There is one point that vegetarianism has not satisfactorily answered as yet.
Nature apparently intended us to be omnivorous, and, in addition, vegetarianism may run too close to the dangers of carbohydrate excess.
Undoubtedly food from the vegetable kingdom is a great benefit to the human system, but strict vegetarianism is not recommended by our medical men.
Before the question as to meat eating and vegetarianism can be solved, we must consider the first principle of nature, which is the law of self preservation.
In examining the claims of the disciples of vegetarianismit is well to consider those nations whose constitution and customs of work and education resemble our own.
Whether one approves of strict vegetarianism as a continuous mode of living or not, it will be admitted that the change from a meat diet to a nonmeat diet must be of great benefit in the treatment of chronic diseases.
Whatever one may think of vegetarianism as a continuous mode of living, a little consideration will make it plain that a rational vegetarian diet is the ~sine qua non~ in the cure of chronic diseases.
With some vegetarianism is largely a matter of esthetics, ethics and morality.
He is a strong advocate of physical culture and favors vegetarianism and other changes from conventional life.
The odd thing about vegetarianism is that you come not to care a rap what you eat.
The cogency of the arguments in favour of vegetarianism which I am about to discuss is another matter.
A number of ladies willing to devote themselves to the popularisation of the leading ideas of vegetarianism have joined this section.
But one can ask oneself whether, to attain this object of stimulation, carnivorous feeding is indispensable, and if vegetarianism could not supply the need.
I have consulted a local doctor, but he can find no reason for their appearance, but suggested I should try a mixed diet, to include some animal food, rather than adhere to vegetarianism as I have done for some two years past.
I Vegetarianism has been the object of many attacks, and has also been warmly defended.
Having given up vegetarianism on his homeward voyage he did not resume it upon his re-entrance on Mongol life.
The Chinese look up so much to this supposed asceticism that I am eager to acquire the influence a successful vegetarianism would give me, and I am trying it in true Chinese style, which forbids eggs, leeks and carrots, &c.
The vegetarianism referred to was, as he indicates, very thoroughgoing and in accord with Chinese ideas.
I have not opportunity for finding out in what years Newman took up this practical dietary of vegetarianism for himself, but I think it must have been towards the latter end of his life.
To Newman's mind the theory of Vegetarianism was proved.
Our vegetarianism is becoming more active with the pressure from the high price of butcher's meat.
On similar grounds vegetarianism has been advocated as a moral duty among Eastern races, as also in classical antiquity.
There are many standpoints, however, from which the subject of vegetarianism may be discussed.
Sidenote: Vegetarianism from standpoint of scientific living] I will now consider vegetarianism from the standpoint of true food science, or the welfare of the physical man.
If you can practice strict vegetarianism for a time, so much the better, choosing those articles most easily digested.
At dinner Mr. Meredith talked of his distaste for flesh food, and his esteem for simplicity in all forms, and stated emphatically that it was quite a mistake to suppose that his own experiments in vegetarianism had injured his health.
The two years allowed forvegetarianism have now become forty, and all of them years of hard work.
But broad as his geniality was, he used to seem rather nonplussed by such new ideas as vegetarianism in conjunction with teetotalism.
Reformers of all classes must recognize that it is useless to preach peace by itself, or socialism by itself, or anti-vivisection by itself, or vegetarianism by itself, or kindness to animals by itself.
Stead, when he received from the spirit world a message to the effect that vegetarianism was good for some persons but not good for him.
To suggest a meal off Brazil nuts would to many have a tendency to put vegetarianism in a ridiculous light, and nothing kills so readily as ridicule.
We believe the progress towards vegetarianism must of necessity be a very slow one.
There is no necessary connection between vegetarianism and teetotalism, but it would be affectation to deny the fact that they are generally connected.
Years back many persons were under the impression that by vegetarianism was meant simply an abstention from flesh-meat, but that fish was allowed.
We believe there are tens of thousands of families who would give vegetarianism a trial were it not for fear.
This is a very strong statement, coming as it does from so high an authority, and vegetarians would do well to hear it in mind when discussing the subject of vegetarianism with those who differ from them.
As we have said, the great motive that induces many to give vegetarianism a trial is economy; and if persons would once get rid of the idea that they risk their health by making a trial, much would be done to advance the cause.
Those who have practisedvegetarianism for many years will probably be of opinion that we have not called sufficient attention to the subject of fruit and nuts.
These ardent vegetarians have refused to listen to the allegation that vegetarianism was impossible because without meat-eating there would be no cattle and therefore no nitrogen for the fields.
He talked to me a lot about vegetarianism and such matters.
There is a sublime simplicity about these statements which is most impressive, but I cannot think that any wrong is done to the case against vegetarianism by not including them in a discussion which purports to be a logical one.
The relation of vegetarianismto temperance, of the food question to the drink question, is that of the greater which includes the less.
It seems that he had been converted to vegetarianism and had decided that he never again would eat the flesh of animals that had been ruthlessly slaughtered, when they so little deserved that fate.