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Example sentences for "fecal"

Lexicographically close words:
feaze; feble; febrifuge; febrile; febris; fecche; fece; fecerat; fecere; fecerit
  1. Typhoid fever - bacterial disease spread through contact with food or water contaminated by fecal matter or sewage; victims exhibit sustained high fevers; left untreated, mortality rates can reach 20%.

  2. A week later he was observed in hospital, immobile and non-reactive, with a swollen abdomen and fecal impaction.

  3. The nature of the fecal matter is in part dependent upon the character of the food.

  4. Derived primarily from dirt and fecal matter, it is no wonder that such forms are able to produce very undesirable fermentative changes.

  5. The more nitrogenous rations with which animals are now fed leads to the production of softer fecal discharges which is more likely to soil the coat of the animal unless care is taken.

  6. The result is that fecal matter contains enormous numbers of organisms so that the possibility of pollution of any food medium such as milk with such material is sure to introduce elements that seriously affect the quality of the product.

  7. Unless care is taken the flanks and udder become polluted with fecal matter, which upon drying is displaced with every movement of the animal.

  8. Wherever dried fecal matter is present, as in barns, the air contains many forms.

  9. Sidenote: A natural remedy] The patient should take high enemas (knee or chest position) of lukewarm water, thus removing as much of the congested fecal matter as possible.

  10. The bran and the seeds pass into the various folds, wrinkles and turns of the intestines, and sweep out the congested fecal matter which is undergoing decomposition and causing inflammation.

  11. There are great objections to the use of oil-cloth, rubber or other impervious materials as they prevent the escape of perspiration, urine, fecal matter, etc.

  12. Their attacks are sometimes marked by fecal pellets and large pitch masses.

  13. The intestinal contents become dangerous by being too long retained, as putrefying fecal matter contains poisons which are harmful to the body.

  14. Note also starfish, upper left, and quantity of fecal pellets and holes in the bottom.

  15. The result is that fecal matter of all kinds contains enormous numbers of organisms so that the pollution of any food medium, such as milk, with such material is sure to introduce elements that seriously affect its quality.

  16. Unless care is taken, the flanks and udder become polluted with fecal matter, which upon drying is displaced with every movement of the animal.

  17. The more nitrogenous the ration fed, the softer are the fecal discharges, producing a condition which is more likely to soil the coat of the animal unless care is taken.

  18. The continued increase in acid is due to the growth of long rods of the Bacillus Bulgaricus type, which apparently enter the milk with the fecal matter.

  19. The fecal matter, if frequently expelled, at first consists of a thick feces, but as the disease progresses the fecal matter becomes very thin and watery and tinged with blood and very offensive.

  20. Lack of, or too much, exercise seldom produces death, although the animal may not pass any fecal matter for a week.

  21. It must be borne in mind that the attendant or helper cannot be too careful in the matter of his own actions and dress as the infection is easily carried through clothes, fecal matter, etc.

  22. All fecal matter should be deeply buried or burned, the stalls, barnyards, also thoroughly disinfected.

  23. In the natural state the little human, like the other animals, empties his bowel whenever the fecal mass enters the lower portion of the rectum.

  24. In my experience, the patient reports that he feels the fecal mass in the lower part of the rectum, but that he is unable to expel it.

  25. After his death, it was found that certain folds of the lower bowel were so large as to meet across the lumen of the bowel, making shelves and pouches in which fecal material gathered, preventing the movement of all material above.

  26. Besides the physical conditions in the bladder, an accumulation of fecal material in the rectum may cause irritation of the seminal vesicles.

  27. It is characterized by complete constipation, with griping pains in the abdomen, which is greatly distended, and in the later stages by vomiting of fecal matter.

  28. A body found in fecal matter and thought to be formed in the intestines from the cholesterin of the bile; -- called also stercorin, and stercolin.

  29. Retaining fecal matter in the bowels; having too slow a motion of the bowels; constipated.

  30. An unnatural retention of the fecal matter of the bowels; constipation.

  31. It is the bile that usually makes the fecal matter so dark in color.

  32. These old fecal deposits do not come out the first time one has enemas or necessarily the fifth time.

  33. Sometimes, extremely constipated people have almost constant runny bowels because the colon has become so thickly and impenetrably lined with old fecal matter that it no longer removes much moisture.

  34. Most hygienists believe that when the colon becomes lined with hardened fecal matter it is permanently and by the very definition of the word itself, constipated.

  35. The most surprising thing to novice fasters is that repeated enemas or colonics during fasting begins to release many pounds of undeniably real, old, caked fecal matter and/or huge mucus strings.

  36. The muscles in the colon only contract when they are stretched, so it is the volume of the fecal matter stretching the large intestine that triggers the muscles to push the waste material along toward the rectum and anus.

