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Example sentences for "comportment"

Lexicographically close words:
components; componere; comport; comported; comporting; comports; compos; compose; composed; composedly
  1. Certainly, however, greatness in comportment is often used as the mask of envy by ambitious men who would rather suffer drawbacks and embitter their foes than let it be seen that they place them on an equal footing with themselves.

  2. By greatness in our comportment we embitter our foes; by envy that we do not conceal we almost reconcile them to us.

  3. Rather was there something eager and rapt about the comportment of the people.

  4. In this most rigorous penitential institute his whole comportment inspired with humility and devotion all who beheld him.

  5. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "comportment" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    act; action; activity; address; affectation; air; bearing; behavior; carriage; comportment; conduct; custom; demeanor; deportment; doing; doings; gesture; guise; manner; manners; method; methodology; mien; movements; pattern; poise; port; pose; posture; practice; praxis; presence; procedure; proceeding; style; tactics; tone; way