The parts of this region, which present themselves to your consideration and view, are such as serve to nutrition or generation.
Those of nutrition serve to the first or second concoction; as the oesophagus or gullet, which brings meat and drink into the stomach.
That our knowledge in regard to the science of nutrition is still very imperfect, is certain; but, I think there is reason to believe, that we are upon the eve of some very important discoveries relative to that mysterious operation.
Probability that water acts a much more important part in nutrition than has hitherto been generally imagined.
As these defects hinder mental as well as physical development, the question of proper nutrition through the medium of the school lunch becomes an educational one.
May we not reasonably suppose that many of these defects are caused by mal-nutrition, and that this mal-nutrition is in part due to the poor noon-day lunch?
Elementary principles of nutrition and sanitation should be taught.
The cure is in increased nutrition of the nerve substances, by rest and light dietary.
A sufficient action of the bowels is of great importance for where goodnutrition is desired.
A good subject can be awakened and thrown into hypnosis again almost at pleasure, and independently of any state either of nutrition or of fatigue.
We are making here a transition somewhat resembling the transition from isolated bodily injuries to those subtler changes of diathesis which change of climate or of nutrition may induce.
While education and training do not seem to affect the germ cells in any marked degree, nutrition does affect them.
The growth of each tissue, by taking from the blood special proportions of elements, must modify the constitution of the blood; and so must modify the nutrition of all the other tissues.
Moreover, in both cases when the functional activity is high and the nutrition defective, there results not growth but decay.
The immense change in the ratio of fore-quarters to hind-quarters would make requisite a corresponding change of ratio in the appliances carrying on the nutrition of the two.
But a decrease of jaw reducing its weight by even an ounce (which would be a large variation), cannot, by either smaller weight carried or smaller nutrition required, have appreciably advantaged any person in the battle of life.
Whence it is manifest that what in commercial affairs we call profit, answers to the excess of nutrition over waste in a living body.
Be careful to go to a school where there is what they call a school clinic, where your nutrition and teeth and eyesight and other matters of importance to you will be attended to.
From this illustration, it will be seen that "reproduction is a form of nutrition and a growth of the individual to a size beyond that belonging to it as an individual, so that a part is thus elevated into a (new) whole.
Nutrition directly modifies adaptation, as is well illustrated by animals which have been bred for domestic or other purposes.
All the tubuli which he has described belong to that canal system which, as I have shown,[T] is limited in its distribution to the intermediate skeleton, and is expressly designed to supply a channel for its nutrition and augmentation.
An endless phase of animal nutrition research deals with efficiency of rations, that is, the pounds gained by the animal per pound of feed consumed.
Plant Nutrition and Metabolism Most studies of plant nutrition and metabolism pertain to the following questions.
More Tracers in Animal Nutrition Research Female hormones in microgram amounts[1] accelerate fattening of cattle and sheep.
Animal Nutritionand Metabolism How Nutritious Are Various Feedstuffs?
As soon as these, the main organs of nutrition, are out of order, nutrition fails rapidly and more 'head symptoms' develop.
The reduction of the nutrition to the brain lessens the activity of all the cerebral centers also, and digestion becomes markedly impaired, thereby weakening the organ itself upon which the supply of vital force depends.
In the same degree in which it is deprived of these does it wilt, and the first part of the tree to wilt when the nutrition becomes imperfect is the top.
Every impulse of the muscular system leaves the brain, and the strength of these impulses depends upon the nutrition to the brain centers controlling the various groups.
As the nutrition to these centers declines, the whole muscular system, including the muscles of the bowels, becomes weaker and the patient complains that he exhausts easily.
Yes, we are discovering that complaints of this kind are often simply due to bad nutrition of the skin.
These questions of nutrition are still so imperfectly studied and understood!
All is digested, and what is not needed for nutrition is fixed and turned into fat.
But, while prosperity leads at first to the reckless and unrestrained gratification of the simplest animal instincts of nutrition and reproduction, it tends, when it is prolonged, to evolve more complex instincts.
The demands of nutrition have overridden those of reproduction; sexual selection has, to a large extent, given place to natural selection, a process clearly not for the advantage of the race.
In nervous young women and, above all, in nervous spinsters beyond forty, disturbances of menstruation consequent upon lack of nutrition are not infrequent.
This interferes with the nutrition of nerves and leads to nerve sensitiveness from lack of nutrition, or actual nerve irritation from pressure upon sensitive nerve endings while in a state of congestion.
Much depends on the nutrition of the child during this early susceptible period of its life and there is more that passes over with the milk than merely the food elements.
Besides, constipation intervenes with its train of consequences and patients become miserable, lose sleep often because of insufficient nutrition and actual clamoring on the part of their gastrointestinal tract for food.
It had been {107} thought to be due to a combination of the climate, malaria and the lack of nutrition on the part of the country people.
After weight andnutrition the most important indication is sleep.
It is a question of failure of due proportion between the taking of nutrition and the oxidation processes within the body.
Again, long-standing disease, by affecting the nutrition of an organ and by inducing the deposit of morbid products, may result in atrophy, as frequently happens in affections of the liver and kidneys.
These revelations on the subject of nutrition are but the spokes of the great movement I have at heart--or perhaps, more properly speaking, they are the hub into which the spokes are being fitted.
And incidentally demonstrating that the existing standard of minimum nutrition for man was three times too large?
Can you prove in either case that the question of nutrition or digestion entered into the matter at all?
It is true that he believes most people overeat, and it is true that he is devoting his life and his fortune to finding out what the basis of proper nutrition really is; but as for starving--wait till you see him!
Sympathy is always grateful," Armstrong replied, unconvinced, "but every moment we lose discussing nutrition is a moment taken off the finest trip we have tried yet.
But the medusa after three or four cycles becomes the medusa again, not, we say, by these same processes of nutrition and waste, but by a series of generations, each one involving an actual birth and an actual death.
In regard to their vital phenomena, especially those of nutritionand propagation, some Protista are more allied to plants, others more to animals.
In the process of nutrition the organism digests small quantities of the outside world; in consciousness it digests the world as a whole.
Both consist in an absorption of the outer world by the organism; nutritionis the assimilation of matter, consciousness that of stimuli.
When the liver is disordered the whole body is more or less deranged and the proper nutrition of its parts arrested.
The brandy acted, in fact, on a heart whose nutrition had not been perfectly restored.
Improved nutrition is your salvation, and that must come through exercise, diet and fresh air.
Increase the generalnutrition of the body in every way, and then the lungs can resist the inroads of the disease.
It is impossible that alcoholic beverages can add anything to the nutrition of either the infant or mother.
We are thus enabled to see clearly how the alcohol diminishes the oxygenation and decarbonization of the blood, and retards all tissue changes both of nutrition and waste without itself undergoing oxidation with evolution of heat.
Any substance taken into the body, which will interfere with these processes of nutrition and waste is inimical to health, and in time of disease, dangerous to life.
The first thing necessary to improve the nutrition of the body is to stimulate the digestive and absorbent functions of the stomach and intestines.
The will is particularly capable of removing obstacles to nutrition that have often hampered the activities and sometimes seriously impaired the health of patients.
Sometimes the will is needed to bring about such a change in the habits of the individual as will furnish proper nutrition for the heart.
Not infrequently indeed it is their neglect of nutrition in this regard that has been the principal predisposing factor toward the development of the disease.