The only physiological or embryological relationship is of a nutritional order, and even that is indirect and remote.
Associated with this nutritionalfailure it is usual to have disturbances of the alimentary tract, such as loss of appetite, dyspepsia and obstinate constipation.
Where there are grave nutritionaldisorders it is to be expected that the chief excretions of the body should show departures from the state of health.
The question is, what is the cause of this "nutritional balancing"?
To say that they exhibit a "nutritional relation" brought about by a "balancing of forces" is merely to give a new denomination to the unexplained fact.
Nutritional sprays under such circumstances may prove the remedy, and we have experimental evidence to support this.
The future in all likelihood will demand improved crops from the standpoint of nutritional purposes as foods.
Relatively little attention has been paid to the effects of a nutritional character that can be obtained from simultaneous applications of essential elements.
Nutritional Sprays Florida and California lead in the application of nutritional sprays on citrus and other fruit[7].
Chemical remedies, such as scientific food selection and combination, specific nutritional augmentation with natural food concentrates, homeopathic medicines, simple herb extracts and the vitochemical remedies.
Abnormal composition of blood and lymph due to the improper selection and combination of food, and especially the lack of organic mineral salts and other essential nutritional elements.
A study of animals born in litters, or of twins, is enough in itself to make us skeptical of theories of sex-determination based on nutritional or external factors.
Likewise in ordinary human twins one may be a boy, the other a girl, whereas if the nutritional condition of the mother were the fact determining sex, both should be boys or both girls.
In a litter of puppies, for example, there are usually both males and females, although in their prenatal existence they have all been subject to the same nutritional and environmental conditions.
In his treatise on scurvy, published in 1685, Harvey refers to this chronic nutritional disorder as "inveterate scurvy.
This point of view has been strengthened recently by the pathological studies of Aschoff and Koch, who regard scurvy as a nutritional disorder in which there is a lack of some colloidal substance needed for the normal structure of the vessels.
There can be no doubt that there is predisposition to scurvy, as there is, probably, to every nutritional disorder.
This results when a large group of individuals have been maintained on a limited and inadequate ration, and especially where this nutritionalcondition is complicated by intercurrent infection.
If the resistance is still further lowered by exposure, nutritional disturbances will result more readily than where the tissues are normal and well nourished.
It should be realized that, at the present time, it is not possible to distinguish between local symptoms which are truly nutritional or scorbutic in nature, and those which are bacterial and of secondary origin.
In this figure we see how varied may be the manifestations of this nutritional disorder, according to whether it has existed for a shorter or a longer time; in some instances the picture is very puzzling.
It has seemed to us attributable less to the nutritional condition than to the infections which so frequently complicate the disorder.
There is no adequate reason for placing in this group "coeliac disease," a nutritional disorder of children recently described by Still, and suggested by McCarrison as belonging to the category of the vitamine deficiency diseases.
The skin is frequently dry, the so-called "goose skin" that is seen in some poor nutritional states.
There may be nutritional diseases due to an excess of food rather than to a deficiency.
I believe that we are fully justified in the conclusion that nuts and nut products, if rationally used in our diets, are as digestible and fully as valuable from a nutritional point of view as our other foodstuffs.
It should be remembered, in thinking in terms of food nutritional value, that, on the average, only about 12 per cent.
Tuberculosis, rheumatism, gout, various nutritional disturbances all were supposed to pass from father to son and from mother to daughter, or sometimes to cross the sex line.
Even after the first year or two, the nutritional chronicle is not satisfactory.
By enhancing or retarding the nutritional changes, the growth of the organ or tissue is favored or restricted.
For this reason, and for some others which do not concern us here, it seems probable that the nutritional processes of the child are primarily responsible for these ailments.
Although the nutritional value of this fluid is not great, it is doubtful if colostrum serves any other essential purpose than as nourishment.
With the beginning of careful, scientific study of the nutritional problems of pregnancy, investigators were interested to learn the source of the material which was used to build up the child's body.
Nor is this difficult to understand, for the nutritional processes of two beings are here linked together.
It is true, of course, that careful scientific observations have taught not only what the nutritional requirements of the body are, but also how the diet may be arranged to satisfy these requirements most conscientiously and economically.
In order to comprehend the nutritional needs of the prospective mother, one must keep in mind the fact that our food always serves two purposes.
A similar contrast may be observed in the nutritional processes of the mother.
Of course, any person may be the subject of one or another of these nutritional disorders, but unquestionably such disorders are somewhat more frequent during pregnancy than at other times.
