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Example sentences for "afternoon"

Lexicographically close words:
afterglow; aftergrowth; afterguard; aftermath; aftermost; afternoone; afternoons; afterpart; afterpiece; aftertaste
  1. That afternoon the bee hummed of thunder, and refreshed the ear.

  2. I can't drive out in the afternoon for them.

  3. They relished him sincerely, and between them and him I suffered myself to be dandled once more into a state of credulity, until I saw my aunt Dorothy in the afternoon subsequent to the appointed meeting.

  4. Late in the afternoon Osric proposed that he and I and the prizefighter should take a walk.

  5. In the afternoon he returned in a carriage to convey me to the seaside.

  6. On an afternoon of great heat I rode out for a gaze at the lake-palace, that I chose to fancy might be the last, foreseeing the possibility of one of my fits of movement coming on me before sunset.

  7. Yesterday afternoon he flew down to Chippenden, and was home late.

  8. In the afternoon the margravine accompanied the princess to a point facing seaward, within hearing of the military band.

  9. Near the fashionable hour of the afternoon my father took my arm, Captain DeWitt a stick, and we walked into the throng and buzz.

  10. As the afternoon is a very pleasant one, the prospect is truly delightful.

  11. We arrived at this place about half after three in the afternoon of a rainy and disagreeable day.

  12. I had left Niagara on the afternoon of the 13th, and took stage for Lewistown, distance seven miles, fare thirty seven cents.

  13. The afternoon was cool and pleasant, and never was I more delightfully situated as a traveller than on this occasion.

  14. In the afternoon he saddled a horse and rode about the country, thus disposing of a couple of hours.

  15. The card announced that the wedding would take place at the home of the bride, at six o'clock on the afternoon of the 27th of June.

  16. Late in the afternoon our ammunition was spent and we were obliged to fall back.

  17. The fleet sailed on the afternoon of the 21st of October, through Broad River, twenty miles from Port Royal, and the next morning at 7 a.

  18. In the afternoon the regiment marched to Riverside Cemetery, with the guards and the Masonic fraternity, where the base of the monument of Col.

  19. In the afternoon a running match was first in order, distance 150 yards; first prize, of five dollars, awarded to corporal Botts, of Co.

  20. One of the surest and safest is during the early afternoon hours, just after luncheon, when the ancient toast of Cheltenham takes her accustomed siesta, before dressing herself for the drive, or reception of callers.

  21. The Major has had another interview with his sister--a short one, snatched while she was out with her school companions for afternoon promenade.

  22. Madame la Chatelaine oblivious, I apprehend; in the midst of her afternoon nap?

  23. He has come thither on an afternoon call, not altogether dictated by ceremony.

  24. Even the scattering groups of armed shepherds we met the afternoon before, tending their flocks of long-haired goats, were wanting here.

  25. I was writing in our front room this afternoon and trying hard to keep my attention on my work and refrain from looking out upon the canal.

  26. In the afternoon I mounted to the top of the Hirschsprung, and passed two or three hours on the jutting crags which overlook the town and a wide expanse of rolling fields and meadows towards Saxony.

  27. I may as well mention at once that by five in the afternoon of the same day I was in Adersbach.

  28. The afternoon is the best time for the view.

  29. I spent the afternoon gaily with my intended.

  30. In the afternoon I called upon the Venetian ambassador.

  31. My answer was to kiss her with as much admiration as tenderness, and the next day at four o'clock in the afternoon we paid our visit to M.

  32. Finding that the headmaster was busy in school, he spent the afternoon reading novels on the sofa in the drawing-room.

  33. The first newspaper demand for a Gordon mission appeared in the "Pall Mall Gazette" on the afternoon of January 9th; and the very next morning, Lord Granville was making his second telegraphic attack upon Sir Evelyn Baring.

  34. Every Sunday afternoon he attempted to read sermons to the whole school assembled; and every Sunday afternoon the whole school assembled shouted him down.

  35. When the squire took the pieces out that afternoon at his desk in a little room that he called his office, there were only eleven scraps that he could assemble.

  36. However, this newly developed modesty on Harry Brackett's part did not prevent Mr. Carleton, driving along the road an afternoon or two later, from overtaking him and insisting that he get in and ride.

