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Example sentences for "nutrient"

Lexicographically close words:
nuthin; nutlet; nutlets; nutmeg; nutmegs; nutrients; nutriment; nutrition; nutritional; nutritious
  1. They are non-toxic in character and of high nutrient value, furnishing a valuable addition to the diet when the gastro-intestinal symptoms permit of such addition.

  2. The diet, as has already been stated, may be supplemented by nutrient beverages or milk gruels.

  3. One saline and one nutrient enema may be given during the night if the patient is very weak.

  4. Egg white is frequently added to increase the nutrient value of ice creams and water ices.

  5. The food in these cases consists of reenforced soups, milk gruels, or nutrient beverages, not more than six or eight ounces given at one time.

  6. As far as their nutrient value is concerned, they are practically the same, that is, the protein of beef and the protein of chicken show very similar analyses.

  7. From three to four nutrient enemas a day is about the limit for the average patient.

  8. After this, albumen water may form the first nutrient administered.

  9. Meat soups and broths contain little nutrient value, consisting as they do chiefly of water, salt, and extractives, all of which are looked upon with disfavor, and classed with the offending articles of food in the nephritic diet.

  10. Care must be taken not to have the temperature of the nutrient enema too hot or too cold or it will be promptly rejected.

  11. Between the nutrient enemas it is advisable to give one of saline solution.

  12. The patient is urged to eat plenteously, drink copiously of water and nutrient beverages, soup, etc.

  13. If we are to recognize the importance of seabirds in the nutrient and energy cycling of marine ecosystems, rather than considering them merely as "yo-yo predators," we must relate them to the total marine community.

  14. The bioenergetics and nutrient cycling in ocean ecosystems is even less well understood than the contributions seabirds make to man's dollar economies.

  15. His nutrient feature showing wide The gleam of arches dental: "To cut my head off wouldn't pay, I find it useful every day, As well as ornamental.

  16. As the small opossum held in pouch maternal Grasps the nutrient organ whence the term mammalia, So the unknown stranger held the wire electric, Sucking in the current.

  17. In cases in which excision is impracticable, the sufferings of the patient may be alleviated by performing low tracheotomy, and by feeding with the stomach tube or by nutrient enemata.

  18. This may result from constitutional dyscrasia, or may be associated with a defective blood supply, as when the nutrient artery is injured.

  19. Arrest of growth in the bone from injury to the nutrient artery is also said to have occurred.

  20. It is {463} impossible to conceive that during this passage through a membrane of nutrient elements, soluble proteids, gases, etc.

  21. Surely a tendency-to-amputation is not carried over from mother's blood to baby's blood through the membrane in the placenta just as are the gases for respiration and the nutrient elements for food.

  22. In boiling meat, the water in which it is placed tends to dissolve its nutrient juices.

  23. Curve showing the mean value of the dry weights of ten series of pea plants grown in the presence of sodium arsenite and nutrient salts.

  24. Photograph showing the action of copper sulphate on barley in the presence of nutrient salts.

  25. Curve showing the mean value of the dry weights of ten series of barley plants grown in the presence of sodium arsenite and nutrient salts.

  26. Curve showing the mean value of the dry weights of ten series of pea plants grown in the presence of arsenious acid and nutrient salts.

  27. Roxas carried out pot experiments with rice in soil to which was added varying proportions of manganese sulphate, with and without the addition of nutrient salts of ammonium, potassium, and calcium.

  28. Thus the old distinction between toxin and nutrient has now lost its sharpness, but it does not lose all its significance.

  29. Curve showing the mean value of the dry weights of ten series of barley plants grown in the presence of boric acid and nutrient salts.

  30. Curve showing the mean values of the dry weights of nine series of pea plants grown in the presence of anhydrous zinc sulphate and nutrient salts.

  31. Experiments were carried on with barley, in which the plants were grown in the various grades of distilled water indicated above, both with and without the addition of nutrient salts.

