I must turn if my heart is once more to open itself, and I am in need of such heart-comfortings; that I cannot deny.
Knowing that your zeal in the same cause is more active and energetic than that of any one else, I must turn to you alone in considering the means which may bring about our common desire.
Within this period falls the great development of stained glass: we must turn to the glorious windows of the cathedrals of France and other Western lands, to see what the glass-workers of the time were capable of producing.
We must turn again to the marvellous collection of late classical and mediaeval objects that has been so long preserved in the treasury of St. Mark's at Venice for the most complete specimen of this undercut glass.
But it is to the Franconian Nuremberg, which, though further to the north, fell under the same influences, that we must turn to find the most brilliant work of this southern school.
To learn something of those living in the world, who were the inspirers, the helpmates, and the companions of men in everyday life, we must turn to the poems and romances.
For analogies to them we must turn to notices relating to actual religion, and here we shall find evidence that the people of the Viking Age were no less religious than those of earlier times.
For Greek parallels we must turn to works of the Hesiodic school and the elegiac poets.
To find Silius at his best--not a very exalted best--we must turnto the passage where he depicts the feelings of Hannibal on finding the body of Paulus on the field of Cannae (x.
To find verse as dull and uninspired, wemust turn to Silius Italicus or the Aetna.
Our story is one of discovery, and we must turn to Nearchus, Admiral of the fleet, left behind at the mouth of the Indus to explore the coast to the Persian Gulf, where he was to meet Alexander if possible.
We must turn to Bergson himself and study carefully what he has said and written, reserving our judgment until we have examined his own statements.
To answer this question, we must turn to perceptual processes, as these occur in our everyday life.
To understand the movement, we must turn to its history in France or in America.
Well, and I must turn on my left hand, for I have forgot the way quite and clean, [Aside.
He must turn, and quickly, to avoid disaster; he must turn, or he would be across the white posts in the enemy's country.
Now, I must turn to the debit side of the ledger for the past year.
With full recognition of motor-car transportation we must turn it to the most practical use.
To invention we must turn as one of the most powerful aids to the accomplishment of such a result.
But I must turn now to other scenes and more stirring events, having I trust made the reader well enough acquainted with father, mother, and daughter, at least sufficiently for all the purposes of this tale.
My uncle allowed an old clerk of his to inhabit it, rent free; but he must turn out.
But we must turn again to the south to witness another loyal attempt to stem the tide of invasion.
To reply to this objection, we must turn to the second path; that is to say, we must collate the Inquisitio Eliensis with the Inq.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "must turn" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.