Having scraped the salsify roots, and washed them in cold water, parboil them.
Take four fine sweet-breads, and having trimmed them nicely, parboil them, and then lay them in a pan of cold water till they become cool.
Cut open the heart, and (having removed the ventricles) soak it in cold water to free it from the blood, Parboil it about ten minutes.
To keep them merely for plain boiling, you may parboil them for one minute, and then bury them in powdered charcoal with their small ends downward.
In preparing chickens for broiling, you may parboil them about ten minutes, to ensure their being sufficiently cooked; as it is difficult to broil the thick parts thoroughly without burning the rest.
As most wild duck have the flavor of fish, therefore it is advisable to parboil them, with a carrot in each duck, before roasting, as this absorbs all the unpleasant taste.
Parboil the liver, heart, and gizzard, in a little stew pan.
Parboil a nice fat piece of fresh pork and place in same kettle with kraut; let it boil together for some hours; about one hour before taking it up grate half a small raw potato into the kraut, let it simmer away.
Prepare as for roasting the same as any fowl, parboil for fifteen minutes with an onion in the water to remove the strong flavor.
Parboil a pair of fine white sweetbreads, after soaking them in salt and water an hour.
First parboil the onions: then slice them, season them with a little salt and pepper, and fry them with the liver.
If they are wild ducks, parboil them with a large carrot (cut to pieces) inside of each, to draw out the fishy or sedgy taste.
Having trimmed some sweetbreads nicely, and removed the gristle, parboil them, and then mince them very fine.
For this purpose, parboil two good sized onions, and a large bunch of green sage.
To remove the fishy or sedgy taste so often found in wild ducks, parboilthem with a large carrot, cut in pieces, and placed in the body of each.
Then drain them, cut them in pieces, and parboil them.
Peel five large onions, and parboil them to take off some of the strength.
Parboil a pair of full-grown, but fat and tender chickens.
Take a fine plump young goose, and parboil it, (in as little water as will cover it,) saving the gravy.
If you suspect them to be sedgy or fishy, (you can ascertain by the smell when drawing or cleaning them,) parboil each duck, with a carrot put into his body.
Cut up and parboil a pair of large fowls, seasoning them with pepper, salt, and nutmeg.
If the liver is quite sound, you mayparboil it, and mince it very fine, and add it to the above.
As soon as you receive a hare, take out the liver, parboil it, and keep it for the stuffing; some are very fond of it.
Trim a fine sweetbread (it cannot be too fresh); parboil it for five minutes, and throw it into a basin of cold water.
Cleanse two or three heads of well-blanched celery and trim them nicely, leaving on just as much of the stalk as is tender; parboil the vegetable in well-salted water, then rinse in cold water and drain on a sieve.
Parboil the asparagus, dip in egg, then in bread crumbs, or use a batter and fry in hot fat.
Remove the stalks and leaves, break the flower into pieces, parboil them in brine, then drain them, and lay them in a jar, and pour over boiling spiced vinegar.
Boil half a pound of pearl barley in one quart of new milk, taking care to parboil it first in water, which must be poured off, sweeten with white sugar.
Lay fresh brains in cold, salted water for fifteen minutes; then put them in boiling water, and parboil for ten minutes.
Parboil two sliced onions, drain, season, add a cupful of hot water and half a cupful of Sherry.
FRIED SHAD ROE--V Parboil the roe for ten minutes in salted and acidulated water.
Page 340] FRIED SHAD ROE--VII Parboil the shad roes in salted water to which a slice of lemon and a sprig of parsley have been added.
FRIED FROG LEGS--VI Parboil for five minutes in salted and acidulated water.
Either parboil or roast a tongue and udder, slice them into tolerably thin slices, and season them with pepper and salt.
To dress a leg of pork like goose, first parboil it, then take off the skin, and roast it.
Parboil two large ones; when cold, lard them with bacon, and roast them in a Dutch oven.
Parboil some sweetbreads, cut them in slices, place them in layers with the oysters, and season very lightly with salt, pepper and mace.
