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Example sentences for "unhygienic"

Lexicographically close words:
unhurried; unhurriedly; unhurrying; unhurt; unhusked; uni; uniaxial; unica; unicameral; unice
  1. Insufficient protection from climatic influences, neglect of person, and unhygienic surroundings must be classed in the same category.

  2. Sows are often subject to the most unhygienic conditions.

  3. Unhygienic conditions, as unsanitary and poorly ventilated stables and filthy drinking places, play a very important part in the production of the simple or acute form of meningitis.

  4. She did not forget that there had been a time when Ruth, having practically to choose between them, had chosen to go Kirk's way and had abandoned herself to a life which could only be considered unhygienic and retrograde.

  5. Aunt Lora, she said, would never hear of William Bannister wandering at large in such an unhygienic fashion.

  6. In the wet district horses in both good and bad stables take the disease, but in the dry districts no unfavorable or unhygienic surroundings produce the affection.

  7. Janet loved me for it, just as she detested poor Esther because Esther had said so much shade was unhygienic and had objected to sleeping on a feather bed.

  8. Now, I glory in feather-beds, and the more unhygienic and feathery they are the more I glory.

  9. Every imaginable practice which comes under the definition of unhygienic or unsanitary is common.

  10. The fecal poisoning of his parents is stamped upon him, and the unhygienic condition of his bowels makes matters worse.

  11. Surely it is unhygienic and irrational to ignore the valuable service of the enema in cases in which the bowels are in an unnatural condition.

  12. Hypotension when found persistently in individuals or families or classes living under certain unhygienic conditions should put us on our guard against at least a predisposition to tuberculosis.

  13. Women, in their unhygienic costume, still carry those immense loads of wood on their heads, though payment is considerably higher than the three half-pence a day which it used to be.

  14. They have huddled mankind together into undignified and unhygienic proximity; we seem to be breathing each other's air.

  15. It would seem as though there must be some special unhygienic factor at work to produce headaches at a time when all other pathological conditions are being reduced in number and severity.

  16. They are the result of the unhygienic life that the patient is living and of the depressed state of his mind and lack of diversion.

  17. Before the profit-time arrived, because of unhygienic surroundings and improper food, all but one died.

  18. Impossible to return to our northern camp at that time, and having used all of his civilized food en route, he was now compelled to accept the hospitality of the natives, in their unhygienic dungeons.

  19. Exciting cause may be: Exposure to cold and wet, improper food, unhygienic surroundings, worry, blows and acute infections.

  20. Improper food, or inability to absorb the food, unhygienic conditions.

  21. The poor in unhygienic districts are most often attacked.

  22. Unhygienic living with poor food, and excessive drinking of ale and beer may be followed by the "poor man's gout.

  23. The others are victims of typical unhygienic habits, such as fast, gluttonous eating, neglect of exercise, too much tobacco and liquor, and bad posturing in the office.

  24. The Italian disease, pellagra, manifests the features one would expect from an improper food taken under unhygienic conditions.

  25. Even were the stationary seat helpful to the child's body, it would still be a dangerous and unhygienic feature of the environment, through the difficulty of cleaning the room perfectly when the furniture cannot be moved.

  26. The condition is undoubtedly often due to heredity, but may be induced in otherwise healthy children by unhygienic surroundings and improper food.

  27. Americans are extravagant in the matter of heating to a degree that astonishes the average foreigner, and it is by no means sure that we do not go to unhygienic extremes in this direction.

  28. They are compelled, because of ignorance, to live an unsanitary and unhygienic existence.

  29. Heels and toes of unhygienic and of hygienic footwear.

  30. But even if this does not occur, the practice is objectionable for its unhygienic effects in general.

  31. Sidenote: The Evil of Romancing] Not only a healthy mental attitude toward life, but a healthy mental attitude toward one's own unhygienic habits is essential.

  32. But remember also that injuries can be inflicted on offspring by unhygienic living.

  33. And yet the rich have unhygienic temptations of their own, while the poor, on their part, are far from living up to their opportunities.

  34. In general, it is extremely unhygienic to eat foods which are not relished.

  35. It is undoubtedly true, that no one who has unhygienic habits can overcome them without a certain amount of "trouble.

  36. They are traveling fast to that kind of perdition which in the end unhygienic living always brings.

  37. There may be other unhygienic conditions equally responsible for these symptoms, and the correction of which may produce equally wonderful improvement.

  38. If we had a convenient barometer by which to measure daily the state of our vitality, we might register the effect of every unhygienic act.

  39. Sidenote: Missionaries] There are really only two material disadvantages from which the poor suffer in their opportunities to live a healthy life: One is unhygienic housing, both at home and at work; the other is unhygienic toil.

  40. In fact, a great many people practise unhygienic habits more through indifference than through ignorance.

  41. Most people have acquired, by imitation of their neighbors, a great number of unhygienic habits and have continued in these habits for so many years, that they can not get rid of them, except through a great effort of will.

  42. I went with no intention of preventing others from smoking or of lecturing my host or his chef or his guests for the unhygienic practices of our day.

  43. Disregard of health laws by teacher encourages unhygienic living by pupils.

  44. It is those trades that are dangerous because of remediable unsanitary and unhygienic conditions which demand the employer's attention.

  45. Most of us know what uphill work it is to live hygienically in an unhygienic environment.

  46. To decrease the amounts spent on criminality that can be traced to overcrowded, unwholesome, and unhygienic environment.

  47. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "unhygienic" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    bad; contaminated; foul; harmful; injurious; insalubrious; morbific; noisome; noxious; pathogenic; peccant; pestiferous; polluted; septic; tainted; unhealthful; unhealthy; unhygienic; unsanitary; unwholesome