The wretch fell desperately in love with me, but took special care to conceal it, till he could put in execution the designs he had laid of stealing me away.
The base wretch swore to shut the door after him, and he did not do it; and the devil came in, and filled my head full of this wicked dream of being commander of the faithful, and other phantoms, which bewitch my eyes.
Massingberd Heath became one of us, Peter Meredith as far as it is possible for such a wretch to be so; he ate with us, and drank with us, which they say is a sacred bond among even savages.
He is a villain, daughter; a base wretch that would murder my peace, and steal my treasure from my heart.
If there is a poor wretch of a Whig in this district, it's as good as his life is worth to own himself.
When thou wouldst humble human vanity, By singling out a wretch to bear thy wrath, Thou crushest him with anguish to excess: If thou wouldst bless, thou mak'st the happiness Too poignant for his giddy sense to bear.
They went up to their homes that day, As men and Christians justified God willed it, and the wretch had died!
Oh, leave the wretch to his bribes and sins; Let him rot in the web of lies he spins!
When reproached with lagging in the morning, the poor wretch tells you that he will make up for it by working during his breakfast time!
For this offence the old wretch (though I dare say she was young then) was sent to the police, to be despatched to Siberia with the next batch of government exiles, and the official record stated she was so sent "by the will of her master.
The wretch turned up his nose at it with a supercilious air that nearly roused the British lion.
There may be some ignorant wretch who doesn't know what Ramadan is.
At this sneer, cutting his face like a whip, thewretch answered panting: "That will do!
He sees one of his daughters sitting there opposite him, by the side of this giant brute, and the wretch has put his arm round her waist under her cape.
The affair was long ago; the poor wretch had just been let out of prison before his sentence had expired, lost, ruined, not having even the means to gild his trouble, for he had had to pay what he owed.
Joyeuse, obliged to invent stories and anecdotes about the wretch who had so ruthlessly discharged him after ten years of good service.
That wretch Hemerlingue, who is suggesting all this persecution against me, has done just as much.
This is the wretch who killed our father,' they said, 'and we demand that he should die also.
Yet the guilty wretch survived through all, though he was said to have received seventeen hundred stripes the second day on his already lacerated body.
Several times he cried out as he was drawn along, that he suffered in the most glorious cause in the world; and when a low wretch asked him, "Where's your good old cause now?
A man with the least spark of honour in him would have remembered this unpardonable villainy to his now deceased wife, and have banished the wretch from Court.
If the crimes of this wretch were monstrous, his punishment was equally so.
Then do not mock me thus: What leisure can a happy bridegroom find To think upon so lost a wretch as I am?
Now den," continued Tom, when the wretch had risen to his feet, shivering with fright.
He had him by the collar in an instant, the fingers of his right hand encircled the back of the neck, causing the wretchto drop his revolver and shriek.
Girls," she said, solemnly, "that little wretch of a Bella is in this room.
I don't think so; and I should enjoy seeing that little wretch of a Bella well whipped," persisted Rose.
Among all, you select a coward who publicly boasted of your favors; a wretch who tried to avenge himself for the heroism of our ancestors by ruining you and me--an old woman and a child!
I will see his chief, the miserablewretch who dares to accuse him.
The wretchhad left her on false pretense in a den of shame.
In another letter the wretch complains: "Say, why did you tell Effie about my writing to you and wanting you to come to Chicago?
A wretch named Crutchley, who was one of this precious band of incompetents, on the completion of the deed bade her thank her daughters for keeping her out of gaol.
Goldsmith was, according to the great Boswell and the many lesser Boswells of his day, the most contemptible wretch that ever wrote the finest poem of the century, the finest comedy of the century, the finest romance of the century.
Some poor wretchwill lose his job, you know, if Eleanor finds out about this.
His bruised heart must have suffered a fearful contraction as he heard men sounding the praises of a wretch whom he knew to be wicked and devoid of conscience.
The most abandoned wretch may be distinguished for easy manners and elegant deportment, yet he is none the less a criminal.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "wretch" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.