By their disintegration it forms a part of soils from which such portions as are soluble are taken up by plants.
Genuine porcelain and china-ware are made of a fine clay, kaolin, which results from the disintegration of feldspathic rocks.
This meant the disintegration of this people, whose mind and spirit consequently soon disappeared from the world, but yet out of its ashes a higher took its rise, for the world-spirit had raised itself into a higher consciousness.
But in later records the idea of warmth, as being the disintegration of form, and that of cold, is ascribed to Anaximander by Stobæus (Eclog.
As soon as the proprietor's authority was removed, the process of disintegration began and spread rapidly.
After this the political disintegration of Poland proceeded rapidly, and when that unhappy country fell to pieces Russia naturally took for herself the lion's share of the spoil.
Compared to this irreparable disintegration of the empire, temporary schisms such as the Omayyad Khalifate in Spain, the Fatimid Khalifate in Egypt, and here and there an independent organization of the Khârijites were of little significance.
The primary cause of this disintegration of the atom may be due to electro-magnetic radiation causing loss of energy of the atomic system.
It is probable," adds Rutherford, "that the primary cause of the disintegration of the atom must be looked for in the 1 ss of energy of the atomic system due to electro-magnetic radiation.
It has been suggested that some atoms may undergo a slower disintegration without necessarily throwing off part of their systems with great velocity.
Less extensive changes are involved in the occasional blowing down of trees and dead snags, erosion of gullies, deposition of sediment and drift wood, and disintegration of logs.
Degree of disintegration differs greatly, depending not only on the type of prey eaten, but probably also on the condition and temperature of the lizard, and the amount of other food in its digestive tract.
But in the period of general disintegration there was slowly developing--at first unconsciously, and later with more clearly directed effort--an organization which made for constructive reform.
During the disintegration of the gilds, this second factor gradually disappeared.
If this drug is combined with sodium bicarbonate, the disintegration into its component parts would be likely to occur in the stomach.
Ulcerative endocarditis may develop on a mild endocarditis, with disintegration of tissue and deep points of erosion, and there may be little pockets of pus or little abscesses in the muscle tissue.
This is clearly the product of the disintegrationsince it waits so studiously upon it.
Here, then, at the outset we have a chronic connection between the two phenomena, the disintegration of the cap and the integration of the canals.
And there are other worlds whose life-cycle has been run; where intelligent life has ceased: where world-disintegration has set in.
In the following session symptoms of disintegration began to {29} appear.
They declared that his withdrawal meant the certain disintegration and consequent defeat of the great party which he had built up, the party whose destinies he had so long guided.
The contest was close for a time, but at length the left of the enemy broke, and disintegration along the whole line soon followed.
I have already instanced the case of the entire disintegration of a regiment whose colonel I met at Farmville.
In this remarkable experiment the motion was due to the slow disintegration of the lower surface of the ice.
On the 20th of July I made a long excursion up the glacier, examining the moraines, the crevasses, the structure, the moulins, and the disintegration of the surface.
At many places where the débris came in contact with the wall disintegrationseems to have resulted.
The disintegration of the material is essential for the production of a close even sheet of paper, and the amount of beating required varies greatly according to the nature of the raw material, and the class of paper to be produced.
The presence of an excess of rosin is a well-known factor in the disintegration of the paper, even when the fibrous composition is of the highest order.
After the disintegration of the hepatic cells has been produced no remedies can be of any service.
Most calculi are easily broken, and when the smallest breach is made in the external crust disintegration follows; and some calculi are so friable as to yield to slight pressure.
The ulceration is caused either by fatty degeneration and moleculardisintegration of the surface of the tumor or by the separation of sloughy masses.
They steadily increase in volume and in number, lose their translucency, and finally undergo disintegration into lenticular ulcers with caseous bottoms and undermined hyperaemic edges.
Small abscesses in close proximity unite ultimately by the softening and disintegration of the intervening tissue.
Mechanical disintegration and simple solution do something toward this, but for substances insoluble in water a more thorough change is brought about by ferments which convert insoluble into soluble compounds.
In certain states of the system characterized by deficient oxidation urea is not sufficiently formed, and instead uric acid, a lower grade of oxidation and a product of the disintegration of albuminoid substances, results.
Mechanical rupture is so important a step in the process of disintegration of an impacted calculus that so serious an operation as section of the abdomen as a preliminary to it should be considered.
By the microscope particles of food which have escaped completedisintegration may be detected.
This, he thought, "would tend to paralyse and bring into contempt the executive, leading to a process ofdisintegration fatal to the existence of the Empire.
Russia, Germany, and France proceeded to treat China as a No Man's Land; disintegration was the order of the day.
The final stage in this process of disintegration is the ordinary element lead, in which condition the atoms seem to have reached relative stability.
Whether or not our stock of lead, with our other common elements that are not radioactive, was originally produced by the disintegration of these other elements, is merely a matter of conjecture.
It is impossible to doubt that panic means the disintegrationof a group; it involves the cessation of all the feelings of consideration which the members of the group otherwise show one another.
In delusions of observation, as we have further shown, the disintegration of this faculty has become patent, and has thus revealed its origin in the influence of superior powers, and above all of parents.