This would result from an immenseredundancy and depreciation of currency, and from the alarm created here and in Europe, as to the maintenance of the Union, and the ultimate solvency of the Government.
To what extent this redundancy and depreciation will go, by enlarged issues of legal tender treasury notes, we may learn from the fact that the banks substitute them for coin for the redemption of their paper.
These, though errors, are the errors of Genius, for there is rarely redundancy without plenitude, or irregularity without greatness.
Books of a pernicious, idle, and frivolous sort, are too much multiplied, and it is from the very redundancy of them that true knowledge is so scarce, and the habit of dissipation so much increased.
At the expense of a little redundancy and incongruity the editor inserts it in this place.
It was for the very purpose of escaping redundancy and getting rid of surplusage that the Anglican Reformers condensed Missal, Breviary, and Rituale into the one small and handy volume known as the First Prayer Book of Edward VI.
Redundancy and unnecessary repetition are to the discredit of a book that enjoys such an unrivalled reputation as the Common Prayer.
The result was a redundancy of slave population, accustomed to agricultural labour of every kind, and which, having been already brought under the yoke, had become sufficiently brutalised to do the work of oxen.
Tis no wonder if such quaint practitioners grow to an enormous size of Absurdity, whilst they continue the reverse of that practice, by which alone we correct the Redundancy of Humours, and chasten the exuberance of Conceit and Fancy.
A redundancy of matter being by this means acquired, it is natural to suppose I introduced it into my works on every occasion that I could.
By adopting this method I found a redundancy of matter continually occurring.
Triangular or pedimental canopies and pinnacles, more enriched than before with crockets and finials, yet without redundancy of ornament, also occur in the churches built during this century.
There would be a certain unnecessary redundancy in such an indulgence, a carrying of coals to Newcastle, so to speak.
With this redundancy of the paper currency there arose in that country also a spirit of adventurous speculation embracing the whole range of human enterprise.
If the omission of copulatives gives force and liveliness, a redundancy of them must render the period languid.
Such redundancy of epithets, in stead of pleasing, produces satiety and disgust.
For if the laying aside Copulatives gives Force and Liveliness, a Redundancy of them must render the Period languid.
If the laying aside copulatives give force and liveliness, a redundancy of them must render the period languid.
For if the laying-aside of copulatives gives force and liveliness, a redundancy of them must render the period languid.
Such redundancy of epithets, instead of pleasing, produce satiety and disgust.
From the redundancy of teeth her mouth projected, and her face had a gorilla-like appearance.
So far as redundancy goes, a great deal of the Book of Leviticus, for example, seems not vitally necessary for the ordinary citizen of to-day; there are long explicit directions for temple worship and sacrificial procedure.
Population, redundancy of, in Ireland, and means of restraining it, 660.
It is not so much a redundancy of expression, as of images and illustrations, that we have sometimes to complain of in Mrs Hemans.
In either of these cases a redundancy of money is produced as effectually as if the mines had become more productive.
You have fairly represented the point at issue between us;--I cannot conceive it possible, without the grossest miscalculation, that there should be a redundancy of capital and of labour at the same time.
The redundancy in the Treasury had, in the session of 1753, occasioned a dispute between the Crown and the House of Commons on the question whether the king's previous consent was necessary for the application of it.
A large redundancyof money in the Treasury, gave a delusive appearance of national wealth.
It would exist, though these bills were of undoubted credit, and convertible into specie at the pleasure of the holder, and would result simply from the redundancy of their quantity.
Add thereto the vapour baths of sulphur for stringing anew the nerves of those debilitated by a too ardent pursuit of pleasure, and the Fountain of St Lucia for those suffering from a redundancy of bile.
Very little reflection appears to be sufficient to show, that the best system of management of the poor (ceteris paribus) must be that which gives the least encouragement to redundancy of population.
Population is regulated;--the best system of Management of the Poor being that under which there is least redundancy of population.
What a sweep does he give to the argument--what redundancyof facts--what fertility of illustration.
Nor did he overlay the solid parts of his oratory with the lighter graces of declamation, nor smother them under a redundancy of poetical illustration.
There is too much of it, no doubt; yet one can put up with the redundancy for the sake of the multiplicity of shades of credulity and self-deception it displays in broad daylight.
At the most they give us mere negative facts, worthless against an extent of evidence which now overlaps the widest range of doubt, and doubles upon itself in the redundancy of superfluous demonstration.
Full dress, as we call it, is so full of beauty that it cannot hold it all, and the redundancy of nature overflows the narrowed margin of satin or velvet.