The dynamometer wheel was placed midway between the two intermediate wheels, and the strain was indicated by the rising or falling of the dynamometer wheel on a graduated scale of cwts.
So it had been when Jules had grown suddenly angry with her; so also, midway on the stair, after that conversation at dinner of circles of sympathy.
The front of the palisade faced to the east, and midway in the wall was a gate ten feet wide, with inside of it a look-out tower (guerite) seven feet square.
After the Hudson's Bay Company had transferred Rupert's Land to Canada, a new post was opened on the Slave River, midway between Athabasca and Great Slave Lake.
But, as he ended, Billy Button pointed a shaking finger downwards at the grass midway between them, and spoke: "Look!
Then, about midway in his University career, he fell to reading for the profession to which worldly prudence rather than inclination called him, and was perfectly bewildered in theological controversy.
As some tall cliff that lifts his awful form, Swells from the vale, andmidway leaves the storm, Though round its breast the rolling clouds are spread, Eternal sunshine settles on its head.
Naturally he had a flat before reaching midway on his trip.
On February 17th the rear guard from Bowling Green reached Nashville, and on the 18th General Johnston wrote to the Secretary of War at Richmond, saying: "I have ordered the army to encamp to-night midway between Nashville and Murfreesboro.
This harbor is situated midway between the cities of Charleston and Savannah.
Pittsburg Landing, containing three or four log-cabins, was situated about midwaybetween the mouths of the creeks, in the narrow morass that borders the Tennessee.
The sun-gilt gable was cut off midway by the banks of brier brush, that, purple in shadow, shone like rods of blazing crimson and gold in the light.
Midway on the two-mile stretch of prairie that lay between our shanty and the village of Carberry, was the corner-stake of the farm; it was a stout post in a low mound of earth, and was visible from afar.
But the green knight stayed not to answer, and they hurtled together, and clashed midway as if it were thunder.
Midway through the hall there met her Sir Tristram himself with his squire Governale, and the queen sped to him and would have run him through, but for Governale, who snatched the sword from her, though she wounded him in her wrath.
The party from each army went forward over the stony hillside, until they met midway between the armies, and men watched them keenly.
The 1st of August, coming midway between Beltane and Samhain, was an important festival among the Celts.
Diviners were thus probably a Druidic sub-class, standing midway between the Druids proper and the bards, and partaking of some of the functions of both.
The same bullet had apparently penetrated the left side of the abdomen of the elder young lady, midway between the umbilicus and the anterior superior spinous process of the ilium, and had become lost in the abdomen.
The duodenum proceeded from the depression marking the lesser arch of the organ midway between the cardiac orifice and the right extremity.
The first wound was slight; the second a deep flesh-wound over the trapezius muscle; the third extended from the right sterno-cleido-mastoid midway upward to the middle of the jaw and down to the rapine of the trachea.
Beatson mentions an instance in which an explosion of a shell completely tore off the left leg of a sergeant instructor, midway between the knee and ankle.
The high heel of a French boot was driven through the perineum one inch from the median line, midway between the anus and the posterior commissure of the labia majora.
Jacob owned and occupied the farm on a part of which is now Lake Orinoco, about midway between Port Jervis and Huguenot.
Comprising Illustrations of the Greatest Features of The World's Columbian Exposition and Midway Plaisance Architectural, Artistic, Historical, Scenic and Ethnological.
Midway down the drive, his supersensitive nostrils caught the whiff of alien humans on the Place.
At her sharp summons the puppy wheeled, midway in his charge, and trotted back to her.
Then, midway across the dusky hay-strewn space, she came to a gasping stop.
But, midway in his welcoming advance, he checked himself; sniffing the sodden October air, and seeking to locate a new and highly interesting scent which had just assailed his sensitive nostrils.
His body in a compact bunch, he rolled midway between the wheels; making the single revolution at a speed the eye could scarce follow,--a speed which jerked him from under the impending left wheel which already had smitten him down.
It is therefore recommended that the string be placed as nearly as possible midway between the tips and first joints of the fingers.
Yet in a few moments the sound died away, for a voice midway in the crescent had shouted an amazed discovery: "By God, it's a woman!
A traveling midway had cast its tents in a vacant square in competition with the regular attractions of the town, and everywhere the hard-riding punchers were "night herding" in full regalia.
Nearly midway in that last decade of the last century the golden Yukon swung out of solitude into the vision of the world and there as elsewhere in the vast north-land the Mounted Police were to play a large and brilliantly useful part.
It was at the time of this tour that a fort projected by Colonel MacLeod to be erected somewhere midway between Fort MacLeod and the Red Deer River was built by "F" troop of the Mounted Police.
Late that afternoon the man was arrested midway of a thought rounding into phrase by the sudden darkness.
At the midway turn of the road where the giant trees rear themselves at the side of the well, came a sudden check, and the mob fell back upon itself, and grew dead silent.
There seemed now but little to indicate that the party was divided into two bitter factions, but when the meal was over Theriere called his men to a point midway between Barbara's shelter and the main camp fire.
Such terror, so perpetual warfare in, Changed from my former self, I live of late As one whomidway doubts, and fears and strays.
Often already have I sought to sing, But midway in my breast the voice was stay'd, For ah!
My short sad story is already done, And midway in its course my vain race run.
The proper length is midway between the ends and the first joint of the fingers.
The measurement must be from the scratch-mark, midway between the thrower's feet, to the first break, in accordance with above rules.
And stood, It seemed, midway a garden wide, a tree that bright Like silver gleamed, and broad boughs light Uplifted.
But when midway The night was spent, Prince Eblis waking lay.
But it was situated just where France needed a harbor, midway on her northern coast, facing England.
Midway in the Pacific is the island of Tahita or Otaheite,--as fair a gem as the sun ever looked down upon.
Midway between them lay a rusted pistol and just beyond, glistening in the faint light, were bits of glass.
For a moment he was dazed by the discovery, and then he turned it around till he came to a piece of metal midway between the rusted hoops, and this he pried off with his knife and found it covered a small bung.