We do not refrain from emphasising this necessity because of any thought that even the elder brethren will find such studies without profit.
We may reject; we may forget; but we cannot altogether fail to profit richly in many ways from studies the object of which is to make the student more skilful in the use of the powers bestowed upon him.
Whether this is due to the destruction of some other growth factor is a question which has been raised by several experimental studies and requires an answer.
Further studies of this kind should be carried out and should include cultures of the blood and tissues of guinea-pigs in the various stages of scurvy, especially the early stage.
None of these studies hits the mark; a condition of fragilitas ossium was produced rather than typical scurvy.
In the course of thesestudies there has been ample opportunity for a comprehensive review of the widely-scattered literature.
In view of the confusing reports on the nerves of birds in experiments on polyneuritis, one cannot be too careful in drawing conclusions from histologic studies of this kind.
If we turn to studies on the other vitamines for enlightenment as to the possibility of excretion, we find that Muckenfuss recovered the water-soluble factor from ox bile and from human urine.
Further studies of the blood calcium are highly desirable to ascertain whether it varies in amount in the circulation, and especially in different stages of the disease.
These few and scattered articles comprise the sum of metabolic studies up to the last decade, and even during the succeeding period they have been very few--so few, indeed, that they furnish insufficient data from which to draw conclusions.
Studies of the metabolism of animals suffering from scurvy are almost as few as those on man.
When we turn to bacteriological studies we find that some years ago Ausset claimed to have isolated "a pasteurella type of organism" from a case of infantile scurvy, and suggested it as the causative agent of this disorder.
It is doubtful whether mere clinical studies will contribute in a large measure to the solution of the pathogenesis of scurvy.
We are sensible that to produce such consequences extraordinary studies are required: but learning is not perceived in this work, except by his perfect knowledge of the chefs-d'oeuvre of composition.
But a man cannot be a critic without being thoroughly acquainted with the conditions, means, and styles of an art; and here the nature of Diderot's studies and acquirements renders his critical capabilities extremely questionable.
Cataline and Sejanus are solid dramatic studiesafter Sallust and Cicero, after Tacitus, Suetonius, Juvenal, and others; and that is the best which we can say of them.
Hence some of his works seem to have stopt short half way between studies and finished productions; there is a trace of something unfixed and unfinished in his whole mental formation.
He was pursuing legal and diplomatic studies there and afterwards at Leipzig, when the French Revolution broke out and went through its first phases.
The general reader will find all he requires in the respective studies of M.
In English there is a modest Bossuet by Mrs Sidney Lear (London, 1874), and two remarkable studies by Sir J.
In 1804 he was called to Dresden as superintendent of the studies of the court pages, and received the rank of privy councillor.
He was educated at the college of Dijon, where he showed a taste for botany, and he followed up his studies in Paris at the Jardin des Plantes, where he made the acquaintance of Mme M.
He was encouraged in thesestudies by William Taylor, the friend of Southey.
Meanwhile he was making a name in literary journalism, and in 1883 he published Essais de psychologic contemporaine, studies of eminent writers first printed in the Nouvelle Revue, and now brought together.
In 1814 he was made director of studies at the court academy, and inspector of the Museum of Antiquities.
In the ridicule poured on the name of Bowdler it is worth noting that Swinburne in "Social Verse" (Studies in Prose and Poetry, 1894, p.
For the rest, his family continued to live after that removal as they had done before, and Stark pursued his studies with double diligence, in order yet better to maintain them.
As there, the scholasticstudies acquired an exclusive influence.
Thence comes it, that in France study is for the most part so unphilosophically pursued; although able professional men are accomplished in jurisprudence and medicine, the studies which are there the most in esteem.
Footnote 29: Right of matriculation in the universities on the ground of the applicant having properly matured his studies in the Gymnasium.
The young man having this image of terror perpetually before his eyes, prosecutes his studies in a manufacturing style, which crushes every freer, fresher aspiration after human improvement.
His whole life's plan must be now fashioned after his own judgment; he may enjoy his pleasures with a freer, choice, and pursue his studies in a great measure according to his own discretion.
He had also favourite occupations and favourite studies besides, but entirely apart, which he pursued as pleasant recreations, which had nothing in common with the tedious school labours.
He set about his studies with vigour and alacrity; and, keeping in recollection the circumstances of his relatives, he determined not only to avoid all unnecessary expense, but to exercise the most rigid economy.
I purchased from him, for the price of fifteen guineas, the entire skeleton, to supply a want in my museum, and facilitate the osteological studies of my apprentices.
His studies were carried far into the silence of the night, and the belated traveller never failed to mark the taper gleaming from the window of his apartment.
He has inherited the eager instinct of the naturalist, and his studies of woodland things are produced with the eye on the object, or, better still, from loving and accurate recollection.
In my brain are studies and chambers filled with books and pictures of old which I wrote and painted in ages of eternity before my mortal life; and these works are the delight and study of archangels.