  32. Curve showing the dry weights of a series of barley plants grown in the presence of copper sulphate and nutrient salts.

  33. Big manipulators were coming up and grabbing as many of the half-ton sausages as they could, and lurching away to dump them onto skids or into lorries or just drop them on top of the bags of nutrient stacked beyond.

  34. Trees locate most of their nutrient accumulation in their leaves to make protein for photosynthesis.

  35. Especially misleading are those tables in the back of many health and nutrition books spelling out the "exact" nutrient contents of foods.

  36. The roots of plants have no way to aggressively breakdown rock particles or organic matter, nor to sort out one nutrient from another.

  37. With good management, fertile soils are able to present these lower nutritional levels to growing plants without amendment or fortification with potent, concentrated nutrient sources.

  38. Should any of these vital nutrient substances be in short supply, all biomass and plant growth will decrease to the level permitted by the amount available, even though there is an overabundance of all the rest.

  39. Trees have deep root systems, reaching far into the subsoil to bring plant nutrients back up, making them nature's nutrient recycler.

  40. Over half the nutrient content of the food passing through cattle is discharged in the urine.

  41. The local soil ecology and nutrient balance is temporarily disrupted, but the upset only happens in this one little spot far enough away from growing plants to have no harmful effect.

  42. However, when making compost primarily with high C/N stuff we need to blend in other substances containing sufficient fixed nitrogen and other vital nutrient minerals.

  43. It is generally true that plants locate much of their entire yearly nutrient assimilation into their seeds to provide the next generation with the best possible start.

  44. The organic matter created there increases nutrient availability and accelerates the breakdown of rock particles, further increasing the creation of organic matter.

  45. A fertilizer is any concentrated plant nutrient source that rapidly becomes available in the soil.

  46. In temperate climates, pasture grasses go through an annual cycle that greatly changes their nutrient content.

  47. The meal is similar in nutrient composition to blood meal, leather dust, feather meal, or meat meal (tankage).

  48. Alcohol first checks the development of the comma bacilli when it is mixed with the nutrient fluid in the proportion of 1 in 10, a degree of concentration which renders it impracticable for treatment.

  49. Another good nutrient medium is gelatine, wherein the comma bacilli form colonies of a perfectly characteristic kind, different from those of any other form of bacteria.

  50. There can be little doubt that primary cancer of the liver receives its nutrient supply through the hepatic artery, in connection with which new capillaries form in the pathological tissue.

  51. In this case there was in the gastro-epiploic artery an ante-mortem fibrinous plug which was continued into the nutrient artery of the ulcerated piece of the stomach.

  52. It is not contraindicated even in some cases of chronic diarrhoea with persistent vomiting and loss of peptic function, advantage being taken of the intervals between the evacuations to introduce a small and very concentrated nutrient enema.

  53. When obstruction is imminent nutrient enemata afford the most efficient means of administering nourishment.

  54. Wetherill suggests the possibility of forming with solid extract of beef, pepsin, and pure suet a nutrient suppository which might be retained and absorbed in some cases in which it has been found impossible to retain the enemata.

  55. A diet largely composed of skimmed milk renders an important service both as a nutrient and a diuretic and depurant.

  56. When a large number of glands are affected, it will be necessary to limit the diet to such nutrient fluids as may be absorbed from the stomach.

  57. The patient should be nourished exclusively by nutrient enemata.

  58. If nutrient and organic loads are not tremendously heavy in relation to the size of the receiving stream, this procedure can help to assure that no one stretch gets too strong a dose of them.

  59. More complete delineation of sources of nutrients to the free-flowing streams of the Basin and evaluation of methods of nutrient control or reduction.

  60. Sidenote: Value of milk and eggs in the remedial diet] The nutriment contained in the egg is all that is required for the young chick, while the nutrient contents of milk is all that is necessary for the young animal.

  61. The nutrient elements of fruit consist of fruit-sugar, combinations of salts, organic acids, and various flavoring or aromatic substances.

