Her first waking hour, except that which was uniformly dedicated to a more sacred purpose, she now employed in strict and impartial self-examination.
I am, therefore, an interested but impartial onlooker.
Do not dogmatise; let our only care be the impartial search for truth.
My opinion has been formed on impartial and disinterested observation.
We see how much a calm and impartial examination of the facts reveals common conditions for their production, and similarities between some among them.
No one is more convinced than myself of the frailty of our impressions and the relativity of our perceptions; nevertheless, there must be some way of perceiving a phenomenon in order to submit it to impartial observation.
This provision has the same object in view as that which requires duties to be uniform--the impartial treatment of the several states.
For the mode of securing the "impartial jury," see page 63.
To secure an impartial jury, each party may object to or "challenge," a number of the jurors.
A particular challenge may be based on some bias in this particular case which would unfit the proposed juror for rendering an impartial verdict.
Always Law had been, in the last resort, the Will of the Stronger, not the decree of impartial justice.
To-day the old one-sided view finds expression, in books of serious pretensions, only in England; and it is to American scholars that we must have recourse for a more scientific and impartial treatment.
In the cities of mediaeval Italy, when the conflict of parties became so acute that neither side could expect justice from the other, the practice grew up of electing a podesta from some foreign city to act as an impartial arbiter.
An impartial system of justice was organised--for the first time in all the long history of Egypt since the fall of the Roman Empire.
India has never been more prosperous than she is to-day; she has never before known so impartial a system of justice as she now possesses; and these are legitimate grounds of pride to her rulers.
She watched the events which led up to the great agony with impartial and deliberate interest.
He must go off alone, and submit his faith to the impartial test.
And while he sympathized with Eldon Parr in his abandonment, he had never achieved the full condemnation which he felt--an impartial Christian morality would have meted out.
Goethe carried his condescension so far that he even wrote a continuation of an after-piece of Florian's; and his taste was so impartial that he even translated several of Voltaire's tragedies for the German stage.
An infant, who has no imaginable merit, and, to impartial eyes, no charms, she can love to this excess from no motive but pure egotism.
Another generation of Southern writers will do him more impartial justice.
He has held that his deeds stand on the impartial pages of the nation's records--their own defender.
Impartial history will ever link the names of Lee, Jackson, and Longstreet upon the brightest page of the history of the incomparable Army of Northern Virginia.
In the language of an impartial historian, his name is "associated with almost every Confederate victory won upon the soil of Virginia," and he "was trusted by his great leader and idolized by his men.
We are well pleased at this moment to find that the conclusions we were arriving at in this respect are sustained by the very high authority and impartial judgment of Pictet, the Swiss palaeontologist.
This was a decision from which no impartial person could dissent, and Lennon seemed perfectly satisfied, but after all this jaw and interruption he felt in no great humor to dance, and almost feared the result.
Sulla was acquitted, but the impartial reader will not the less feel sure that he had been part and parcel with Catiline in the conspiracy.
It is trusted that the impartial reader will also remember how many honest, loyal gentlemen have in our own days undertaken the causes of those whom they have known to be rebels, and have saved those rebels by their ingenuity and eloquence.
In his Autobiography he has explained that his function as a legislative correspondent was to dispense compliment and censure with impartial justice.
Watson, the most candid of my adversaries, assured me that he had no thoughts of renewing the attack, and my impartialbalance of the virtues and vices of Julian was generally praised.
Of the merits and measures of that statesman various opinions may be entertained; but all impartial men must agree in their esteem of his integrity and patriotism.
Incredible as the fact may appear, I must rest my belief on the positive and impartial evidence of a master of moral and political wisdom, who had himself resided at Oxford.
Impartial readers will be inclined to suspect that those who suffered under so rigorous a spiritual ruler had perhaps some reason on their side.
A motherly mash an impartial look at it would show it only as likely to have been--but we're not talking, of course, about impartial looks.
Such a portrait differs widely from that which the historian draws from an impartial study of Luther’s writings and correspondence.
A result of greater importance for the present subject is, however, that Luther’s German Bible, in spite of all the pains taken by its author, falls far short of the ideal of scholarship and impartial fidelity.
It is too much to assume that an advocate can in a moment transform himself into an impartial judge.
I have reached a point in this discussion when this remark may be justified: No impartial reader of my article of 1859 can fail to discover that the discussion did not involve the question now raised.
A reasonable request was made, that some impartial person might be present, that justice might be done Nayler in the report of his answers.
No impartial student of the history of the war can doubt that Colonel Dodge here touches the very marrow of the matter.
The fighting by which all this was accomplished has been wonderfully well described in summary, by Colonel Dodge, in his admirably complete and impartial history of this campaign.
But such details are necessary here, in explanation of that fair and full, and impartial history of the Confederate war, which is intended in these volumes.
She looks for it in his own merit, and her impartial judgment will be his best reward.
For those who give more attention to translations, I could wish that some competent and impartial person would compile a list of mistranslations and present them as a separate treatise.
It is a profound subject; I am very conscious of that; yet I think there may be ultimate harmony if we are only candid enough to lay aside all prejudice, and give the matter our serious and impartial consideration.
Would Washington--the noble, upright, impartial Washington, judge so harshly?