The most common source of infection is from the faeces and urine of infected persons, hence the channels of infection are contaminated water, milk, and food-stuffs.
He opened the bleeder valves, then both air-lock ports; the contaminated air was replaced by the ultra-hard vacuum of the inter-planetary void.
The owner is well aware that the value of his wine will depend upon the flavour, therefore he hurries his mules forward, in order to deliver it as quickly as possible to the merchant, before it shall be contaminated by the skins.
We thus secured a supply in its original purity, before it should be contaminated by any washing of clothes in passing through the village in an open channel, which from its convenience offered an irresistible invitation.
Every one of the suspected organisms is found abundantly in manure and objects contaminated with manure.
The infective material gains entrance into the colt through the open umbilical cord as a result of its coming into contact with litter, floors, or discharges from its dam contaminated by one of the organisms which cause the trouble.
These are especially by ingestion; that is, by taking up the germs with the feed, water, or other means, which have become contaminated with the germs.
Again, it must not be lost sight of that stagnant surface water is much more certainly contaminated than is running water by one diseased animal of the herd, thus endangering the remainder.
She says she will not tolerate that you should come to kiss her hand with lips that are still contaminated from.
I told her that I would not continue to receive one who came to me contaminated in that fashion.
Patients are sometimes given to a similar habit, and it often happens that the bed clothes are so disposed that the patient must necessarily breathe air more or less contaminated by exhalations from his skin.
It may however, immediately becomecontaminated by the bacteria which are normally present in the smaller milk ducts of the udder.
Pollution of udder of animal by wading in infected water, or by washing same with contaminated water.
Often wells may be contaminated with diseased matter of intestinal origin, as in typhoid fever, and the use of water at normal temperatures, or even in a lukewarm condition, give conditions permitting of infection.
If this waste product is returned to the different patrons in the same cans that are used for the fresh milk, the probabilities are strongly in favor of some of the cans being contaminated and thus infecting the milk supply of the patrons.
With contaminated minds, depraved hearts, men given up to such warfare upon helpless humanity, become fit instruments for every species of criminality.
Some have professed amazement that this honest and practical mind should have stuck fast in a doctrine so tortuous, so equivocal, contaminated by fancies so grossly absurd.
As a consequence of this attack on the Eternal City, one after another caught the disease of plunder, whichcontaminated even the functionaries and the subjects of Rome.
It is nearly white and at the utmost contaminated by traces of sulphuric acid and chlorine, which in this case are not injurious.
One method consists in repeatedly extracting the bruised beans with spirit of wine, distilling the latter off from the extract, and mixing the residue with cold water, whereby cumarin contaminated with fat is precipitated.
These crystals consist of vanillin contaminatedwith some vanillic acid.
Myrrh is frequently contaminated with bark, which forms either a film of cork as thick as paper or a crust of a fibrous and, at the same time, brittle nature.
While the saliva itself is innocuous, it can be, and often is, contaminated by the discharge from mucous patches or other syphilitic lesions in the mouth and throat, and is then a dangerous medium of infection.
Operation wounds made with instruments contaminated with tuberculous material have also been known to become infected.
Infection may occur on the face by the use of a shaving-brush contaminated by spores.
Or it may ensue on a severe railway, machinery, or street accident, when lacerated and bruised tissues are contaminated with gross dirt.
Experience in the European War has established the fact that the routine injection of anti-tetanic serum to all patients with lacerated and contaminated wounds greatly reduces the frequency of tetanus.
Devitalised and contaminated tissue is removed with the knife or scissors and the wound purified with antiseptics of the chlorine group or with hydrogen peroxide.
Physiological secretions, such as saliva, milk, or tears, are not capable of communicating the disease unless contaminated by discharge from a syphilitic sore.
Every effort must be made to purify all such wounds as are contaminated by earth, street dust, stable refuse, or other forms of gross dirt.
Crushed and contaminated portions of bone should be chiselled away.
The presence of a metallic foreign body having been determined and its position localised by means of the X-rays, all devitalised and contaminated tissue is excised, the foreign material, e.
A very clear case of scarlatinal epidemic due to contaminated milk occurred at Blackheath, both among children and adults, in April, 1894.