In his studies he made great progress, troubled more than elated by success, because he was too diffident to believe anything in his triumphs but that he would break down next time.
It does not pretend to popularise studies which are yet in their infancy.
The object of their studies and reflections was the boundless field of metaphysics and morals.
All that was needed was a little knowledge of the world; for in the course of his studies he had learned to estimate the most famous physicians, and he judged them all to be asses.
He had been duteous over his tasks for fear of punishment, and had got through his legal studies with credit because his existence was tranquil.
For the next two years he learnt nothing except from his studies at the circulating library.
He solemnly recommends regular prayer for guidance in studies for which the lower motives may be insufficient.
With the help of such studies and frequent visits to old friends, and minor literary tasks, Fitzjames could find ample means of filling up any spaces left by his judicial duties.
But his genius enabled him to revive the study in England--although no genius could galvanise the corpse of legal studies at the Cambridge of those days into activity.
There were clandestine meetings and clandestine correspondence, in which the schoolboy found the advantage of his studies in the 'Grand Cyrus.
Detention at Honolulu shortened my stay in Manila, but there was much in studies at the former place that was a help at the latter.
It studies also the human mind in its historical manifestations, and tries to unfold the laws of human conduct.
Thus was told the story of the progress of the science which as a result of the studies of Franklin, Henry, Morse, and Graham Bell may well be regarded as the American science.
Extensive studies of aquatic entomology were made, and a paper on ephemerids and dragon flies is nearly ready for the press.
Studies in the Gold-bearing Slates of Nova Scotia.
On this point consult Wright's "Studies in Science and Religion," pp.
To the studiesin the field we must add those in the cabinet, and examine the many objects found in and above the mounds and earth-works, as well as the skeletons of the builders of the works.
To neglect this order, and commence at the top of the series, is to make the same mistake that the older writers did in their studies into this culture.
The more a geologist studies the structure of the earth, the more impressed is he with the magnitude of the time that must have passed since "The Beginning.
Yet it is not as literary material that these notes engage me most--by far the greater portion were never used,--but as records of observation andstudies of life.
Cicero's studies may have been interrupted even before the crowds came; but this could hardly happen often.
Neither Scaevola nor Sulpicius were, so far as we know, professed disciples of Stoicism; but that they applied perhaps half unconsciously the principles of Stoicism to their own legal studies is almost certain.
Surely it is not necessary that in our daily literary studies there should never be any fun at all.
They are excellent studies of character, well constructed, peopled with interesting men and women, and the style in which they are written is admirable.
The studies of human nature under various influences, especially in the cases of the unhappy heroine and her low-born lover, are wonderfully effective.
Studies of heads and copies from Raphael, Van Dyck, Rembrandt, etc.
Her studies at first prevented me from seeing her as often as I should have liked to, for since her earliest youth her disposition, her mental qualities, and her great gift for painting had promised to be a joy to me.
As I did not wish my "Sibyl" or the studies I had made of the Emperor and Empress of Russia to be unrolled, my carriage was put under seal, and at last I was able to get to bed.
It is to these studies that I owe my improvement in the very important science of degradation of light on the salient parts of a head, so admirably done by Raphael, whose heads, it is true, combine all the perfections.
She seemed to wish to see thestudies I had made of the Emperor Alexander and the Empress Elizabeth; I promptly brought them to her, as well as my "Sibyl," which I had stretched.
He holds Sir Arthur Pinero a characterizer of great versatility who becomes a psychologist in some of his studies of feminine types--in Iris, in Letty, in the heroine of Mid-Channel.
Even if his choice of topic be fresh, the young dramatist inevitably studies the dramatic practice just preceding his time, or that of some remoter period which attracts him, for models on which to shape the play he has in mind.
The theological studies that at first seemed to be his natural bent were no doubt a consequence of his early environment.
He gazed at her and almost forgot to speak, she was so wondrously beautiful, this shy, grave girl, pale and suffering from her devotion to the studies to which she was sacrificing herself with such religious zeal.
I go still further, and, as a physiologist, upon the ground of the preservation of force, maintain that a woman engaged in such unusual and profoundstudies needs all her vital energy for her work, and is dead to all the pleasures of sense.
He will give up his studies and take my place here, so that we need never come to want.
In comparison with it, what is the feeble pleasure that your studies can afford you?
A busy merchant loves flowers, and in all his free hours studies them.
Yet this is largely because the associations andstudies there are likely to give her permanent interests--the fifth and perhaps the greatest gift of college life of which I shall speak.
Yes, she has just been presenting a petition which I will not grant till she can bring me proof that she has been punctual and attentive to her studies for two months.
Mrs. Wilmot had a good library, and while she and the girls were engaged with their studies in the morning, I was generally there, reading or writing.
Can you not aid me, sir, in devising some mode by which Mary may be reminded that her studies are of more importance than her play?
She highly approved the plan, and promised to aid them in its execution, provided the time which they gave to their little pupils was taken, not from their studies or work, but from their amusements.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "studies" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.