  37. The afternoon and evening had passed, and the two yachtsmen, leaving Tom and Bob to spend the night ashore in their tent, had gone out aboard the Viking.

  38. DOWN THE RIVER It was a pleasant afternoon in the early part of the month of June.

  39. Outside, the waves, fallen from their boisterousness of the afternoon to gentle murmurings, were rippling in with a pleasing sound against the point of land whereon the camp stood.

  40. Late that afternoon the two yachts sailed out of the Thoroughfare and went on to Southport, leaving the crew masters of their island domain and of the wreck.

  41. The yacht Surprise, running up before the afternoon southerly, had been becalmed when near the foot of Grand Island, a mile or so out, and had felt the first force of the succeeding nor'easter.

  42. Towards four in the afternoon we commenced again to retire, and had no sooner reached the next village before the enemy began to shell us.

  43. That afternoon we returned to Quinchy, D Company going in support to the 2nd Royal Sussex.

  44. We rested in these trenches for two days, and were then called out--on the afternoon of the second of November--in support of the 3rd Brigade.

  45. There we arrived on a Saturday at midday; the afternoon was spent in resting.

  46. During the afternoon before we arrived at Bernay, we had passed an encampment of refugees numbering many thousands, and just outside Bernay were many more.

  47. We stayed here four days, and on the afternoon of May the twenty-fourth moved into the trenches, taking over from the King's Liverpools the right of La Bassee Road, originally occupied by the French.

  48. During the afternoon we moved higher up toward the enemy, staying in another village for a few hours.

  49. On the afternoon of the thirteenth of September--a Sunday afternoon--we took up position on the top of a large hill facing the valley of the Aisne.

  50. The young men played one or two matches of tennis, changed their flannels for morning dress, and joined the ladies at afternoon tea.

  51. He was sitting one afternoon at this time, Algernon's last despairing letter in his pocket, on a hill-side four or five miles from the Castle.

  52. As, of course, that could not be entered upon in Lord Chester's own house, the afternoon was dull to the ladies.

  53. In the course of the afternoon Hal came upon Mary Burke on the street.

  54. The day dragged by; and late in the afternoon the keeper came again, with another hunk of bread and another pitcher of water.

  55. All that afternoon his telephone had been ringing; one person after another had warned him--some pleading with him, some abusing him.

  56. Not having to stop to take bearings or to blaze my way, I made such good time that I got to the end of the course over which I had spent a good part of the previous afternoon in not much more than three hours.

  57. However, I was so rattled by my fright, and still so uncertain as to how things were coming out for me, that the thought of waiting until the next afternoon to know certainly whether I had or had not been cheated was more than I could bear.

  58. But the whole of what remained of the afternoon was spent in getting that piece of preliminary work finished to my mind.

  59. As the afternoon went on my fever increased a good deal; but in a way that was rather pleasant to me, for the pain in my head lessened and I seemed to be getting back my strength.

  60. There still was water left in the jug, and I drank freely and felt the better for it; and toward afternoon I felt so hungry that I managed to get up and go to the pantry on a foraging expedition for something to eat.

  61. And so the afternoon went by, and my crooked rough path slipped away behind me so rapidly that by a good hour before sunset I was near enough to the steamers to see not only their funnels but their hulls.

  62. There are no barrel-organs; nor rattling hansoms raising the dust in windy streets; there is no afternoon scandal; overheated rooms at midnight are a thing of the past.

  63. Is it not enough, as the golden and glowing afternoon wears on, to listen to the innocent prattle of Denny-mains, whose mind has been fired by the sight of those pillars of rock.

  64. Sutherland was coming by the afternoon steamer.

  65. We spent the whole of the afternoon there.

  66. In the afternoon a slight breeze sprung up that gently carried us away past Ru Hunish, and round by Eilean Trodda, and down by Altavaig.

  67. Now he heard the voices of the good spirits, the voices that had been silent all through the afternoon and evening, singing through the storm, calling to him, summoning him to action.

  68. He felt the schooner stop late in the afternoon and he was sure that they had reached New York.

  69. With nothing in particular to do he thought he would spend the afternoon there, and, making himself comfortable, he waited, still taking occasional glances through the glasses.

  70. I'm sorry I'll have to shut you up again soon, but in the afternoon we'll reach New York, and I must keep you away from the temptations of the great town.

