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Example sentences for "made good"

  • For the next few days we made good progress, drifting seven miles to the north on November 24 and another seven miles in the next forty- eight hours.

  • During December 6 the 'Endurance' made good progress on a south- easterly course.

  • Lees, who owned himself to be a rotten oarsman, made good here by strenuous baling, in which he was well seconded by Cheetham.

  • We made good progress, but the temperature fell very low, and the signs gave me some cause for anxiety as to the probability of encountering ice.

  • We made good progress, and kept on until far into the night, as we wanted to make as much use of the wind as possible.

  • The ice was tolerably passable, and everything looked more promising; the weather was fine, and we made good progress.

  • In our single kayaks, we made good headway, but after going about five miles the channel closed, and we had to clamber on to the ice.

  • You've got there ahead of Stormont; I guess I've made good!

  • For a day or two we made good progress, though I had trouble to harness the leader in the morning; he was a stubborn, bad tempered animal, and missed his master's firm control.

  • We made good time, over slippery roads, to Calais, despite frequent stops to have our papers examined by posts, and got to the dock some twenty minutes before the steamer sailed.

  • It was rainy and cold, but we made good time to Louvain and stopped at the Hôtel de Ville.

  • All such loss of cells must be made good by the formation of new ones and, as in the case of the nutritive and functional activity, the loss and renewal must balance.

  • When single cells are destroyed, the loss is made good by new formation of cells, the cell loss stimulating the formative activity of the cells in the vicinity.

  • Just then she saw the Fords passing at a little distance on their way to church, and it occurred to her that she would go too; and perhaps Jesus would hear her there, and show her how she was to be made good.

  • These are they in whom the sentence passed on the nations, djinn and men, who flourished before them, is made good.

  • Yet they say, "When will this menace be made good?

  • And they say, "When will this promise be made good, if ye speak true?

  • They say, "When will this threat be made good?

  • Church by whose faith any defect in the minister's faith is made good.

  • But when Seth comes, then the ground is made good again; then a living saint is found to stand and maintain that truth which but now his brother bled for.

  • Wind and tide being in our favour, we made good progress; but still the water bubbled over the gunwale, and the canoe leaked considerably.

  • We had now got beyond the influence of the tide, and had the current against us; but as it ran with no great strength, we made good way.

  • This purpose shall assuredly be made good, although Israel, in the past, have shamefully failed to render that perfect obedience which was to form the basis of their national pre-eminence and glory.

  • A little while and all shall be made good, according to the eternal counsels and immutable promise of God.

  • It is needless to say that all these blessings will be made good in the experience of Israel by and by.

  • But now, the Lord Jesus, the antitype of David here in this Psalm, because he made good this, (duty shall I call it?

  • The third day wherein this prophecy or promise is to be made good, is that universal day, wherein both Jew and Gentile shall be converted unto the Lord.

  • His son, a most charming boy, made good in life in Australia and bought a nice house in one of the suburbs for his father and mother.

  • Belgian industry is already working at its pre–war efficiency, and the amount of reconstruction still to be made good is not on a great scale.

  • Consequently we made good progress, and though the march was distinctly longer than the previous one, we reached Bartlett's igloo in good time.

  • This observation showed that we had thus far averaged eleven and a half minutes of latitude made good for each actual march.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "made good" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    before their; could sleep; made available; made believe; made bishop; made bold; made effective; made for; made here; made holy; made like; made love; made out; made over; made payable; made perfect; made preparations; made prisoner; made public; made the following report; made under the law; made whole; made with; natural theology; pleasant little; wide space