  62. A number of flasks containing a nutrient medium were each inoculated with one drop of this mixture; it was found that some remained sterile, and Lister assumed that the remaining flasks each contained a pure culture.

  63. To effect this some of the nutrient gelatin containing yeast cells is placed on the under-surface of the cover-glass of the moist chamber.

  64. But the transfer of the nutrient matter from leaf to stem or root is accompanied by numerous chemical changes by which new compounds are formed.

  65. The book says the doctor never discovered any, especially after he started giving people the nutrient injections first.

  66. So he knew the general procedure, as well as the composition and quantity of the nutrient liquid to be administered.

  67. Milk is, in fact, a nutrient and a sedative at once.

  68. The spore-cell multiplies by division, while the enveloping cell is nutrient and protective.

  69. In the female, each ovary consists of a large number of ovarian tubes, in which swollen chambers containing the egg-cells alternate with smaller chambers enclosing nutrient material.

  70. To do this we wait till the growth is considerably advanced, and then add a large quantity of liquid to the nutrient solution so as to diminish the concentration a hundredfold or more.

  71. Circulation of the nutrient fluid may also be observed in an osmotic growth as in a living organism.

  72. The following values were obtained for glucose; they are independent of the concentration of yeast and glucose, the class of yeast, and presence or absence of nutrient salts, and remain the same when inhibiting agents are present.

  73. Armstrong grew his yeasts in a nutrient solution containing the sugar to be investigated, and his experiments are open to the criticism that the organisms were hereby afforded an opportunity for becoming acclimatised to the sugar.

  74. It is not the nutrient fluid, but that which is left over, which is secreted.

  75. Another point to be noticed is, that the nutrient fluid is universally distributed through the body, but each secretion has its separate organ.

  76. Hence the larger animals have fewer young than the smaller, for by them the consumption of nutrient material will be larger and the secretion less.

  77. On the other hand in the lower cold-blooded vertebrates the metabolism is less active, less food is taken and it is not necessary to secure all the nutrient material contained in the same for the organism.

  78. The nutrient of potatoes is starch, present in fair proportion.

  79. The most abundant nutrient in all the cereals is starch, which comprises from two-thirds to three-fourths or more of their total nutritive substance.

  80. The chief nutrient of lean meat and fish is protein; but in medium fat meats the proportion of fat is as large as that of protein, and in the fatter meats it is larger.

  81. Underwood glanced out toward the nutrient bath where the alien slept, where the shadowy outlines of a faintly human figure already appeared in the misty depths of the nutrient solution.

  82. Automatic valves would control the injection into the bath of nutrient materials with an accuracy of a thousandth of a milligram.

  83. They took pictures of the equipment and technicians, and of the protoplasm lying inert within the bath, in which the nutrient liquids would be placed after a temperature of a hundred degrees had been reached.

  84. The bath itself had been surrounded by a transparent guard impervious to solid shot or radiation weapons--even if he could have obtained any--nor could poisons be placed in the nutrient solution.

  85. There was simply nothing that could be done while Demarzule was still in the nutrient bath.

  86. Mounted beside the narrow catwalk between the observation board and the bath were the controls which would finally cut the radiation and drain the nutrient solution as the process of restoration came to an end.

  87. The center of construction was the ceramic bath which would hold the mass of protoplasm in its nutrient solution and keep it in controlled temperatures and pressures.

  88. Intensities of radiation and nutrient solution being stepped up according to our plans?

  89. During this time the Lavoisier had been slowly swinging in an orbit about the Earth to keep the repository, taken bodily into its hold, at the temperature of space, until time for the transfer of the protoplasm to the nutrient bath.

  90. In the second group the bacterial species live a saprophytic existence, growing in milk, as in any other nutrient medium, if it happens to find its way therein.

  91. Liquid starters consist of a mass of sterile nutrient medium, milk or beef broth, inoculated with the pure culture.

  92. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "nutrient" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    nourishing; nutriment; nutritious