But the chief and principall is: the laud honour & glory of the immortall gods (I speake now in phrase of the Gentiles.
In which respect it is to be wished, that none Ambassadour speake his principall commandements but in his own language or in another as naturall to him as his owne, and so it is vsed in all places of the world sauing in England.
This figure hath threeprincipall partes in his nature and vse much considerable: the circle, the beame, and the center.
The last andprincipall figure of our poeticall Ornament.
Hauing therefore brought Hartland point on our backs, we come next of all to Barstable bar, and so into the hauen, whereinto two principall streams doo perpetuallie vnburden their chanels.
Which though the liuing Scots denie it, their dead writers confesse that he came beyond Calender wood, and cast downe Camelon, the principall citie of the Picts.
Anglesey (as Humfrey Llhoyd witnesseth) they made their principall abode.
Douresleie becke, whose principall head is in Douresleie towne: howbeit he saith no thing of it more, than that it [Sidenote: Torworth.
This Caerleon was the principall citie in time past of all Demetia, now called Southwales.
He also put there to execution diuerse Cornishmen, which were the authors and principall beginners of this new conspiracie and insurrection.
A Table of the Chapters of the three principall parts, touching Spirits walking by Night.
As also that they had caried and conuayed away all their treasure and principall substance.
And lastlie, trusting to find among the cleargie such as would not be corrupted with bribes, nor for respect of feare or freendship decline from right iudgement, [Sidenote: Bishops chosen principall iustices.
Winchester, Elie and Norwich to be principall iustices of the relme, so as they might end and determine all matters, except in certeine cases reserued to the hearing of the prince himselfe.
Howbeit, those which at this time came ouer into England, were indifferentlie well learned, and their principallor ringleader was named Gerard.
To all and singuler Noble and Gentelmen of what estate [or] degree bearing arms to whom these presentes shall come, William Dethick alias Garter principall King of Armes sendethe greetinges.
Steevens to mean Nicholas Tooley, who at a later period became one of the 'Principall Actors.
Yea, if Apomasaris deceive us not, dreams of Gnats do foretell news of war or a disease, and that so much the more dangerous as it shall be apprehended to approach the more principall parts of the body.
He setteth the high and principall felicitie of man in pleasure, and thiketh that lyfe most pure and godly, whiche may haue greate delectatiƵ and pleasure, and lytle pensiuenes.
Orkney is the principall of the Isles of the Orcades, and standeth in the latitude of fiftie nine degrees and a halfe.
Principall Secretarie to her Maiestie, Master of the Court of Wards and Liueries, and one of her Maiesties most honourable Priuie Councell.
Edward Haies gentleman, and principall actour in the same voyage, who alone continued vnto the end, and by Gods speciall assistance returned home with his retinue safe and entire.
It hath oneprincipall street, with houses upon both sides, built of freestone, and it is beautifyed with the situation of two castles, one at each end of this street.
It was once the principall street of the town; but many of these houses of the gentry having been decayed and ruined, it has lost much of its ancient beautie.
Memorandum, that Florence beeing theprincipall scope of my masters course, missing mee, he iourneied thether without interruption.
And who can deny, but the principall end of an Orchard, is the honest delight of one wearied with the works of his lawfull calling?
But here it would be too much to speake of the effects of strong waters, one of the principall and short instruments of Alchymie, and the Art of fire and Salt, with infinite fine allegories, which thereby may be appropriated upon Holy Writ.
And as the heart in animals is the principall soul of life, the same is the Sunne in the heart of the world; and the primordiall spring of all light therein, which he departs to the Stars, as doth Jesus Christ to our souls.
But some may say here are many things, which by little and little do turne us from our principall aime, and are as it were extravagant dresses.
Raimond Lullius his secrets: which is one of his principall keyes, and entries into Metallick dissolutions.
And this commotion thus appeased, vpon inquirie of the principall offenders, such as were found guiltie were put to terrible executions; as they had well deserued.
After his death they found in his laboratory two or three baskets of egge shelles, which I remember Geber saieth is a principall ingredient of that stone.
THE falling of rents is a consequence of the decay of the Turky-trade; which is the principall cause of the falling of the price of wooll.
Note that it is a principall thing in this Art to lay the ground on aright.
The principallend and subject of this Art, is to set out things both in proportion of parts, and livelinesse of colour.
According to which article, king Edward sent Gartier hisprincipall king of armes, and Northumberland herald, to declare his refusall of the mariage, and the election and choise of the repaiment of the monie.
He was religiouslie affected (as the time then was) that at principall holidaies, he would weare sackecloth next his skin.
Which to all men may seeme vntrue, that consider that our name, chiefe title, and principall authoritie, was to vs giuen by king Henrie the sixt, and not by him.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "principall" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.