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Example sentences for "passives"

Lexicographically close words:
passioun; passit; passive; passively; passiveness; passivity; passle; passon; passovers; passport
  1. We may here remark that some words have different passives in different districts; e.

  2. Of the passives of compound verbs, two examples are given at the end of the table.

  3. In some cases also their passives change their nature, and become similar in meaning to the passives of active verbs; e.

  4. The rule for their formation is the same as that for the passives of simple verbs: the final letters, in both cases, being the only thing on which they depend.

  5. Passive verbs are used in a more extended sense in Maori, than what is commonly met with in other languages, not excepting, perhaps, even the three passives of Hebrew.

  6. In certain passives associated with this group the prefix itself does not appear.

  7. The root-word may express an object by virtue of which the action becomes possible or has concrete manifestation; this use closely approaches transient passives of various kinds.

  8. Local passives with pag- before the ka- involve a plurality of actors.

  9. Passives from words with prefix ka- (§ 398) are frequent.

  10. Local passives with kà- denote the place where someone or something happens to be.

  11. We come now to direct passives which do not correspond regularly to any active; these have their own abstracts with pagka-.

  12. Such personal passives are much more common in the writers of Cicero’s day than in old Latin.

  13. Wright, concerning our usual form of passives in the present tense.

  14. Is not our language like the Latin, in respect to verbs governing two cases, and passives retaining the latter?

  15. It impairs the language more than unco-passives are likely ever to corrupt it.

  16. This particle admits the three passives according to the above mentioned rules for each of them.

  17. Conjugation of the Passives Passive of I.

  18. Three are the passives or moods of expressing the verbs in passive voice.

  19. The second and third passives have a second imperative called impersonal, because does not mention the person: wherefore, their sentences are called impersonals.

  20. This particle admits but the second and third passives and signifies to feign what the root signifies.

  21. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "passives" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.