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Example sentences for "grilling"

Lexicographically close words:
grill; grille; grilled; griller; grilles; grills; grilse; grim; grimace; grimaced
  1. XLIV Saxham was shooting on the veld, north of the Clayfields, in a ginger-hued dust-wind and a grilling sun.

  2. The scientific importance of good roasting and grilling is that a savour is thereby produced which sets the whole gastric and digestive economy of the man who sniffs it and tastes it, at work.

  3. Male "chefs" of English nationality are rare specimens, though they are, as a rule, the best at grilling and roasting.

  4. Happily, though roasting is dying out, the art of grilling still survives in this country, but nowhere else in Europe.

  5. They crossed the grilling roadway, and, being wise in the heat, ordered "soft" drinks.

  6. For the first time since embarking upon the strange seas of advertising in his quest of the Adventure of Life, Average Jones now met the experience of grilling physical toil.

  7. To this end he would employ the most contemptuous and grilling comment.

  8. The camp grilling and festering in the sunshine--how I hated it!

  9. All the afternoon the camp lay grilling in the sunshine, and in the shuttered room in the middle of it my lady suffered.

  10. Continue grilling for another 15 to 20 minutes or until hens are well browned and cooked through.

  11. If you're broiling or baking or grilling chicken, leave the skin on until you're finished cooking; otherwise the meat will lose too much moisture and become tough.

  12. To increase the heat, you can push coals together, add more coals or lower the grilling surface, or fan the fire and tap the ashes from the coals.

  13. Use as a basting sauce for grilling 8 to 10 pounds of chicken, basting frequently.

  14. Jim and Jan Perdue had chicken hamburgers and beef hamburgers grilling side by side, and Frank beamed like a kid with a new toy when he saw how the chicken burgers stayed plump and didn't shrink.

  15. She looked round the little room once more, recalling the hundreds of hours she had sat there grilling in summer; freezing in winter, working on her books, and then with a queer little smile she went downstairs.

  16. The sky was unusually bright in its hard blueness, and the two lilac bushes, one purple and the other white, that had been gently grilling all day, sent out strong waves of sweetness as they swayed in the freshening air.

  17. This grilling method reminded him of what he had heard of "Third Degree" torments.

  18. The halibut should, previous to grilling or frying in salad oil, be placed on a shallow dish and sprinkled with salt.

  19. More than once have I received notice to quit the next morning for grilling kidneys on the perforated portion of a handsome and costly steel fire-shovel.

  20. And here a word on the grilling of a steak.

  21. Louis Skaroff followed with a detailed story of the murderous attack made upon him by Mayor Merrill in the Everett jail, his story being unshaken when he was recalled and put thru a grilling cross-examination.

  22. Because they were ashamed of it and they knew they could not stand the grilling that was awaiting them in the court room.

  23. It now needed but a game to win the match for them, but it had needed but one game to do that several times during this grilling battle.

  24. They hammered the Scott Sisters, giving them such a grilling as those two players had never experienced.

  25. If they stood up under the grilling of the first few games, they would have done remarkably well.

  26. The Grand Jurors were again called to the witness stand and put through a grilling to determine whether or not they were biased.

  27. For weeks they were subjected to a grilling which it was a disgrace to our laws to permit.

  28. Oh, I ran a grilling race and I little recked the pace, For the lust of youth ran riot in my blood; But at last I made a stand in this God-forsaken land Of the pine-tree and the mountain and the flood.

  29. The wise husbandmen, however, had sought refuge, and in all the grilling landscape was not a human being to be seen, save and except a sweat-dripping pedestrian from foreign parts straining along the scorching highway.

  30. Spain is wont to show her originality and indifference to the convenience of travelers, and on this, the anniversary of the grilling of him in whose honor it was built, the great monastery was closed for the only time during the year.

  31. For miles the route led across a desert-dry land as flat as a western prairie, grilling in the blazing sunshine.

  32. Then all at once, path, sand and vegetation ceased, and above me stretched to the very heavens the grilling face of a bare rock.

  33. His mate was sitting just without the tent, grilling chops on a piece of hoop-iron twisted into a grid.

  34. The tea was made, and the big billy stood by the embers, while Aurora attended to the grilling of the steak.

  35. Nora Wingate was laughing so much that she forgot to scold her husband, and Hippy kept them laughing for as much longer as possible, so that Nora might not remember to give him the good-natured grilling that he knew he deserved.

  36. It was a grilling ride that the Overton girls experienced during the next two hours.

  37. Wouldn't I like to take peep in on Henkel, now, while the commandant is grilling him in that gentle way the commandant has?

  38. It was bitter for all of them, but it seemed especially hard to the first class men, who had survived the four years of hard grilling and were on the eve of graduation.

  39. Godfrey cut three sticks and made a tripod, from which the small kettle was suspended, and fish and meat were soon grilling over the fire.

  40. Having made a fair bag and been absent from the canoe for five hours they returned, and after cutting up a capercailzie and grilling it over the fire, they got the boat into the water and started.

  41. She had borne her grilling exceedingly well, and, in spite of her flippancy, there was a ring of sincerity about the testimony that gave it weight.

  42. Night was day, white arc lights grilling into a vast black shed.

  43. To Lilly's heated consciousness the grilling quality in that gaze was so unmistakable that it plunged into her like an arrow.

  44. It would have been any amount easier to have accepted things at their worst, months ago, than to keep on in this grilling indecision, fearing everything and yet hanging on to every vestige of hope for something better.

  45. Even lovers require rest, and bucketing about on a half-broken horse for the best part of the day under a grilling sun was calculated to knock up even so tough a subject as Jack.

  46. Blue sea, blue sky, and the burning eye of the sun grilling them constantly during the day.

  47. Behind the iron grilling of the desk sat Mr. Pulsifer, his startled countenance dimly illumined by the single light.

  48. Renton and I returned in triumph through the grilling heats of July, and reached New York to find the papers announcing this war for a certainty: whereupon, without unpacking, I pelted for home.

  49. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "grilling" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.