What, we Druses wait forsooth The kind interposition of a boy --Can only save ourselves if thou concede?
And he replies: "We may first exclude the possibility that it acts either through supernatural or teleological interposition through an externally creative power.
Since diplomatic interposition no longer availed, American marines were landed in Nicaragua, and the bumptious Zelaya was induced to have his country meet its neighbors in a conference at Washington.
Another result of this interposition was the creation of what were substantially American protectorates.
Little did the western Kalmucks guess what reasons they also had for gratitude on account of an interposition so unexpected, and which, at the moment, they so generally deplored.
The timely interposition of the Bank, and the generous assistance of the merchants, prevented many of the expected stoppages, and trade appeared restored to its former security.
There is, however, no reason to believe that any of the transactions of the congress were of a nature to affect injuriously the interests of the United States or to require the interposition of our ministers had they been present.
The absolute necessity of the interposition of parliament is apparent.
If our provincial constitutions are in any respect imperfect and want alteration, they have capacity enough to discern it, and power enough to effect it, without the interposition of parliament.
Your piety, most holy prelate, may deserve the interposition of Heaven, and from your hands I will receive the fiery globe, the pledge of my innocence.
Since the invasion of Robert the Norman, the Romans had pursued their domestic quarrels without the dangerousinterposition of a stranger.
His progress was checked, not by the miraculous interposition of the apostle, not by a crusade of the Christian powers, but by a long and painful fit of the gout.
It was she who imbued her great son with an ineradicable belief in the efficacy of prayer, and in the reality of God's interposition in the every-day affairs of the true believer.
Both had in all their campaigns the same belief in an ever-watchful Providence, in whose help they trusted implicitly, and for whose interposition they prayed at all times.
On the east side the opening of this tube can be seen high up in the wall of the corridor 28; on the west side the tube is not visible owing to the interposition of a stair behind the corridor, but there can be no doubt that it exists.
In the great mosque at Sâmarrâ the wooden roof was borne directly (without the interposition of arches) by composite piers having bases 2·07 metres square.
The arches are round and spring directly from the piers without the interposition of impost or capital.
I had written to him, to request hisinterposition in behalf of a convict, who I thought was very unjustly condemned.
I found one rare forme of a base, in fashion like a cushion vpon the plynthe whereof stood two trochils or torrules, with an interposition of Hypotracles or shaftes, and Astragals, with a supreame Thore.
With a brief effort of memory the Earl recalled that thrust on the causeway of Edinburgh from mad Arran’s blade, and the interposition of Earl Bothwell’s henchman, which saved his own life.
The duke was not there, but the men would have set fire to the palace had it not been for the interposition of the Bishop of London.
They proceeded to Edward's camp, but their lives were saved by theinterposition of Philippa, the queen, Prince Edward's mother.
But when an eclipse of the sun occurs, caused by the interposition of the opaque globe of the moon, we see its immediate surroundings, which in some respects are more wonderful than the glowing central orb.
The rash violence of despotism was suspended by the mild interposition of the church; and the lives or fortunes of the most eminent subjects might be protected by the mediation of the bishop.
The success of Constantine against Maxentius and Licinius removed the two formidable competitors who still opposed the triumph of the second David, and his cause might seem to claim the peculiar interposition of Providence.
Their violence, however, was commonly disappointed, and the seasonable interposition of some miraculous power preserved the chaste spouses of Christ from the dishonor even of an involuntary defeat.
The provinces of Gaul (under which we may probably include those of Britain) were indebted for the singular tranquillity which they enjoyed, to the gentleinterposition of their sovereign.
But sacred history affords many illustrious examples of the more immediate interposition of the Deity in the government of his chosen people.
Their companions flew to arms; and the faithful champion of Rome would have been oppressed by superior numbers, if he had not been protected by the seasonable interposition of the Imperial guards.
The hostile incursions of the Sac and Fox Indians necessarily led to the interposition of the Government.
The correspondence between the people of the United States and the European nations, and particularly with the British Islands, has become very extensive, and requires the interposition of Congress to give it security.
We have petitioned--we have remonstrated, we have supplicated, we have prostrated ourselves before the throne and have implored its interpositionto arrest the tyrannical hands of the ministry and Parliament.
To his next and last interposition in the matrimonial affairs of the king no discredit attaches itself.
I wish you would remonstrate against her warmth; since it can do no good; for they will not believe but that her interposition had your connivance; nor that you are so ill as Miss Howe assures them you are.
And I have before me your letter of the 13th,* containing the account of the visit and proposals, and kindinterposition of the two Misses Montague, in the names of the good Ladies Sadleir and Betty Lawrance, and in that of my Lord M.
Then, and then only, did he become aware of the horrible fate that had threatened him, and of the merciful interposition of Providence in his behalf.