  71. Then an afternoon came when Robert felt that the next night and day would tell a mighty tale.

  72. On the afternoon of the 19th of August, just one month to a day after he had first been chased by the Guerriere, he ran across her again, and both ships prepared to fight it out, with the greatest spirit imaginable.

  73. The chase continued from the morning of the 1st of February until late in the afternoon of the 2d, and it was eight o'clock at night before they finally came to close quarters.

  74. In the afternoon a heavy squall with rain came up.

  75. The tree itself is strikingly beautiful as the members will observe this afternoon when examining the Byzantine hazels which Superintendent Laney will show us in one of the Rochester parks.

  76. The evening was devoted to two stereopticon lectures, the first being slides by Professor Fagan, illustrating the lecture of the afternoon on the "Nut Survey of Pennsylvania.

  77. This afternoon at 1:30 we have been invited to visit nut trees in the neighborhood in automobiles kindly loaned for the occasion.

  78. So she lay one afternoon upon her divan, little more than a week before the King's reign would come to an end, feeling, as the catastrophe drew near, there was nothing she would not do to repair the wrong of which she was guilty.

  79. It would be hard to imagine a prettier picture than there was to be seen in the apartments of Mlle de Tricotrin on the afternoon of the day following the eventful reception.

  80. As he told General Dolabella, it had been his intention to summon the head-quarter staff that very afternoon in order to concert measures for the forcible punishment of his treasonable subjects.

  81. Miss Carter had called the previous afternoon and informed her of the astounding discoveries she had made respecting the governess.

  82. He still continued to visit the piers, and one afternoon about six o'clock, he stood on the pier awaiting the arrival of the day boat from Albany, with a small supply of evening papers under his arm.

  83. The result of this conversation was that Florence did make up her mind the very next afternoon to seek her old home.

  84. He drove into the city shortly after lunch, and it was about the middle of the afternoon when I presented myself again at the gates of Elmhurst and rang the bell.

  85. Mrs. Hargis was there, and greeted us as though stopping out till dawn and breakfasting at four o'clock in the afternoon were the most ordinary things in the world.

  86. The afternoon was fading into evening, and the shadows were deepening in the room.

  87. None of the prints we have taken this afternoon resemble the photographs in any way.

  88. Father Pemberton had a fair chance at rainy Sundays and hot summer-afternoon services; but the junior pushed him aside without ceremony whenever he thought there was like to be a good show in the pews.

  89. He was sitting one afternoon before the fatal bust which had smiled and whispered away his peace, when the post-man brought him a letter.

  90. The afternoon sun was fading by this time, and the shadows had grown long.

  91. The organist at Hanford is ill, and I have been out there to play the organ at the morning and afternoon services; I was on my way home when I caught sight of you all in your pretty garden, and I couldn't resist coming in to join you.

  92. That very afternoon she had read in the Figaro an account of the proceedings at a public meeting which had verged on the comic.

  93. Meanwhile Fauchery had become the Countess Sabine's faithful attendant in the absence during each afternoon of Count Muffat.

  94. In the afternoon she expressed some anxiety, for Georges, directly after leaving the table, had complained of a heavy feeling in his head and now seemed in for an atrocious sick headache.

  95. Perhaps Dominique had concealed himself in a copse she knew of, where they had one afternoon eaten filberts together.

  96. One afternoon when the Hugons were there Count Muffat arrived out of hours.

  97. And the next day the two women would rejoice over the reconciliation the whole afternoon through.

  98. When Madame shut herself up in her room in the afternoon Zoe heard her sobbing.

  99. However, during the afternoon his leg became very painful; latterly he had been feeling in ill-health, and he had to use a stick so as not to limp too outrageously.

  100. And so one fine afternoon she was vastly astonished and annoyed to see an omnibus full of people pulling up outside the gate of La Mignotte.

  101. The captain passes every afternoon on his way from the office.

  102. Fortunately the cafe was deserted, save that the domino players were having their afternoon game.

  103. He was alone in the Desert, beneath the pitiless afternoon sun, twelve miles of utterly exhausting country between him and safety.

  104. After three in the afternoon I'm free till--any time you like.

  105. I'm at your service, and I've got the whole afternoon till supper at seven-thirty.

  106. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "afternoon" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    afternoon service; afternoon teas