Though he was chained to a soldier, he was not kept in very rigorous custody, so that he had frequent opportunities of proclaiming the great salvation.
Scarcely had they finished their song of praise when it was answered by a very significant response, proclaiming that they were supported by a power which could crush the might of Rome.
As for the Scots proclaiming war against France, and as for the more naturall way tane by our King in proclaiming the war then tane by France, I shall elsewheir speak more at large.
But acknowledge that ye are proclaiming a man-made system, and pledge that ye will cease, and ye shall go free.
Two men are joined with others in proclaiming an unpopular but holy doctrine.
Another proof and evidence of the truth of this Revelation, which amongst all other proofs shineth as the sun, is the constancy of the eternal Beauty in proclaiming the Faith of God.
If thou wilt observe with discriminating eyes, thou wilt behold them all abiding in the same tabernacle, soaring in the same heaven, seated upon the same throne, uttering the same speech, and proclaiming the same Faith.
Dillon, standing with the light in his hand to welcome friends; and in the sound of those two snap-shots proclaiming foes.
The men sprang forward, with never a yell or cheer, a quick grunt alone proclaiming their excitement.
They do not tire of proclaiming him as the source of wisdom.
Lord, proclaiming the decisions of heaven and earth, Whose command is not set aside, .
From Imola, Paolo Orsini rode to Fano on the 29th, and ordered his men to advance upon Urbino and seize the city in the Duke of Valentinois's name, proclaiming a pardon for all rebels who would be submissive.
Hence impatient Socialists and extreme Suffragists united in proclaiming that the Labour Party was no longer of any use, and that "direct action" by Suffragettes and Trade Unionists was the only method of progress.
And I saw a mighty angel proclaiming with a loud voice, Who is worthy to open the book, and to loose its seals?
The angel, proclaiming her fall, doubtless symbolizes a body of men, who shall give utterance to corresponding declarations.
And at last he kept her a close prisoner and with six companions mounted guard before the castle proclaiming that unless some champions came forward in her behalf he would marry her against her will.
God hath prescribed unto every one the duty of proclaiming His Message, and regardeth it as the most meritorious of all deeds.
Nay, the highly edifying evidences proclaiming the expansion and the consolidation of the superb historic work achieved in so many of these territories must be rapidly multiplied.
Upon the news of the former emperor's death, a grand council was summoned of course, where little passed besides directing the ceremony of proclaiming the successor.
By proclaiming equal rights and equal subjection to the burdens of the state, he arrayed the privileged classes against his person.
He was a member of the Committee of Safety, and had the honor of first proclaiming to the citizens of Philadelphia the Declaration of Independence.
The arresting fact was to find these prophets of peace, with comparatively few exceptions, proclaiming the righteousness of our participation in the war.
Not only are teachers like Principal Forsyth and ex-President Taft proclaiming our moral duty and legal right to participate in the greatest and most terrible of wars.
The figures threw themselves forward full length, their foreheads to the floor, proclaiming passionately again and again, "The Lord He is God; the Lord He is God!
Sabbataï abolished it, proclaiming that on that day the conviction that he was the Messiah had been borne in upon him.
A Turkish Dervish, clad in white flowing robes, with a stick in his hand, preached in the street corners to his countrymen, proclaiming the Jewish Messiah.
He might have known that in thus proclaiming in advance the manner of my death, he was also proclaiming himself as my murderer.
He thinks he is proclaimingto all the world that he at all events is a man of no pretension, whereas his pride peeps through every moment.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "proclaiming" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.