Open the oysters, take off the beards, parboil the oysters, and strain off the liquor.
Parboil two large ones, and then roast them in a Dutch oven.
Parboil two pair of ears, or take some that have been soused.
Parboil a fine fresh sweetbread for five minutes, and throw it into a basin of water.
Trim a fine sweetbread (it cannot be too fresh); parboil it for five minutes, and throw it into a basin of cold water.
If you have much supernatant Liquor, you may parboil more Mushrooms next day, and put them to the first.
To prepare creamed sweetbreads, parboil them and then separate them into small pieces with a fork or cut them into cubes.
To prepare the sweetbreads, parboil them according to the directions given in Art.
To prepare baked scallops, clean the desired number, parboilfor 15 minutes, drain, and cut into small pieces.
Then put them to cook in boiling water for 20 minutes in order to parboil them, after which place them in cold water again.
Parboil the liver, gizzard, and heart, cut them into pieces and add them to the chicken in the frying pan.
In order to broil sweetbreads, first parboil them in the manner just explained.
Parboil the artichokes and take out the part known as the choke.
Parboil the artichokes and remove the choke, and put them in the oven in a tin with a little oil, pepper and salt, and three or four heads of garlic, whole.
Parboil six slices of beef marrow in salt water, and lay on top of the steak.
Parboil and fry in butter one dozen small onions; also cut up one-half pound of salt pork in half-inch squares, and parboil and fry them.
Parboil four slices of beef marrow and lay on top with some green and red peppers cut in triangular shapes.
Make a Julienne of beets, leeks and celery, in equal parts, parboil in salt water, and finish cooking in consomme.
Cut raw potatoes in pear shapes the size of an egg, parboil in salt water, then put in a well-buttered pan pointed end up, sprinkle with melted butter and roast in oven, basting all the time till brown.
Parboil the scallops from two to three minutes in their own juice, but not longer, as they will become tough and rubbery.
Wash four heads of large romaine lettuce in cold water, parboil in salt water, cool, and squeeze dry with the hands.
Cut two potatoes in small dices, and parboil for five minutes in salted water.
Parboil one carrot and one celery root cut in strips, and one onion sliced fine.
Parboil six oysters, add one spoonful of cream sauce and season well.
Peel one dozen very small white onions, parboil then and fry in butter until soft.
Parboil some sliced beef marrow, put into a brown gravy with the juice of one lemon and some chopped parsley.
Parboil in salt water, cool, and put back to boil in enough stock to cover.
Parboil one-half cup of white celery chopped fine, for ten minutes, and allow to cool.
Parboil 1 cup of shredded codfish; heat 2 tablespoonfuls of butter; add 1 chopped onion and 2 cups of tomatoes; let fry.
Clean and parboil 2 rabbits; then cut into pieces.
Clean and parboil the sweetbreads; then fry 1 small sliced onion in hot fat until light brown.
Parboil a cabbage in salted water; drain and stuff with chopped cooked mutton.
Shred finely the rind of two oranges and parboil in a little water.
Parboil a medium sized cauliflower in salted water, change the water and boil till done.
If the fruit is not fully ripe, parboil in syrup before using.
In the meantime, wash and parboil one pint of beans.
Suspend the bird in a bright, clear heat, hang a ribbon of fat pork between the legs, and roast until well done; do not parboil him.
Put hind and fore quarters into the kettle, and parboil until tender.
Take him to camp, parboil him for thirty minutes, and roast or broil him to a rich brown over a bed of glowing coals.
To roast them, parboil for fifteen minutes, and in the meantime cut a thin hard-wood stick, eighteen inches long for each bird.
Cut the veal into nice square pieces or mouthfuls, and parboil them.
If they are wild-ducks, parboil them with a large carrot (cut to pieces) inside of each, to draw out the fishy or sedgy taste.
Wash thoroughly the head; remove the tongue and brains; parboil the brains, and set them aside with the tongue to use on another occasion (see page 307).