Without taking seriously so random a hypothesis as that, we find much agreement as to the fact that the cows, to which the contaminated milk has been traced, were affected, one or more of them, with sore paps.
It was during the next cholera, that of 1854, that the question of contaminated water came into great prominence, in connexion both with wells and with the vast volumes of water supplied through the mains of water companies.
He shook the mutton clear of his stick as though it had been contaminated by contact with his companion's flesh, and then drew his long, sharp knife, and began to cut off another portion from the carcass by his side.
No; for the reason that the milk may be so old, so dirty, and so contaminated before sterilizing that it may be still unfit for food, though it contains no living germs.
Oysters may be contaminated with excrement from typhoid patients, and may then transmit the disease to those who eat them.
It spreads in the crowded and unsanitary parts of seacoast cities, to which it is brought on vessels by contaminated mosquitoes or yellow-fever patients from the tropics.
Court plaster or plaster of any kind is a bad covering or dressing for wounds, as it may be itself contaminated with germs.
Milk from diseased animals, or contaminated with germs of typhoid fever, scarlet fever, tuberculosis, diphtheria, etc.
Milk is a source of contagion through contaminated water used to wash cans, or to adulterate it, or through handling of it by patients or those who have come in contact with patients.
If such infected food is eaten raw, the diseases with which it is contaminated may be transmitted.
The condition of Wilkinsburg is typical, its water supply being contaminated by the sewage of more than twenty towns.
During the flood the water and dwellings in these districts became badly contaminated by human waste, since the flooding of toilets and sewers prevented their use.
All the drinking water used in the Pittsburgh District, except that from artesian wells or similar primarily pure sources, has been contaminated by the sewage of towns and villages higher up the rivers.
Through such contaminated water typhoid fever and other zymotic intestinal diseases are widely disseminated.
Commercial morphia and its preparations are oftencontaminated with codeine, narcotine, and colouring matter.
They are also contaminatedwith tarry matters, some insoluble in water and dilute acids; others soluble in bisulphide of carbon, naphtha, or in caustic or carbonated alkalies.
The gas obtained by methods 2 and 3 is contaminated with the vapour of a liquid phosphide of hydrogen, PH{2}, which gives to it the property of spontaneous inflammability.
Unless far from any house they are contaminated by drainage, and sometimes, from proximity to cesspools, contain more animal matter than ordinary town sewage.
The salt of commerce is frequently contaminated with large quantities of sulphate or chlorate of potassium.
For particular experiments the first portion of gas should be allowed to escape, or be received apart, as with this, as with the other gases, it is contaminated with the atmospheric air of the apparatus.
Employ only sufficient water to prevent the matter operated on from burning, and the product from beingcontaminated with empyreuma.
Dilute acetic acid, more or less contaminated with gum, sugar and vegetable matter.
I beg you to inform your bishops of this, in order that my contaminated flock may not infect theirs also.
Remembering that each person spoils one foot of air every second, it is clear that one thousand cubic feet of air will be contaminated for every second that the room is occupied.
It is a matter of daily occurrence to find a number of persons dining in a room where there is no opening for the contaminated air to leak out, or for the fresh air to come in.
Counting an average of twenty breaths a minute for children and adults, the amount of air contaminated per minute would be three times twenty or sixty cubic feet, or one cubic foot a second.
Let him only know by one sign from her that she did wish it, and he would take himself off at once to the farther side of the globe, and live in a world contaminated by no noble lords and titled ladies.
He was ever thinking of some better world to which he might take her, which had not been contaminated by empty names and an impudent assumption of hereditary, and therefore false, dignity.
It may likewise be obtained in great abundance from saccharine matter in fermentation, but is then contaminated by a small portion of alkohol which it holds in solution.
The acid obtained by the above process is much contaminated with oil, which ought to be separated from it.
The lime used neutralises acids in the contaminated and impure water, precipitates colouring matters, mordants, soap, albuminous matters, etc.
Sometimes, as in the neighbourhood of copper mines or of some copper pyrites deposits, a water may be contaminated with small quantities of copper.
He would be contaminated by the corruption of politics.