Walsh, on the same subject; he is describing his first arrival at Rio Janeiro: "The whole labor of bearing and moving burdens is performed by these people, and the state in which they appear is revolting to humanity.
He says; "Notwithstanding the benevolent and persevering exertions of England, this horrid traffic in human flesh is nearly as extensively carried on as ever, and under circumstances perhaps of a more revolting character.
We shall not dwell on therevolting horrors that succeeded.
The father and the lover found instant relief in the search; though each was condemned again to experience the misery of an uncertainty that was hardly less insupportable than the most revolting truth.
Magua alone sat apart, without participating in the revolting meal, and apparently buried in the deepest thought.
However revolting a proposal of such a character might prove to Cora, she retained, notwithstanding her powerful disgust, sufficient self-command to reply, without betraying the weakness.
Jotivava was a friend of Simon's, and he proceeded with what heart he might to his sad and revolting duty.
From what part of the epistle could the expositor have evolved a thought so soothing to tyrants--so revolting to every man who loves his own nature?
About the beginning of 1904 the depredations of the Moros in the upper valley of the Cottabato River were revolting beyond all toleration.
It was one of the most revolting scenes and remarkable events in Philippine history.
In addition to these cares, Mrs. Judson took upon herself the task of acquiring a new language, in order to instruct the Peguans, a people who had put themselves under the protection of the British, after revolting against the Burmans.
Everything that surrounded me was so revolting and dismal that it will haunt my dreams with terror for weeks to come and spoil all my cheerful hours.
The prophet would hardly blame human sacrifices only thus incidentally, more in ridicule than in high moral indignation; he would bring it to prominence the horrible and revolting character of the action much more than its absurdity.
Although slavery in its most revolting form was everywhere visible around them, no visionary notions of piety or philanthropy ever tempted them to gainsay the LAW, even to mitigate the cruel severity of the existing system.
Witness the great decays at this day among us, and that strange revolting from truth once professed by us.
With such an entrance ceremony, it may well be surmised that the marriage relation permits of the most revolting tyranny.
The idea of living with a drunkard is so abhorrent, so revolting to all the finer feelings of our nature, that a woman must fall very low before she can endure such companionship.
When you talk, gentlemen, of sheltering woman from the rough winds and revolting scenes of real life, you must be either talking for effect, or wholly ignorant of what the facts of life are.
This vice, horribly revoltingas it is, seems to go hand in hand with intemperance.
Yet this idea, revolting as it is, is carried out in all its unmitigated rigor, by the statute to which I have just referred.
What is there unfeminine or revolting in her preaching the truth which Jenny Lind may sing without objection and amid universal applause?
At Bruges, the burgomaster, an old man of eighty, who since the beginning of the occupation has given an example of noble patriotism, has been deposed for having refused to help the German military administration in its revolting task.
At first he had a violent shivering fit and a feeling of sickness; something revolting as it seemed, penetrating through his whole body, even to his finger-tips, strained from his stomach to his head and flooded his eyes and ears.
In Europe men of distinguishing ability have seemed to revel in this form of inquiry and to have prosecuted it without the slightest reference to the cruel and revolting features associated with it.
Turlough's reign was red with the blood of many battles, and not altogether free from deeds of revolting cruelty, yet he seems to have been a prince of lofty aims and generous aspirations.
At this cruel and revolting sight, Adamnan's mother insisted that her son should promise her to make a law for the people that women should in future be exempted from all battles and hostings.
Scotus meant spiritualiter et realiter in the same sense precisely as St. Augustin used similar words to the exclusion of the carnal revolting meaning of the Capharnaites.
How revolting must such a prospect have been to all English feeling!
It was in connexion with this that the second man in France, the Constable of Bourbon, slighted in his station, and endangered in his possessions, resolved to help himself by revolting from Francis I.
The revolting bitters, made from nobody knows what, intoxicated everyone who drank it as though it had stunned them.
Let the grave in which it lies no longer be associated in our thoughts with the worm and corruption only, and with all the sad memorials and revolting symbols of mortality.
The facts subsequently came to light in their revolting features.
They witnessed with composure the most revolting cruelties, because the victims of them were the opponents of the English church.
Perhaps the most revolting extant representation of Our Lord is one in the Cathedral of Burgos, in Spain.
It has been reserved for a gifted modern poet, as pagan and skeptical in sentiment as Lucretius, to parallel, or even surpass, this revolting impiety.
It was the filthiest, the most horrible and revolting production I had ever read.
They are revolting and mischievous errors, and when they are regarded as parts of Christianity, they tend to make men infidels.
The Secularists' Bible I found to be a huge and revolting mass of filth and loathsomeness; the most shameless attack on virtue and happiness that ever came under my view.
And I resolved, that if ever I published an edition of his works, I would add a refutation of his revolting extravagances.
As a rule, Atheists succeed, in course of time, in vanquishing and destroying their moral as well as their religious instincts, and then they embrace the most revolting doctrines, and reconcile themselves to the most appalling deeds.
But if you add to His words foolish fancies, or revolting absurdities, or immoral speculations of your own, you destroy that evidence.
The vainest of all vain things, the most unseemly and revolting of all forms of pride, is the pride of disbelief in God and immortality.