in the sexual act, would be likely to die of shame, but "displays her pregnancy without a trace of shame, nay even with a sort of pride.
Stupid women, on the other hand, would have every reason to hide theirpregnancy more modestly than anything they hide.
In most women during pregnancy the veins in the legs become somewhat enlarged.
This may be due to the fact that the vulva is generally congested and swollen during pregnancy or it may be caused by an increased leucorrheal discharge.
In connection with the above the reports of some cases of violence and accidents during pregnancy which, in spite of their severity, did not affect the children, will prove of interest.
In another case of Hofmann's, a woman allowed a heavy door to fall upon her, but the pregnancy was not affected.
During the first four months of pregnancy no change need be made in the usual sex relations.
This done two or three times a day during the last month or two of the pregnancy will generally produce a good healthy nipple.
Goethe, then in all the pregnancy of his wonderful youth, still unruffled by the press and storm of his earlier manhood, was awaiting Winckelmann with a curiosity of the worthiest kind.
With the majority of womenpregnancy is a condition to be dreaded, since it brings with it so much care, pain and all sorts of trials, ending with intense suffering.
For several weeks during the latter part of her pregnancy she had brain fever, which probably also had the effect of arresting the development of some parts of the brain of her child.
It is better that during the entire pregnancy sexual intercourse should be abstained from.
The months of pregnancywith most women are months of discomfort.
Black says: "Coition during pregnancy is one of the ways in which the predisposition is made for that terrible disease in children, epilepsy.
Russegger tells of a woman who in the seventh month of her pregnancy was bitten in the calf of her leg by a dog.
Kellogg says: "Indulgence during pregnancy is followed by the worst results of any form of marital excess.
All these arguments, though urged by the prisoner with great courage and pregnancy of reason, had no influence.
In the first month or two of pregnancy the mare may miscarry without observable symptoms, and the fact appears only by her coming in heat.
All available evidence indicates that under normal conditions of pregnancythe disease is not transmitted from mother to fetus.
The care the boys took of the mother rabbit during herpregnancy was in itself an education.
But another mother complained that she received very little consideration during pregnancy from her oldest son--a boy of fourteen--although all the other members of the family were as careful and as thoughtful as could be desired.
Says Sir Thomas Oliver,[75] "Lead destroys the reproductive powers of both men and women, but its special influence upon women during pregnancy is the cause of a great destruction of human life.
In her nextpregnancy she went to full term and gave birth to a living child.
Ipecacuanha: in sickness of pregnancy and chronic alcoholism; very small dose, 1 minim of wine.
Ipecacuanha: in small doses in pregnancy where flatulence and acidity are both present.
Iron: with potassium chlorate throughout thepregnancy when fatty degeneration present.
When the days of her pregnancy were accomplished, the pangs of labour took her and they raised loud lullilooings and cries of joy.
And as for the young wife Jessamine, she accomplished the months of her pregnancy and, being taken with labour-pains, gave birth to a boy-child like unto the moon.
In spite of very extraordinary exceptions, it may be laid down as a rule that children born before the completion of six and a half months of pregnancy do not survive.
During pregnancy the prospective mother should avoid all such articles of food as she would withhold from her baby after birth.
It is obvious, therefore, that the health of the mother and the entire future of the child depend more upon her diet during pregnancy than upon any other one thing.
As it happened, this woman had a friend who a short time before had developed a pseudo, or hysterical pregnancy which continued for several months.
She had been afraid of menstruation and of marriage, and had at this time almost a phobia for pregnancy and childbirth.
Of perhaps supreme importance, however, is the use of Kalak throughout pregnancy as preventive medicine against the inevitable ‘toxemia of pregnancy.
Experiments have also been reported in which a uterus was also placed in such an animal, with a means of entry, and pregnancy followed.
So is put off the imposition of a pregnancy upon a period of lactation, obviously bad for mother, infant, and embryo.
The thyroid stimulates the interstitial glands, for menstruation andpregnancy are impossible with no thyroid or an insufficient thyroid.
The rest of the torn follicle makes itself over into a peculiar yellowish body, the true corpus luteum, should pregnancy occur.
That is the story of menstruation, the central phenomenon of woman's pre-pregnancy life.
As emphasized, pregnancy is the time, among the internal secretions, of a great uprooting and stirring, of fundamental and cataclysmic changes in the most intimate chemistry of the cells.
If pregnancyand the consequent placenta do not occur, it shrinks and turns into a scar, the false corpus luteum.
A kleptomania, uncontrollable desire to steal, confined to the duration ofpregnancy alone, has been described.
But the accidents and vicissitudes of life (pregnancy for example) will upset the balance.