Baptista Giraldi, and Guazzo, 'all three having written upon the Ethick part of Morall Philosopie [sic] both exactly and perspicuously.
For it would require good aduisement and premeditation for any man to vndertake the declaration of these points that you have proposed, containing in effect the Ethicke part of Morall Philosophie.
No other kinde of conveyance is better for knowledge, or love: What treasures of Morall knowledge are in Senecaes Letters to onely one Lucilius?
Martiall found no way fitter to draw the Romane Matrons to read one of his Books, which he thinks most morall and cleanly, then to counsell them by the first Epigram to skip the Book, because it was obscene.
To this list we need only add the "Natvrall and Morall Historie of the East and West Indies," by Joseph Acosta; 1604.
It is designed to enumerate and illustrate the moral virtues which should characterize a noble or gentle person--to present "the image of a brave knight perfected in the twelve private morall vertues, as Aristotle hath devised.
The morall of which is, that if a man leave his owne busines and have an eie to his wives dooings, sheele give him the slip though she runne to the divell for her labour.
With the great Joy and Pompe, Solemnized at their Mariages: Commically interlaced with much honest Mirth, for pleasure and recreation, among many Morall observations, and other important matters of due Regard.
For Ferguson against Parker about Grace and Morall vertue, 32 shilings.
For Fergusone against Parker about Grace and morall vertue, 32 shilings.
The migh- tie volumes of Philosophers, bothe in morall preceptes, and in naturall causes, knewe not the delicate and dissolute life of these our daies.
The second is called a morall imitacio[n], the whiche doeth set forthe onely, the maners of any one.
All these iustices generally haue a maruellous morall vertue, and that is, they be all very patient in hearing any complaynt, although it be declared with choller and proude speech.
For to be one of this counsell, it is not sufficient that they be expert and learned in the lawes of the countrie, and in morall and naturall philosophie, and commenced in the same, but they must be also expert in astrologie and iudgements.
The morall philosophie of Doni, englished out of Italian by Sir Tho.
Essays, The; or, Morall Politike and Millitarie Discourses of Lo.
That y^e punishmente of these foule sines w^th death is grounded on y^e law of nature, & is agreeable to the morall law.
The tale is laughed at, and yet for al that he lerneth that thing that is the chiefest poynte in al morall philosophye: Those whyche be not gouerned by ryght reason, but are caried after the wyll of affeccions, not to be men, but beastes.
The second Tome of the Palace of Pleasure contayning store of goodlye Histories, Tragical matters, & other Morall argumentes, very requisite for delight and profyte.
These Eglogues came after to containe and enforme morall discipline, for the amendment of mans behauiour, as be those of Mantuan and other moderne Poets.
This Morall tyes me ouer to Time, and a hot Summer; and so I shall catch the Flye, your Cousin, in the latter end, and she must be blinde to Burg.
Thus may we gather Honey from the Weed, And make a Morall of the Diuell himselfe.
Baptista Giraldi, and Guazzo; all three having written upon the Ethick part ofMorall Philosophie both exactly and perspicuously.
Shee chang'd our world with hers; now she is gone, Mirth and prosperity is oppression; For of all morall vertues she was all, The Ethicks speake of vertues Cardinall.
The morall boke, called Cato,[195] counsayleth vs to watche for the more parte: For moche slomber and slepe is the norisshinge of vice.
For the morall booke sayeth: Anger troubleth the mynde, that it can not discerne the truth.
The lyttell morall boke[157] sayth: It is a foule thynge worthye rebuke and blame A vyce to reprehende and do the same.
That there was a power in the Old Testament to keep men from the Sacrament of the Passeover, for morall wickednesse, vide Aarons rod blossoming, lib.
By another old comedy by the same author as the preceding one, which he entitles:--"The pleasant and Stately Morall of the Three Lords and Three Ladies of London.
With the great Joye and Pompe, Solemnized at their Marriages: Commically interlaced with much honest Mirth, for pleasure and recreation, among many Morall observations, and other important matters of due regard.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "morall" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.