The moralities have the widest diversity of subject, but most of them are tolerably clearly explained by their titles.
The taste for personification and abstraction has always lent itself easily enough to satire, and in the fifteenth century pieces under the designation of moralities became very common.
A form of English drama or play, usually short, merry, and farcical, which succeeded the Moralities or Moral Plays in the transition to the romantic or Elizabethan drama.
One of the established characters in the old moralities and puppet shows.
We may expect the minor moralitiesto suffer while the major moralities are being determined by hard knocks.
The very first of our Moralities seems to have been a play of the Lord's Prayer.
Yet it is the best of all the Moralities which have come down to us, and may have been translated into English about 1480.
But the old Moralities were neither the one nor the other, neither tragedy nor comedy.
Most of these are myths hardly worth separating from the post-rational moralities they adorn, and have been sufficiently noticed in the last chapter; but a few aspire to be critical revisions of science, themselves scientific.
Pessimism, and all the moralities founded on despair, are not pre-rational but post-rational.
Thus the two prerational moralities out of which European civilisation has grown, could they be happily superposed, would make a rational polity.
Through the breaths of the Holy Spirit man is uplifted into the world of moralities and illumined by the lights of divine bestowals.
Guizot, then minister, recommended to the attention of his historical correspondents the still surviving traditions of the moralities and mysteries of the middle ages.
These gay scenes quite naturally turn to farce, and these moralities degenerate into satires.
Now it is these moralities primarily, which compose the obligations of justice.
Thus, although the more abstract moralities persisted until late in the sixteenth century, these other types at the same time helped lead the way to the drama which depicts actual life.
Moralities of this type aimed at the cultivation of virtue in the spectators, just as the miracle plays had aimed at the strengthening of their faith.
The War has left us a defective or perverted social sense, with a group of instincts and moralities that are disintegrating Western society, and will, unless checked, destroy it.
It is as silly to gloss over manifest perils as it is to preach moralities about them.
We are to drop preaching moralities and look at the facts.
The devotions and the Scriptural Lessons are intended to bring before us the moralities of the Gospel and the practical duties of the Christian life.
After all, though we may sometimes be inclined to doubt it, audiences both at miracle plays and moralities were human.
The clerks of the Bazoche and the Confraternity of the Passion still produced and acted mysteries, moralities and farces.
Some of these moralities possess distinct dramatic merit; among these is mentioned Les Blasphemateurs, an early and remarkable presentation of the Don Juan story.
Nothing can be farther from the allegorical erudition, the political diatribes and the sermonizing moralities of the authors of Renart le Contre-fait than the sly naivete of the writers of the earlier branches.
Moralities and soties dragged on under difficulties till the end of the century, and the farce, which is immortal, continually affected comedy.
He makes moralities out of Daffodils, and compliments from Carnations, and warnings from Rosebuds.
These fallen leaves--of which we make our loam for potting purposes--what endless moralities they have occasioned!
A career, it was probable, of speculative dissent from his contemporaries in many things, and of undaunted courage in the vindication of such dissent, but hardly of dissent from the established moralities of the marriage-institution.
As Mr. Howell's own notions about marriage and itsmoralities were of the lightest and easiest, his severe virtuousness here is peculiarly representative.
And, if such a rule, ratified between himself and Heaven, should chance to conflict with one of the moralities of the existing code of men, there was but one course for him.
The authors of Moralities strove to write plays not merely amusing, as farces, then also in great favour, but plays with a useful and practical aim.
In both cases we perceive that underneath the surface pretexts and moralities Fear is and was the great urging and commanding force.
All the moralities tell them that it is the duty of women, and all the current sentimentalities that it is their nature, to live for others; to make complete abnegation of themselves, and to have no life but in their affections.
We live machines; those supposedmoralities we commonly miscall our Volitions, spring out from beneath the moving wheels.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "moralities" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.