For mad or no, the Amok runner knew that his fate was to be destroyed like some tiger.
As the runnerwent along in this fashion, his thoughts were busy, and all his senses on the alert.
Dick Morris briefly explained how Colonel Chadmund had received warning through a friendly Indian runner of the projected massacre of the cavalry escort.
From what was told me by the runner who was sent on in advance, it is possible that she may be here to-morrow, in time for the sports.
If he needs our help he'll come for it," returned the captain with a laugh, "and it will puzzle the swiftest runner in the land to beat his long legs.
Message sent by runnerto Brigade Headquarters: "Still holding on to Hooge, but Germans are astride the Menin Road.
In effect, therefore, we find that an excess of fecundity, either in animals or vegetables, is the usual fore-runner of sterility.
Ab had reached the fire wall with the speed of a greatrunner while, close behind him, came his eager following.
Just as ages and ages later, not far from the same region, some Scottish runner carried the fiery cross, Ab ran exultingly with the news it was his to bring.
But the bear did not reason; he but plunged forward to crush out the remaining life of the runner his great paw had driven back and down and then to enjoy his meal.
The wearied runner lay breathing heavily and was soon asleep.
For half an hour Neil went through a practice with Teeny-bits that was intended to give the new member of the team greater flexibility as a runner with the ball.
He slipped out of the grasp of Ned Stillson and nearly eluded big Tom Curwood, who covered Teeny-bits so completely when he finally had him down that ball and runner were almost completely out of sight.
The other two were slightly in the rear and their only chance was to come up from behind and overtake the runner by superior swiftness.
There are two types, the dwarf and the runner, for which respectively the culture usual for Dwarf French Beans and Runner Beans will be quite suitable.
Although fine specimens fit for exhibition may frequently be gathered from the general garden crop, a little extra attention to the cultivation of Runner Beans for show work will be well repaid.
Frequently the rows of Runner Beans are injuriously close, and the total crop is thereby diminished.
Manitoo, the largest of the five pups, was a famous runner and hunter already.
Bee disappeared in the midst of the fleeing herd, as he was a runner of exceptional swiftness.
Measured across from the center of one runner to the center of the other Scott's sledges were all, with one exception, 1 foot 5 inches.
The main differences between the sledges used by the Discovery expedition and those used by other explorers were a decrease in breadth and an increase in runner surface.
To-day is his first great race, for it was only this season, when he won the mile at the college spring games, that Mike had recognized him as a runner worthy to compete against Harvard.
By the rules, any runner passing another on the inside may be disqualified for fouling if so he interferes with the runner ahead, for the leading runner has a right to the pole, and a runner taking the inside does so at his own risk.
Jack hears the rapid steps close behind him, and tries a little stratagem of his own, hardly hoping that it will succeed against a veteran runner like Cowles.
But Jack, only ten yards away from the finish, hears nothing but the sobbing gasps of the runner beside him, sees nothing but the tape and the face of Mike all working and distorted with excitement as he stands back of the judges.
When using this odd sled one foot would rest on the runner with the toe in the strap, and by kicking out against the snow or ice with the other foot the rennwolf would be made to spin along at a rapid rate.
However, the village blacksmith came to our rescue and shod our sledge with sleigh runner iron.
About 30 inches from the rear end of each runner an upright post was nailed.
The runner block was fastened securely to the head of the rudder post with screws.
On each runner back of the posts a loop of leather was nailed, large enough to receive the toe of one shoe.
Each runner was shod with a strip of brass, fastened on with flathead screws, which were countersunk, so that the heads should not project below the brass.
Three blocks of wood were used for the runner shoes.
Covering third for Oakdale, he attempted to make a fancy play on a grounder, and let it get through him, enabling a Wyndham runner to score from second after two were out.
Grant's annoyance was made still further apparent when he opened with a weirdly wild heave over Stone's head that would have counted against him as a wild pitch had there been a runner on the sacks.
The conditions are that the runner must have absolute faith that the strength will come; that he must think steadily of strength, and have perfect confidence that he has it, and that he must continue to run on.
A staff was let into the hole in the upper surface of the runner near the outer edge and its upper end through a hole in a board fastened to a joist above.
Some of my friends overheard his threats, and a swift runner put me on my guard.
About this time, gazing across the lawn from the great window, Duncan could see the runner bringing the post-bag.
The arrival of the runner was always one of the chief events of the day, for the Laird "let" his shootings every season, and had friends in every part of the kingdom.
For a moment Basil stared from Daoud the Moor to his shadowy visitor, then he bade the runner arise and commanded him in some Eastern tongue to unburden himself.
Your promptness argues well for your success," he turned to his runner who was cowering at his feet, the ashen face with the blinking and inflamed eyes raised to his master.
He would show her that he was a better runner than the boy she had selected as her favorite, and he put forth every energy, and gained rapidly.
Stacey Fitz Simmons, drum major of the cadet band, and the best dodger and runner of the school foot-ball team, was also her devoted admirer.
At Casper a runner for the Hotel Metropole had boarded the train.
And there lay the scheme prostrate, winded, a poorrunner in a rugged race.
Harry Revere is now in our employ, and I yesterday sent a runner to him to go off to Savai'i and buy us a hundred tons of yams; and he has left by now.
The sledges were pushed along the shelf and turned on one runner and held until the dogs could stretch their traces and, bounding forward, at the word whirled them around in safety before they could topple over the precipice.
The runners were shod with ivory from the tusk of the walrus, ground flat and its corners squared with stones; it was fastened to the runner by a seal-skin string which was looped through two counter-sunk holes.
So it went on till at length a runner arrived and whispered something to Indudu who saluted, showing me that it was a royal message, and ordered us to move.
When they had gone the Swazis led us to a kraal about two miles from the river, sending on a runner with orders to make huts and food ready for us.
Getting the men and horses back onto the cars, I jumped up on the tail-board and ordered the runner to pull out for Flagstaff.
At six-ten the runner whistled to show he had steam up.
Another had climbed over the tender and ordered the runner to hold up.