Fra Paolo is the most known, but chiefly as a far-off imitator of Fra Bartolommeo, without his mellowness of execution.
In grandiose simplicity this surpasses Albertinelli's Visitation, in soft gradations and rich mellowness of colour it equals Fra Bartolommeo at his best, for tenderness in the attitude of the child it is quite Raphaelesque.
If for no other reason, the colour scheme is sufficient to exclude this able artist, and, versatile as he undoubtedly was, it may be questioned whether he ever could have attained to the mellowness and glow which suffuse this picture.
The reproduction unduly exaggerates the contrasts of light and shade, and conveys little of the mellowness and richness of atmospheric effect which characterise the original.
The mellowness of the speaker's voice was matched by the mellowness of his personal appearance.
Soda pulp is soft in texture and of no great strength, but in combination with harder stocks it lendsmellowness to the sheet.
The addition of sizing tends to increase the strength of paper, owing to its adhesive properties, but if liberally used it detracts from the mellowness and gives the sheet a tinny “character.
The object of draining is to impart to such soils the mellowness and dark color of self drained, rich and friable soil.
The old man's face grew rigid in an instant, and all the mellowness natural to it died away.
In another moment Greta was hanging on Parson Christian's neck, sobbing and moaning, while the good old Christian, with all the mellowness back in his wrinkled face, smoothed her hair as tenderly as a woman.
But his Jovian gray head and fine old face, beautiful in its mellowness and child-like simplicity, made small demand of dress.
A peculiar mellowness of temperament, the expression of a passionate nature confirmed in sympathy, shone in the softened fervour of her look as she bent her eyes thoughtfully upon the flames.
Here is an elaborately carved tympanum and an ornamented architrave, which suggests that the added mellowness of a century or two yet to come will grant to it some approach to distinction.
After all, the mellowness is the essence; if the years merely age without mellowing a thing, they have done it no good; the same thing new is the more desirable article.
The orchard is the symbol of peace, abundance, the mellowness of life.
She took his hand and guided him through the musty, oppressive darkness down the creaking, uncertain stairs, never releasing her hold until she had found the door and led him, dazzled, into the mellowness of the day.
The sweet mellowness which had been Mr. Walker's aim for years, lay on his soul.
He was overcheerful, without themellowness of tone which gave his cheer its charm on the previous evening.
There is,” said the latter, “a mellowness about this dish, a mellowness that is not insipid.
The liquors are usually worked straight down the yard as a greatermellowness is needed in the early liquors than for sole butts.
Even a mellow tannage has varying degrees of mellownesspossible to it; there still remains the question of the soluble non-tans.
It will be seen that fresh leach liquor and fresh material are used to each set except the suspenders, which must have some mellowness to ensure plumping and smooth grain.
This is partly because the sulphur deposited in the reducing bath assists materially in producing the mellowness and fullness which are so essential, and partly because a large proportion of skins are finished in colours.
In the past the most favoured extract has been undoubtedly gambier, which gives a tannage which is easily curried and imparts the required mellowness to the uncurried leather.
It inclines to grow too rankly at best, and demands mellowness rather than richness of soil.
The faience of the Kioto artists never reached quite to the level of the Satsuma in quality of pate and glowing mellowness of decoration; their materials were slightly inferior.
The varnish is not so brilliant as that of Giovanni Battista, but possesses a mellowness foreign to the other members of the family.
If mellowness of quality be sought, a slight alteration of its position or form will produce a favourable change of singular extent; if intensity of tone be requisite, the sound-post is again the regulator.
An atmosphere, the quality of tone and mellownessin the near distance, is the product of a more humid climate.
This fact did not harmonize with the general drift of the rest of my observations, for one of the first things that strikes an American in Europe is the mellowness and rich tone of things.
They do, however, reveal a sort of transition stage between the riotous florescence of the Comstock and the mellowness of his later style.
The personality of Edwin Booth pervades it, and there is a spirit in its atmosphere not found in other large clubs--a spirit of unity, and ancient friendship, and mellowness which usually come only of small membership and long establishment.