She was lying down by the wayside, and quietly chewing her cud; nor did she take any notice of the young man until he had approached pretty nigh.
The only plea for chewing this noxious plant, which is entitled to a serious consideration is, that it tends to preserve the teeth.
Thus a thousand little frivolous pleas are used for chewing tobacco.
But I have a few additional thoughts on chewing this plant.
The feet of the little crowd shuffled as they shifted to get a better view, and two boys, chewing gum, climbed on the seats and stood up.
Everything about him suggested health underwear, chewing tobacco and fried mush for breakfast.
With what gracious condescension does he acknowledge the half-timid, half-daring smiles of all the little caramel-chewing Floras and Faunas who have made it a point to be on Main Street at this hour!
In the first place, she would have used a wad of chewing gum and a couple of hairpins.
He stood ready to concede almost anything else, but on this particular point he was adamant; in fact, adamant was in comparison with him as pliable as chewing taffy.
The appetite is poor and chewing painful, and the breath has a bad odor.
It is very tender when touched and renders chewing or talking somewhat painful.
He stood there chewing at his moustache, just as fine folk do when they are musing over something.
You shall have a clay pipe if you'll run and get me half a krone's worth of chewing 'bacca.
He could lie for hours, chewing a grass-stem, patient as a convalescent, while sun and air did their work upon him.
After a time he reappears from under the cabin hatchway, with a gigantic pair of sea-boots and a scrap of chewing tobacco.
Five ore worth of chewing tobacco, the long kind," he cries, before he gets to the door even.
Nilen is chewing manfully, and spitting over the end of the bed.
Mrs. McNeil rose on one elbow, and began chewing a grass stem.
The hired man stood leaning on the pump, chewing a bit of straw, and the cats rubbed against his legs, with tails like banners; they were all impressed by a sense of the unusual.
They stopped before a stall where another heifer stood, chewing her cud, and looking away into remembered pastures.
Then they all got up out of their chairs and looked straight at Mr. 'Possum, and said: "What was that you were chewing just now?
And the turtle kept on chewing at the copper joint.
Jake's yells for help continued; but the bear, the moment it discovered that the limb on which it was chewing was of good white oak, fell a prey to astonishment, if not alarm.
The farmer considered for a moment, chewing thoughtfully on a head of wheat.
Rainey left the spokes in charge of Hansen for a minute--Hansen stolid and chewing like an automaton, undisturbed by the incident now it had passed--and asked the girl how her father was.
The woman quietly looked at her bully, chewing a straw with the utmost nonchalance.
They even went so far as to lie down, chewing most contentedly.
Think how tired your jaws would get chewing a square meal like this, if it were not condensed to the size of a small tablet--which you can swallow in a jiffy.
After tasting her powder, and upsetting her bottle of perfumery, and chewing her blonde wig, thinking it some kind of yellow grass, he walked out without awakening her.
So Billy commenced to chew the girth which he could get at easily where it stuck out from Betty's side to pass over the load on her back; and we know better than Betty that Billy was good at chewing rope and straps in two.
All this time the dog had been pulling at his chain and straining to get at the goat, while Billy quietly walked around inspecting things, chewing anything he could find.
Billy did not get into much mischief during the remainder of the day, except chewing up the dish-rags which were hung on the lilac bush to dry, and all the flowers off the oleander.
These he chewed up and swallowed for he liked the taste of starch and they felt quite like chewing gum in his mouth as he ate them.
Squatted on the verandah chewing betel-nut, sighing and spitting all over the place for more than an hour, and as glum as an undertaker before he came out with that dashed conundrum.
Here and there in a field of clover cows were moving along heavily, with full bellies, chewing their cud under a blazing sun.
The editor was sitting far back in his chair again, chewing absently on the extinct cigar.
These boys are sent to sea, for the purpose of making commodores; and in order to become commodores, many of them deem it indispensable forthwith to commence chewing tobacco, drinking brandy and water, and swearing at the sailors.
By chewing these tendons and separating their fibers, they became soft and adhesive.
In the absence of ferrule cement, which can be had at all sporting goods stores, one can use chewing gum, or better yet, a mixture of caoutchouc pitch and scale shellac heated together in equal parts.
John Splendid cooled a little, and went to the window, looking down with eyes of far surmise upon the pleasance and the town below, chewing his temper between his teeth.
All the news those scouts bring to old Captain Kidd will not spoil his slumber," he remarked, chewing some checkerberry leaves as if to counteract the nauseating flavour of the gold hunter's name.
It was a piece of tinfoil, such as is used for enveloping chewing tobacco.