The factors which influence the totalnutritional requirements of the individual also influence his mental and physical responses to stress.
This will vary widely among individuals and each individual may exhibit characteristic patterns of nutritional behavior.
It is necessary to know the nutritional requirements of each astronaut and the way in which these are altered by the conditions of space flight in order to estimate needs on long missions.
In many parts of the world, people live on a monotonous diet consisting of only a few types of food with no apparent ill effects, provided their nutritional requirements are satisfied.
The nutritional requirements of the crew will be influenced by such factors as activity, physical and psychological stress, individual size of the members, and individual metabolic rates.
Long-Term Nutritional Problems There is a dearth of metabolic information, even for short-duration flights, without which changes in metabolic patterns to longer flights cannot be extrapolated.
It is also possible that changes in proportion of fat to lean body mass could be experienced and should be considered in nutritional planning.
The human body can use food stores so that the nutritional requirements can be reduced for a short time.
Defn: Of or pertaining to nutrition; as, nutritional changes.
Defn: Exciting nutrition; said of the reflex influence by which the nutritional processes are either excited or modified.
Of the orders containing bread the fractional part of the nutritional energy of the order from this source averaged 43.
Draughts, thin soles, wet soles, exposure when perspiring, may be the immediate cause of the nutritional or respiratory disturbances that give cold germs a foothold.
One is the dissolving and elimination of the excess, toxic or dysfunctional deposits in the body, and second process, the gradual exhaustion of the body's stored nutritional reserves.
I view protomorphogens as containing nutritionalsupplementation specific for the rebuilding of the damaged organ.
More than degraded nutritional content of food prompts a thinking person to use food supplements.
Those of us who consider ourselves healthy, including young people, are not really healthy, and at the very least would benefit from nutritional supplementation.
One famous dentally-oriented nutritional doctor, Melvin Page, suggested that as long as overall nutrition was at least 75 percent of perfection, the body chemistry could support healthy teeth and gums until death.
I have already explained that one particular head of broccoli does not necessarily equal another head of broccoli; the nutritional composition of apparently identical foods can be highly variable.
At that time I knew of only two clinics in the world actively using nutritional therapy.
Later I will explain how a faster can somewhat resupply their nutritional reserves while continuing to fast, and thus safely extend the fasting period.
We can't afford to accept 25% degradations in our nutritionalquality in something that we eat every day and that forms the very basis of our dietary.
Until water fasting goes on past the point where all fatty tissues and all abnormal deposits have been burned for fuel and recycled for the nutritional elements they contain, vital muscle tissues and organs are not consumed.
Sadly, what is true about organic matter in soil is that when it is increased very much above the natural level one finds in untilled soil in the climate you're working with, the nutritional content of the food begins to drop markedly.
When the bran and germ are discarded, remaining are the calories and much of the protein, lacking are many vitamins and minerals and other vital nutritional substances.
The first one got the best of hernutritional reserves.
Thus, over time, human food cultivars were selected for theirnutritional content.
The problem here is not how to deal with a chronically dilated and hypertrophied heart, but with a heart which has just yielded during effort, mainly in consequence of the nutritional impairment of its walls.
The container should be air tight, or the food will get freezer burn and lose nutritional value, and palatability.
From such observations the conclusion has been drawn that in the pericarp of the rice grain there are certain substances essential to the maintenance of health and that their withdrawal from the diet leads to nutritional disturbances.
It appears to be true that the prolonged use of any food leading to nutritional disturbance causes an inability on the part of the bone cells to take up calcium salts in the normal manner.
In the first the nutritional portions were treated, because they are so likely to become putrefied.
Its purpose is to affect some components in order to achieve desired qualities related to taste, look, nutritional value, etc.
We cannot afford those long cooking cycles, consuming energy and especially time, that resulted in what some remember as the kitchen harmony of smell and taste, as well as in waste and dubiousnutritional value, one should add.
In our new nutritional behavior and in our new values, literacy plays a marginal role (including interaction at the dining table).
What is gained is the possibility to assemble meals in combinations of nutritional modules and to integrate elements from all over the world without the risk of more than a new experience for our taste buds.
In separating libidinous from other psychic energy we give expression to the assumption that the sexual processes of the organism are differentiated from the nutritional processes through a special chemism.
They appear to have no other aggressive impulses, certainly none connected with the nutritional motives since they are herbivorous in habit.
It has its roots both in the reproductive and the nutritional motives.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "nutritional" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.