  37. The frequency or quantity of fecal elimination is not an indication of the lack of constipation in the bowel.

  38. Colon cleansing reduces the formation of new toxemia from putrefying fecal matter (but dietary reform is necessary to maximize this benefit).

  39. The mucus membranes lining the colon constantly secrete lubricants to ease fecal matter through smoothly.

  40. Usually these leaks do not contain fecal matter.

  41. That's why once arrived at the "end of the tracks" fecal matter should be evacuated in a timely manner before it gets to dry and too hard to be moved easily.

  42. When increasingly larger enemas are administered until the colon is nearly emptied of fecal matter and the injection of close to a gallon of water is achieved, beneficial exercise and an increase in overall muscle tone are the results.

  43. Now and then there was grass-green vomitus which, the last time, contained a few brownish granules and had a fecal odor.

  44. The action from the bowels had been saved for me; there was an ordinary chamber half full; it looked to me like at least a half gallon of fecal matter, pus and blood; it was dreadfully offensive.

  45. Nothing indicated the danger in which he found himself and which had existed since the appearance of the fecal calculus.

  46. This is the most reasonable cause, for the fecal matter in health is toxic and it only requires one step further to sufficiently intensify the putrefactive change to create irritation of the mucous membrane.

  47. Think of the pain that the subject of diarrhea has, then imagine what that pain must be if there should be obstruction so that the fecal matter could not pass.

  48. These cases may lead in time to ulceration, then to fecal abscesses and they are often diagnosed chronic appendicitis.

  49. The albuminuria was the well known infectio-toxic 'febrile' form; indicanuria was in proportion to tile fecal stasis.

  50. Fecal abscess, arising from ulceration of the colon, may be mistaken for appendicitis.

  51. The reason there had not been more vomiting in this case was because there was diarrhea at first and not quite so much locked up fecal matter as common.

  52. As a class these people carry very large quantities of fecal matter in their lower bowels.

  53. The pathological conditions referred to are ulcerated or gangrened appendix, perforations, fecal concretions in the appendix, etc.

  54. The cells in the walls of the larger intestine secrete fluids of a lubricating character, containing no enzymes of digestion but aiding in moving the fecal matter toward the rectum.

  55. This residue is known as feces or fecal matter.

  56. In cases where there is a fistula connecting the bladder and rectum, the urine has a fecal odor.

  57. These oils have absolutely no fuel value and are not digested in the intestinal canal but mix with the fecal mass, softening it and stimulating its passage through the large intestine.

  58. There was no mouse hair present, no accumulation of fecal material, and no storehouse containing food.

  59. A flow, as in diarrhea, an abnormally frequent discharge of more or less fluid fecal matter from the bowels.

  60. The retention of fecal masses, which is at first intentional in order to utilize them, as it were, for masturbatic excitation of the anal zone, is at least one of the roots of constipation so frequent in neuropaths.

  61. Fecal matter must be prevented from draining into wells and other water supplies, and must be screened from flies.

  62. Fecal masses should be broken up so that the disinfectant may reach every part; they may be stirred with tightly twisted toilet paper, which should be left in the bedpan and disinfected with the stools.

  63. The characteristic odor of fecal matter results from the action of bacteria upon it while in the large intestine.

  64. The temperature in the rectum generally varies less than the temperature in the mouth unless it is taken when the rectum contains fecal matter.

  65. Any substance containing urine or fecal matter; also, the substance which passes through sewers.

  66. Several times I saw adult Seaside Sparrows fly from their nests toward the feeding territories with fecal sacs in their bills.

  67. I saw also female Sharp-tailed Sparrows leave their nests with fecal sacs.

  68. I did not see sparrows of either species swallow fecal sacs.

  69. Nest Sanitation Both parents regularly removed fecal sacs from the nest, eating them for the first five days and thereafter carrying them off and presumably dropping them.

  70. It is doubtful that fecal sacs were actively removed in the last two days of nestling life as the bottoms of nests from which young flew away were invariably covered with excrement.

  71. In the first place, fecal matter containing the typhoid germ may adhere to the fly and be mechanically transported.

  72. Flies swarmed over infected fecal matter in the pits and then visited and fed upon the food prepared for the soldiers at the mess tents.

  73. These articles had been soiled by the urine, fecal matter and black vomit obtained from fatal and other cases of yellow fever.

  74. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "fecal" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    bad; disgusting; fecal; fetid; filthy; foul; frowzy; fulsome; funky; fusty; gamy; high; maggoty; malodorous; miasmic; mildewed; moldy; mucky; musty; nasty; nauseating; noisome; noxious; odious; odorous; offensive; putrid; rancid; rank; reeking; repulsive; rotten; scabby; scurfy; slimy; sloppy; sludgy; slushy; smelly; stinking; strong; stuffy; sulfurous; vile; wormy