That is odious enough and mischievous enough, and it is rightly execrated, because it is tainted with an hypocrisy not the less culpable because charitable persons may believe it to be unconscious.
To him, man was a being with myriad lives and myriad sensations, a complex multiform creature that bore within itself strange legacies of thought and passion, and whose very flesh was tainted with the monstrous maladies of the dead.
The bare room no longer seemed conventual now that its unaccustomed air was stirred by the movement of her fan and tainted by the faint scent of her violet powder.
The darkness of Northern cities is tainted and cold and cannot bring forth such kindly things as the rosine--little roses--that spring up in the warm, sweet Roman dust.
I had found Marie Prévol pure and innocent in the tainted atmosphere of a Parisian theatre, a creature incapable of guile.
It will be wise to shuffle off mytainted name as soon as you decently can.
He comes, by his Portuguese mother's side, of a house deeply tainted with insanity; and such an injury may have serious consequences.
So the milk may be so nearly tainted or so nearly sour that it will not stand the process of heating up and cooking.
Yet this is just as consistent as working sour or tainted milk into cheese, and the product is just as wholesome.
Frequently, we have encountered rennet preparations that were not only very sour, but also tainted and having a strong smell of carrion.
The sour milk is likely to lead to a sour, leaky batch, and the tainted milk to huffy if not floating curd, and porous, quickly off-flavor and decaying cheese.
The factoryman who pays the price of good milk for sour or tainted milk is certainly very short-sighted, and cannot long maintain the respect of the man who sells it to him, nor sustain himself pecuniarily.
There is not only the evil of diseased and tainted rennets, to begin with, but the preparation from good rennets is often spoiled in the preparing.
Sour or tainted milk, to any perceptible degree, ought not to be received at the factory.
She seemed to have nothing left save memories, and these were all tainted with cruel bitterness.
If those were the qualities that were characteristic of Mrs. Belmont, then, for her part, she hoped never to become tainted by their possession.
It is possible that the Buddhism of the Yüan dynasty was tainted with Śâktism from which the Lama monasteries of Peking (in contrast to all other Buddhist sects in China) are not wholly free.
He is said to have taught that the martyrs suffered for their sins, that is to say that souls came into the world tainted with the guilt of evil deeds done in another existence.
Although this elevated conception of the One God[253] is deeply impressed upon the Indian's mind, it is tainted with some of the alloy which ever must characterize the uninspired faith.
Can he prize the tainted posies Which on every breast are worn, That may pluck the virgin roses From their never-touched thorn?
How easy it is for a man who is at all taintedwith the itch of gaming to leave off play in such a situation, especially when he is likewise heated with liquor, I leave to the gamester to determine.
I would say that he was tainted with foreign ideas on the subject.
That girl, last night, good though she is, fled from the room as though I were a tainted thing.
If a piece of tainted meat, or a fishy duck be buried in a rich garden soil, what takes place?
My stained blood to Tarquin I'll bequeath, Which by him tainted shall for him be spent, And as his due writ in my testament.
The public indignation found expression in several petitions, addressed to the Lieutenant-Governor by electors in York and elsewhere, in which his Excellency was asked to "dismiss a House tainted with the worst vices of judicial partiality.
The persons responsible for them must stand tainted at the bar of history for all time to come.
It was while the Barala were wailing over their suffocated women and piccaninns, and the acrid fumes of burning yet hung heavy in the powder-tainted air, and the R.
And then came the orderly crowding to the door, and they were outside under the great violet sky, throbbing with splendid stars, breathing the tainted air that came from the laagers and the trenches.
Fever and rheumatism, pneumonia and diphtheria stalked among the dwellers in these tainted burrows, claiming their human toll.
A wild dog crept down from a cone-topped spitzkop, and stood, sniffing the blood-tainted air eagerly, whining a little in its throat.
Something startled him; a whiff of tainted air stung his sensitive nostrils.
Probably our camp hadtainted the air for miles in every direction.
Broken in health, tainted in body and soul, they crawl home to break their mothers' hearts--and to die.
If they are tainted by any self-regard, then they are not charitable deeds at all.
Slavery must needs corrupt both the owner and the chattel; and, as a matter of fact, we have classical allusions enough to show that the slaves of Paul's period were deeply tainted with the characteristic vices of their condition.
Will my life be for ever tainted with this idle uselessness which weighs upon me?
Moreover I suspect that your witty account is tainted with a species of modesty, and I shall wait, like the general public, for the accounts in the newspapers in order to form an opinion of your success.
But the gravamen of that reproach does not press exclusively upon Oxford; all the ancient institutions of Europe are tainted in the same way, more especially the monastic orders of the Romish church.
This first interchange of thought upon a topic of literature did not tend to slacken my previous disposition to retreat into solitude; a solitude, however, which at no time was tainted with either the moroseness or the pride of a cynic.
The stream is pure In solitude, and many a healthful herb Bends o'er its course and drinks the vital wave: But passing on amid the haunts of man, It finds pollution there, and rolls from thence A tainted tide.
For ever must your Nigers tainted flood Roll to the ravenous shark his banquet slain?
Scatters contagion on the tainted gale, When to the Moon's faint beam, On many a carcase shine the dews of night And a dead silence stills the vale Save when at times is heard the glutted Raven's scream.
There might betainted food--a loose baluster--a tag of carpet.
Here was no Romanized Neustrian, tainted and weakened by the vices of a corrupt civilization, but a German warrior,--an Austrasian of pure blood.
And what destruction of good could there be, when their own scribes who went before told how the realm was tainted throughout with utter foulness?